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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Challenge #99: CLOSED // Challenge #100: Celebrate [Jan. 21st, 2009|08:04 pm]

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[mood |excited]

Today marks a milestone here at [info]qaf_drabbles with our 100th prompt. So, let's celebrate!
MySpace Graphics

First let's look at some stats.

1. We have 137 authors.
2. Rimming was the most popular topic followed by author's choice.
3. Justin has won 33 condom battles to Brian's 24.

As a THANK YOU to the 137 authors that have written drabble(s), [info]qafmaniac made some very special icons.

more queen icons inside )

Guess what? Justin has won 33 condom battles to Brian's 24. [info]qafmaniac has made us some clever icons for awarding condoms...take as many as you like!

condoms...condoms...everywhere )

Here's a shocking statistic...RIMMING was our most popular prompt with 223 drabbles, followed by author's choice with 156. Feel free to snag one of these great icons from [info]qafmaniac.

MySpace Graphics

Two of my favorite drabblers have created a HUGE gift for us. [info]jule1122 and [info]tweedygal have each written 100 drabbles...one from each [info]qaf_drabbles prompt. They will be posting these 200 drabbles over the next week and I can hardly wait to read them! *bounces*

[info]bookgirl24, [info]faile02, and I are very grateful to you both for such a wonderful gift and we thank you for all your hard work. As a little token of our affection, here's a couple of icons made special for you both by [info]brianslave68.

MySpace Graphics

A final gift from [info]qafmaniac:

a few more inside... )

Now, without further ado, let's start the next challenge.

CHALLENGE #100: CELEBRATE (or any variation)

While Cynthia beat out Linday in the condom battle 5 to 1. We're going to open up this special prompt to all characters so give those condoms to anyone!
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Challenge #99: Cold & Windy [Jan. 19th, 2009|05:42 pm]

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Title: A Night at Britin
Author: [info]bluemchenkaffee
Timeline: post 513
Condom: Cynthia

It was a dark and windy night at Britin. Brian was sitting in the media room and started to watch the third Marlon Brando DVD for the night.
Suddenly all the lights went out and the room was pitch black. Brian heard footsteps coming towards him and with a sigh Justin plopped next to him. He didn’t need to see to let his mouth find its way to Brian’s dick. After a satisfying blowjob for each of them Justin said:

“That was exactly what I needed. I guess I can put in the fuse again so you can finish your Brando marathon.”
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*Challenge #99, Cold and Windy* [Jan. 19th, 2009|12:20 am]
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Title: Vermont, Alone
Notes: No beta, all mistakes are mine.
And the condom goes to: Cynthia.

It’s cold and windy as Justin leaves his cabin. He wonders again why he came without Brian. Snowboarding alone sucks and no one seems interested in striking up a conversation, especially when he stares daggers at them with intense blue eyes.

He’s lonely, yet he’s too stubborn to admit defeat and go back home. “Fuck Brian and fuck his client,” he says to himself as he trudges to the lift.

Later that night, alone in a bed meant for two, he dreams fitfully of fucking and Brian. He wakes up hard and frustrated, vowing never to come to Vermont again.
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Challenge #99: Cold & Windy [Jan. 16th, 2009|10:25 am]
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Title: A Welcome Sight
Author: [info]jule1122
Condom: Lindsay

“Be careful, Deb,” her replacement warned, “that wind chill’s a killer.”

“So I’ve heard.” Debbie wound her scarf around her neck and over her mouth. Her coat was buttoned tightly, hat, hood, and gloves all in place. The walk home wasn’t long, but she dreaded facing the wind and icy sidewalks.

The few customers who’d braved the bitter cold yelled goodbye. When she stepped outside, a black jeep sat idling in front of the diner. “Get in,” Brian yelled.

Debbie pulled her scarf down and kissed Brian's cheek, “Thanks, honey.”

“It’s on my way,” Brian shrugged. But Debbie knew better.
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Challenge #99: Cold and WIndy [Jan. 15th, 2009|07:51 pm]
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Title: Strength
Author: Catcayman
Condom to: Cynthia

The wind howled and the cold intensified as large snowflakes fell, making the road slick and treacherous.

"Cold, wet, fuck. Cold, wet, fuck. Keep going." Brian couldn't get himself to think in sentences; this mantra kept playing over again as he willed himself to go one more block, one more foot, one more pedal stroke. Head hanging down, he watched the wet pavement slide past.

Although he'd never admit it, even he had limits to what he could stand. Then, with one last push, he lifted his head and they came into view. His family. Justin. He could make it.
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*Challenge #99: cold and windy* [Jan. 15th, 2009|07:01 am]
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Title: At My Window
Notes: No beta, all mistakes are mine. I couldn't sleep last night, so I wrote this in bed on my phone. I think I have drabble issues. :-P
And the condom goes to: Cynthia

Brian stared out his window, watching headlights move to unknown destinations. The night was clear, yet bitterly cold and windy. Restless, he paced the floor, thinking about going out. Surely there was something or someone out there that would relax him. He absently lit a cigarette, but the nausea welled up as soon as he took the first drag.

He sank weakly onto the sofa, breathing deeply, willing himself not to throw up. Finally, the nausea subsided. Still restless, but too sick to do anything about it, Brian finally fell into fitful sleep as the wind continued to wail outside.
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Challenge #99: Cold and Windy [Jan. 14th, 2009|09:34 pm]

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Title: Clothes, Cold, and Cuddling
Author: britin1729
Condom: Hmm, this is a tough one...but I'm gonna go with Cynthia.

Brian hated winter. It was cold and windy and it snowed all the fucking time. Also, Justin wore clothes to bed, which was just plain unacceptable.

He didn't even settle for boxers—no, the little twat went straight for the thickest, most shapeless sweatpants he could find. For some ridiculous reason, he was convinced that Brian's clothes were warmer than his own, so he was also sporting one of the brunette's T-shirts.

Then again...Justin hated being cold, and usually resorted to curling especially close to Brian's body at night to stay warm.

Okay, maybe winter wasn't all bad.

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Challenge #98: Closed // Challenge #99: cold & windy [Jan. 14th, 2009|07:09 pm]

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[mood |tired]

Challenge #98 is officially closed!

Cynthia is the winner of our condom battle with 16 to Brian's 7.

Challenge #99: cold & windy

Condom Battle: Lindsay v. Cynthia (ooooooooooooooh)

Happy drabbling!
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