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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 10th, 2010|08:18 am]
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Title: Uncle Vic's Famous Cake
Author: Catcayman
Prompt: Dec 5th: An Accident
Note: Set ~4 years post 513. For a drabylon dollar!

“In honor of Uncle Vic, we made one of his fabulous cakes for our party.”

His mother launched herself at Michael, followed by kisses to all. JR wiped off the red lipstick and hastily departed.

“Should we have the cake first?” Ben asked, smiling.

JR ran back into the kitchen, “Gross, Hunter and his girlfriend were kissing!”

Unfortunately, she tripped and slammed into Michael, who still held the cake. The momentum bowled him over, smashing the cake down the front of his shirt.

That was how they ended up, on the kitchen floor, eating cake off Michael’s shirt and laughing.
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Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 3rd, 2010|01:53 pm]
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Title: Constant Change by Justin Taylor
Author: Catcayman
Prompt: Dec 3rd: Picture of Tree in Different Seasons
Notes: More silliness. Eligible for a drabylon dollar, I believe

“You want me to drive you, again, to the middle of nowhere?”

“You’ve had three ‘thank-you’ blow jobs because of your sacrifices for my art.”

“It‘s freezing.”

“You’re whining.”

“Of course not.”

Several hours and impatient sighs later, Justin finished, “It’s gorgeous here.”

Brian raised his eyebrows. “About that blow job…”

“Up against the tree, like last time?”

“You’re insane, my ass would probably stick to the bark.”

“I think that’s only metal, but we could try it.”

“Smart ass. I‘m having deja-vu from the Dark Ages of Stockwell.”

“How about a nice warm back room?”

“Now you’re talking.”
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Gusmas 2010 [Dec. 2nd, 2010|09:28 am]
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Title: Sleepwalker
Author: Catcayman
Prompt: Dec 2: A goodnight story
A/N: Exceedingly loose interpretation of the prompt. ;D

“And they lived happily ever after,” Melanie closed the book.

Lindsay kissed Gus, “Time to sleep, honey. First grade is important, and you‘ve been so tired lately.”

Gus smiled beatifically, “Night.”

As soon as the door shut, he flipped the light back on and reached under his bed.

The household was awakened later to shouts of “Die, you motherfucker! Suck on this!”

Lindsay found Gus sleepwalking, “Rage” clutched in his hand.

The next morning, Melanie handed Gus the phone. “Your Dad and I have talked; he wants a word with you.”

She hid her grin as his eyes grew round.
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Gusmas 2010 [Nov. 30th, 2010|02:10 pm]
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Title: Gus's Game
Author: Catcayman
Prompt: Nov. 28th-Make a wish
A/N: Schmoopy schmoop.

“I played this game at school.“ Gus gathered the scraps of paper. “Guess who wrote each wish!” he exclaimed, his voice high with excitement over the holidays and seeing his family.

“Opera tickets,” he read to groans of “Too easy.”

“Good health,” was greeted with nods and a squeezing of hands between Michael and Ben.

“Rock Band 3” resulted in a gift being tossed to Hunter, who opened it and exclaimed, “Sweet!”

“The Spring Armani collection and more evenings like this one,” Gus read.

When Brian could disengage from Debbie’s hug, he slung his arm around Justin, who smiled.
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Gusmas 2010 [Nov. 29th, 2010|02:34 pm]
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Title: Not Penguins
Author: Catcayman
Prompt: Nov. 29th, A matter of trust
Word Count: 100
Notes: Written for Gusmas 2010

Cynthia handed him his suitcase as Ted pushed him out the door. “What if you packed a swimsuit, and we’re going to Antarctica to see penguins?”

Both replied, “You’ll just have to trust us. And Justin.”

Brian dragged his feet across the room.

“Go, or you’ll miss the plane!”

“The one I own? Doubtful, Theodore,” but he turned and Cynthia thought she saw a glimmer of a smile as the door shut.

Justin didn’t speak until they were airborne, “Ready for your surprise non-honeymoon?”

Brian replied, “I’d only do a surprise anything for you. And it better not be penguins.”
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Challenge #99: Cold and WIndy [Jan. 15th, 2009|07:51 pm]
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Title: Strength
Author: Catcayman
Condom to: Cynthia

The wind howled and the cold intensified as large snowflakes fell, making the road slick and treacherous.

