Queer as Folk Drabbles - December 19th, 2007 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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December 19th, 2007

Challenge #43: Christmas lights [Dec. 19th, 2007|01:12 pm]


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Title: Christmas Lights 10-13
Author: Rebel
Warning: Angst and veterinarians
Timeline: Post-513
Author's notes: A continuation of the series that began with "Justin Saves a Kitten." Parts 1-5 are here. Parts 6-9 are here. There are four more drabbles in this post, and each condom goes to Justin.

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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 19th, 2007|01:37 pm]
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Title: Best Christmas Ever
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: End season 4
Condom: Michael

Michael reached for Ben’s hand, his eyes filled with love as he looked up at him.
“Our first Christmas as a married couple”
”I know!”
“How do you think we should celebrate?”
“I’m sure we’ll come up with something”
Ben pushed Michael onto his back, kissing down his body, the lights from the small Christmas tree he had bought for their bedroom casting shadows over his creamy white skin.
Michael relaxed as Ben explored his body, soft sighs passing his lips as every inch of skin was caressed and kissed, and knew that this would be the best Christmas ever.
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Whore In A Hoody [Dec. 19th, 2007|03:16 pm]


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Title: Hustler!Justin XXVII (Whore in a Hoody)
Author: Vamphile
Condom(s): None

|Hustler!Justin | II | III | IV| V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XIII | XXIV | XXV | XVI |

Hustler Justin XXVII
Whore In A Hoody

I hear him whisper Isaac’s name as he closes his eyes. I can’t close mine. Images of what he told Don, details that I never pushed for about “practice sessions” are burned there. He was fourteen! He’s still only seventeen. The way he says Isaac’s name, the wistful dreamy tone sickens me as much as what’s been done to him. I stroke his back and then slide away from him. He’s too drugged to notice I’m gone. I don’t want to be an Isaac substitute. Charlie’s already at the door. “Don’t let him try to repay your kindness.” He nods.

302 - 309 )
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Challenge #43 CLOSED//Challenge #44: Crack Fic [Dec. 19th, 2007|09:55 pm]


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[mood |exhausted]

Look guys, I'm ending this on time! Go me!

And the condom count up is....

Hunter: 2
Brian: 6
Justin: 14
And the winner is Michael, winning by just a hair with 15 condoms! That's a lot of sex, people.


Challenge #44: Crack Fic

This week's challenge is to write a drabble consisting solely of crack. Lots and lots of it. Now go!

Mod Reminder: We are still doing the December challenge... The writer with the most amount of drabbles for the month of December wins a prize. At some point in the near future (possibly tomorrow), I'm going to do a count, and let everybody know were you stand. This will end NEXT Wednesday.
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Whore In A Hoody [Dec. 19th, 2007|11:27 pm]


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Title: Hustler!Justin XXVIII (Whore in a Hoody)
Author: Vamphile
Condom(s): None

|Hustler!Justin | II | III | IV| V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XIII | XIV | XV | XVI | XVII | XVIII | XIX | XX | XXI | XXII | XIII | XXIV | XXV | XVI | XVII |

Hustler Justin XXVIII
Whore In A Hoody

He seems upset that I asked him about practicing. His body got tense and his hand was running through my hair, now it’s kind of gripping my neck. “Brian?”

I feel him let out a long breath.

He turns to face me. “You don’t need to practice anymore.”


“Listen to me. Those weren’t for you. I don’t believe for a second that he didn’t get off on it. And even if I did, it doesn’t matter. you don’t so we’re not doing that.”

“I didn’t say he didn’t get off on it. But that’s not why he did it.”
311 - 320 )
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