November 14th, 2008

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spank Me!!!!!


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I am sooo excited!!!!
And nervous! lol

All entries for the Spanking Contest are due in FOUR hours!

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spank Me!!!!

Welcome to our first Spanking Contest on InsaneJournal!

I hope you'll have a lot of fun here.

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Spankings will follow soon and please don't forget to leave some good spanks for the authors and artists.

Wishing everyone a Happy Spanking!♥

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spanking Contest entry #1

Title: The tigh smack from ep. 311 and its meaning
Author: [info]nerilka24
Media: poll

The tigh smack from ep. 311 and its meaning )

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spanking Contest entry #2

Title: Lessons
Author: [info]morgan_is_randy
Timeline: Takes Place After 210 when Brian walks off with the “ooh scary trick”. Why was everything suddenly back to normal between Brian and Justin in the next episode?
A/N: Huge thanks to [info]happier_bunny for encouragement and to [info]tweedygal for the huge fast beta job.Any other mistakes are due to the author’s overactive mind.

Lessons )

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spanking Contest entry #3

Title: Spanking
Artist: [info]maybe742
Media: icons and graphics

This way to the Spanking!

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spanking Contest entry #4

Title: Spank Me Baby
Artist: [info]morgan_is_randy
Media: vid
Rating: NC 17...totally NC 17!
A/N: Um...cold shower? ;)

Spank Me Baby!

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spanking Contest entry #5

Title: Hanky Panky
Artist: [info]qafmaniac
Media: vid
A/N: It's a crack vid. lol

Hanky Panky aka Justin wants a good Spanky!

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spanking Contest entry #6

Title: What Justin Wanted
Author: [info]xie_xie_xie
Notes: Season One, sometime after 110. Sadly not beta'd due to the fact that time is not, actually, in the least bit relative.

What Justin Wanted )

[info]qafmaniac in [info]qaf_scavenger

Spanking Contest entry #7/last entry

Title:Spanks Spanks Everywhere
Artist: [info]qafmaniac
Media: icons


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Spanks Spanks Everywhere )