"Cold, wet, fuck. Cold, wet, fuck. Keep going." Brian couldn't get himself to think in sentences; this mantra kept playing over again as he willed himself to go one more block, one more foot, one more pedal stroke. Head hanging down, he watched the wet pavement slide past.

Although he'd never admit it, even he had limits to what he could stand. Then, with one last push, he lifted his head and they came into view. His family. Justin. He could make it.
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Challenge #98: Bubbles [Jan. 11th, 2009|09:40 pm]
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Title: Talented
Author: Catcayman
A/N: *Waves* Just couldn't resist!
Condom Goes to: Cynthia

Justin sat next to Gus at the diner, the rest of the gang surrounding them.

Justin demonstrated, "Just flatten the gum out with your mouth, and then poke your tongue through, Gus."

Gus tried and failed in his first effort to blow a bubble. Justin continued demonstrating, as Brian, Ted, and Emmett looked on in fascination. Michael grimaced, disgusted. Debbie stopped by, encouraging Gus and laughing at the dazed expressions.

After Gus had left with his moms, Brian murmured to Justin, "Never had an erection from watching someone blow bubbles before."

Justin smiled, "I've got a whole pack at home."
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Challenge #83 [Sep. 16th, 2008|08:25 pm]
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[mood |awake]

Title: Never Enough
A/N: I can't resist Toppy!Justin, so I had to contribute...Obviously unbeta'd.
Condom: Brian

Unexpectedly, Justin opened his door to find Brian slouched against the doorframe.

Twenty-two hours, three carry-out orders, and eight condoms later, they lay facing each other, resting.

After several minutes, Justin feigned deep remorse, “Brian, I hate to tell you, but we may have to stop for a while and give my ass a rest. I’m out of practice.”

Brian laughed. Justin pushed Brian’s shoulder in mock irritation.

Brian let his momentum pull him onto his stomach. “Now, do you still want to stop?”

His words were cut off as Justin licked a trail up the back of his leg.
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Challenge #81: Condoms [Aug. 28th, 2008|09:31 am]
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[mood |cranky]

Title: The Back-Up Drawer
Author: Catcayman
Condom: Drew
Timeline: Post 513

Justin opened the door to Brian’s office and crossed the room in a few short strides as Brian started to rise from his chair. Justin’s momentum carried them back, across the desk. Justin kissed Brian quickly, then started to undo Brian’s belt.

As Justin was sucking him, Brian sighed, “Welcome back.”

After Brian climaxed loudly, Justin laughed, “Good to be back.”

After a few minutes, Justin opened the drawer on Brian’s desk that held condoms and lube. He hastily opened the “back-up” drawer.

Justin’s face showed his confusion, and then he smiled.

Brian retrieved the lube, and closed the drawers.
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Challenge #62: Seven Deadly Sins [Apr. 24th, 2008|08:32 am]
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[mood |cranky]

Title: Beezlebub
Author: Catcayman
Timeline: Season 2
Condom Goes to: Justin
A/N: My apologies if the info is incorrect--I got my info off Wikipedia, that bastion of truth.

Justin sat at the kitchen table, concentrating on a drawing.

“What the hell is that?” Brian asked, as he wrapped his arm around Justin’s shoulders, “Thinking about Satanism as an alternative religion?”

Justin answered, chuckling, “It’s Beezlebub. He got me fantasizing about you.”

Brian looked incredulously at the drawing of the demon, complete with outstretched wings and red eyes, “At least he has good muscle tone.”

Justin laughed, “He’s the demon that represents gluttony. I’m supposed to be writing a paper, but all I could think about was last night…”

Brian carefully moved Justin’s work before bending him over the table.
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Challenge #55: On the Road [Mar. 6th, 2008|09:38 am]
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Title: Not today
Author: Catcayman
Timeline: Post Season 5
Condom Goes to: Mysterious Marilyn

Brian stopped by Mel and Lindsay’s new house to pick up Gus and laughed when they tried to give him a typed instruction sheet.

Brian drove a few blocks before Gus announced he was starving. They stopped at the Diner for a quick breakfast, and, as they headed out the door, ran into Mysterious Marilyn.

“Honey,” she frowned at Brian. “You shouldn’t make any car trips today. I foresee milkshake all over your leather seats, and at least thirty bathroom stops. Maybe forty.”

Brian shuddered. An hour later, they were buckled in. Gus smiled, excited for his first plane ride.
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Challenge #50: Sue you (and your family...) [Feb. 6th, 2008|07:59 pm]
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Title: PDA at Kennywood Park
Author: Catcayman
Timeline: Gus is about six
Condom Goes to: Brian
A/N: My daugher does tend to be randomly affectionate with other kids, lol. Not my best drabble, I admit! Sorry to torture you all.

“Sonny boy, let’s hit the Jack Rabbit after the Racer. You’ll love that roller coaster—it launches you out of your seat.”

“Sure, Dad. You go ahead and ride with Justin this time.”

As they slid into cars, Gus was paired up with a little girl. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. After the attendant had strapped them in, the girl put her arm around Gus.

Justin raised his eyebrows.

“You knew he’d have to beat them off someday. Who are we to question a little PDA?” Brian asked before kissing Justin.

The little girl’s mom smiled to herself.
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Challenge #49: Mysterious Marilyn [Jan. 26th, 2008|08:11 pm]
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[mood |chipper]

Title: It Could've Been Worse
Author: Catcayman
Warning: Poor Ted
Condom Goes To: Ted

Since Ted’s call was interrupting an early-morning blowjob, Brian put him on speakerphone. “What do you mean you’re not coming in? Are you bleeding profusely or able to see bone?”

“Last night, Mysterious Marilyn told me, ‘You'll be in the middle of a terrible mess today.’ You’d prefer me not to be at work, correct?”

Brian and Justin heard a horrible retching noise.

“My cat just vomited all over my bed and tracked it across my new carpet.”

Justin’s laughter was drowned out by Brian’s reply, “I give two hours off for cat puke.”

Ted sighed, “It could’ve been worse.”
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Challenge #48: Angst [Jan. 17th, 2008|02:02 pm]
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Title: Gone
Author: Catcayman
Timeline: 513
A/N: I've missed you all, as I've been without internet access for weeks. *sobs*
Condom Goes to: Brian

The cars from the street below made a muted rushing noise, not that Brian usually noticed. Somehow it seemed to match the throbbing he felt in his head. His fingers moved slowly over the sheets next to him. He left his hand on one spot, feeling any lingering warmth dissipate. When his own sweat had dried, he tried to move.

Hours later, his fingers still absently running over the spot Justin had been, Brian eventually dragged himself up. Walking silently over to the windows of the loft, he looked out, rested his head against the glass, and closed his eyes.
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Challenge #40: Sentence Prompt [Nov. 27th, 2007|10:23 am]
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Title: Only in Pennsylvania
Author: Catcayman
Timeline: Post Season 5
A/N: Very loose interpretation of the prompt, so no condom awarded! I actually found these laws on http://www.bitoffun.com/stupid_laws_Pennsylvania.htm. Also, I'm from Pittsburgh originally, so I feel that I can poke fun at PA.

Brian and Justin were driving back from New York City along the interstate. Justin sat in the passenger seat, reading the paper.

“Must be no real news,” he grumbled. He read aloud from an article entitled, “Stupid Laws in Pennsylvania.”

“You may not catch a fish with any body part except the mouth.”

Brian snorted, “That IS stupid.”

Justin laughed, “You may not sing in the bathtub.”

“You better turn yourself in.” Brian noticed an exit sign, “Want to stop here?”

“NO! There is a ban on men being aroused in public in Allentown!”

Brian pushed harder on the accelerator.
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Challenge #39: Fire, Fireplace, Candles [Nov. 15th, 2007|08:28 pm]
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Title: The Tenth Annual Liberty Ride
Author: Catcayman
Timeline: Post Season 5
Condom to: Emmett

“Owww!” Justin exclaimed and shifted. Brian paused mid-stroke. Justin’s hands clasped around Brian’s ass, urging Brian to continue and forcing the tent to rock.

After they came loudly, Justin sighed. “Are you warm?”

When they emerged they found they’d rocked the tent forward, almost into the campfire. The gang sat around roasting hot dogs and marshmallows.

“Like being in the back room,” Ted laughed.

Brian replied, “Glad you all enjoyed the show.”

Michael snorted, “We thought you might catch the damn tent on fire.”

“We are amazingly combustible together,” Brian retorted and ducked as Emmett threw a marshmallow at him.
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Challenge #35: Fall and/or Fall Decorations [Oct. 21st, 2007|04:57 pm]
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[mood |blank]

Title: So it begins...
Author: Catcayman
Condom Goes to: Justin

Justin had started it. He had found a gruesome, realistic-looking tarantula while shopping for Halloween. When a half-asleep Brian found it in the sugar canister as he was getting his morning coffee, he screamed like a girl. He later denied it vehemently.

The following evening, after greeting Brian, an exhausted Justin plopped onto the couch to find a severed hand sticking out from the cushions. It took a moment to register, but he bolted up, making a high-pitched squeal.

“Truce or is this war?” Justin asked.

Brian smiled enigmatically, and Justin’s eyes narrowed.

“Temporary blow-job truce?”

Brian lowered Justin’s zipper.
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Challenge #34: Scary Movie [Oct. 16th, 2007|04:46 pm]
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[mood |listless]

Title: A Truly Terrifying Movie
Author: Catcayman
A/N: I'm delighted to be back, even if my muse isn't cooperating. Sorry about the sheer silliness of this one.
Condom: Brian

Justin walked into the dark bedroom, surprised. “Gus asleep?” he asked softly.

“Yeah,” Brian replied, the comforter around his chin.

“You okay?”

“No. Probably never will be. Gus made me watch this disgusting, horrifying movie.”

Justin’s eyes widened, for Brian usually laughed throughout scary movies. He sat down, putting his hand on Brian’s back. “What movie?”

“Garfield, a Tale of Two Kitties.” Brian pulled Justin down to tickle him, although Justin quickly began to win the battle.

“It really was terrifying,” Brian gasped.

“I’m sure. Guess I'll have to distract you,” Justin grinned, then began to kiss Brian’s inner thigh.
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Challenge #32: Eating Out [Sep. 27th, 2007|09:02 pm]
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[mood |blah]

Title: Brownies and Condoms
Author: Catcayman
Warning: Fluffy stuff ahead.
Condom Goes to: Brian

“Brian, let’s go out to eat. We’ve both been working non-stop. When did you last leave the house?”

Brian relaxed as Justin began to massage his shoulders. “Hmmm,” he mumbled, “Three days?”

“And we didn’t even fuck today,” Justin complained.

Brian’s head snapped up. “Okay, Justin, why don’t you change while I make arrangements?”

When Justin reemerged, his face fell in disappointment. Brian still sat behind his computer.

“Come on,” Brian pulled Justin outside. A picnic had been set up, complete with dinner, dessert, and condoms.

Justin reached for a brownie with one hand and a condom with the other.
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Challenge #31: The Definition of Happy [Sep. 23rd, 2007|08:03 am]
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[mood |tired]

Title: PSAT
Author: Catcayman
Timeline: Way post 513
Condom to: Justin

“This reminds me of helping you with your studying.” Brian smirked at Justin.

Justin murmured, “When I wasn’t having hands-on tutoring in Gay Sex 101.”

“Gross,” 15-year-old Gus answered, “Dad’s helping me study for my PSAT.”

“Gus, which of these words doesn’t belong: sunny, chirpy, gay, glad, lugubrious, blissful?”

Gus looked confused, “The answer’s lugubrious, but gay means two guys fucking.”

“And that’s blissful,” Brian answered seriously.

“Gay can mean either definition,” Justin replied, “Like fag can also means cigarette.”

“You probably did terribly on your SAT,” Gus looked pityingly at Justin. “Good thing you’re a talented artist.”

Brian snorted.
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Challenge #29: Blackout [Sep. 9th, 2007|07:40 am]
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[mood |indescribable]

Title: Dust Bunnies
Author: Catcayman
A/N: Inspired by [info]pendulumchanges bunny posted at [info]qaf_bunnies, although what resulted doesn't exactly fit the bunny.
Timeline: Post 513
Condom Goes to: Brian

Brian, his eyes wide, stared at the handcuffs he had used on Justin after their night out.

“You and your roommate are friends, right?” he slurred.

“He’s out, Brian, we can’t have a three-way,” Justin sounded puzzled.

Brian laughed, “No, I dropped the key. No way am I getting down on your filthy, never-been-cleaned carpet. I see dust bunnies the size of a cat. They might eat me.”

Justin groaned.

Brian slowly began to lick a path up his thigh.

After Justin had blacked out post-orgasm, Brian grimaced and retrieved the key.

When Justin awoke, he smiled, “Love you too.”
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Challenge #29: Blackout [Sep. 7th, 2007|02:15 am]
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[mood |better]

Title: Racquetball
Author: Catcayman
Warning: Minor minor injury
A/N: As some of you know, I think Daphne and Brian make good raquetball opponents. :D
Condom Goes to: Daphne

“Daphne, you look great. I’d fuck you.”

“Brian, I’m planning to whip your ass at racquetball. Did Justin mention that I’m training for a triathalon?”

Moments later, Brian swung hard, starting a point. Daphne connected, sending the ball ricocheting in the opposite direction. Brian pivoted, lost his footing for an instant, and felt a thud before the court went dark.

Daphne hovered over him, unsure what to do. About to try CPR, she tilted his head back.

His eyes closed, he grinned at her. “I didn’t mean I’d fuck you right here.”

She playfully poked him and kissed his cheek.
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Challenge #29: Blackout [Sep. 6th, 2007|06:37 pm]
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[mood |sick]

Title: The Card
Timeline: Post Season 5
Condom Goes to: Brian

Justin smiled, remembering shopping at the mall yesterday with Gus and Brian, who had complained incessantly. Gus and Justin had tortured Brian by opening every card that played music at the Hallmark store.

Turning back to unpacking his suitcase, Justin found an envelope tucked under his socks. Ripping it open, he laughed as tinny “You Are My Sunshine” rang out from the card.

Brian had blacked out all of the sappy verse and drawn a huge penis on the smiling sun. Now, it read only, “Once a year, I turn into a lesbian. Thanks for fucking me senseless this weekend.”
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Challenge #28: NC-17 [Aug. 29th, 2007|09:54 pm]
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[mood |thirsty]

Title: The Movies
Timeline: Season 1
Condom Goes to: Justin
A/N: Okay, so technically R is "No child under 17 without a parent or guardian," so I fudged it a little. Maybe Michael would've too...

Justin huffed out a sigh. “I’m going to the movie, Michael. Emmett invited me, so leave me the fuck alone.”

“No,” Michael said, “The movie’s rated NC-17. No children 17 or under. Brian might not even go anyway.”

Justin glared at Michael.

Emmett laughed, “Honey, I’ll be your guardian.”

“No, Em,” Michael replied, “that’s for R movies. He’d even need a guardian to see an R-rated movie.”

“Poor baby.” Emmett replied.

Brian, having surreptitiously overheard the conversation, interrupted, “I feel like dancing tonight. Let’s go to Babylon.”

Justin triumphantly smiled at Michael, who huffed out a sigh of his own.
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Challenge #27: Moving Day [Aug. 27th, 2007|09:26 pm]
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Title: Moving Day
Timeline: Pre-Season 1. Brian's move to college.
Condom Goes to: Brian
A/N: This theme is absolutely addictive.

Nothing could compare to today. Moving day.

Well, maybe his first fuck, if he honestly considered it.

That morning, he had packed up and slammed the door to his old room so hard that the house had shaken. He had passed his sister’s room wordlessly. His mother had laid slumped across the kitchen table; his father, thankfully, had gone out.

He had picked up his dorm key only minutes ago. Already, it felt warm and familiar in his hand.

“You’re going to be the best homosexual you can possibly be,” Brian promised himself, smiled, and stepped into his new domain.
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Challenge #27: Moving Day [Aug. 25th, 2007|04:03 pm]
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Titles: Crossing the Threshold and You Know
A/N: Sequel to "Ready" posted earlier this challenge
Warning: Angst and second person voice
Condoms to: Justin and Justin

Crossing the Threshold )

You Know )
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Challenge #27: Moving Day [Aug. 23rd, 2007|01:35 pm]
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[mood |drained]

Title: Ready
Timeline: 108 Gapfiller, when Brian picks up Justin at St. James
Warnings: Some angst, second person
Condom to: Justin

“Where are we going?”

“Home,” Brian answers and climbs back into the Jeep.

Your head feels like it will explode. A few minutes ago, Chris Hobbes and his gang had been bullying you; now your heart beats faster at the sight of Brian.

“Home,” you think uncertainly, glancing at Brian, who drives silently. Momentarily overwhelmed, you watch the blurred trees out the window and wonder if things will come back into focus.

As he parks, Brian looks over and gives you a small smile.

You take a deep breath, nod slightly to Brian, and look at your old home, ready.
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