Queer as Folk Drabbles [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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Challenge #43 CLOSED//Challenge #44: Crack Fic [Dec. 19th, 2007|09:55 pm]

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[mood |exhausted]

Look guys, I'm ending this on time! Go me!

And the condom count up is....

Hunter: 2
Brian: 6
Justin: 14
And the winner is Michael, winning by just a hair with 15 condoms! That's a lot of sex, people.


Challenge #44: Crack Fic

This week's challenge is to write a drabble consisting solely of crack. Lots and lots of it. Now go!

Mod Reminder: We are still doing the December challenge... The writer with the most amount of drabbles for the month of December wins a prize. At some point in the near future (possibly tomorrow), I'm going to do a count, and let everybody know were you stand. This will end NEXT Wednesday.
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[Dec. 20th, 2007|07:11 am]
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Title: Hunter's Christmas
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3
Condom: Michael

Hunter pulled the Christmas lights from the huge box of decorations he had found in the storage cupboard.
He sat on the floor, untangling them, wondering how the hell he had gotten talked into helping Ben and Michael decorate the house.
Christmas to him had always meant less tricks, less money, harder to find a warm bed for the night.
He was unsure what this first Christmas in his new home would bring, but whatever it was, he knew it would be the first happy Christmas he had experienced for a long time.
Perhaps it was worth celebrating after all.
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Challenge #43: Christmas lights [Dec. 19th, 2007|01:12 pm]

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Title: Christmas Lights 10-13
Author: Rebel
Warning: Angst and veterinarians
Timeline: Post-513
Author's notes: A continuation of the series that began with "Justin Saves a Kitten." Parts 1-5 are here. Parts 6-9 are here. There are four more drabbles in this post, and each condom goes to Justin.

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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 19th, 2007|01:37 pm]
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Title: Best Christmas Ever
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: End season 4
Condom: Michael

Michael reached for Ben’s hand, his eyes filled with love as he looked up at him.
“Our first Christmas as a married couple”
”I know!”
“How do you think we should celebrate?”
“I’m sure we’ll come up with something”
Ben pushed Michael onto his back, kissing down his body, the lights from the small Christmas tree he had bought for their bedroom casting shadows over his creamy white skin.
Michael relaxed as Ben explored his body, soft sighs passing his lips as every inch of skin was caressed and kissed, and knew that this would be the best Christmas ever.
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Challenge #43: Christmas Lights [Dec. 18th, 2007|11:25 pm]
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[Current Location |home]
[mood |exhausted]
[music |none]

Title: Homecoming (I and II)
Author: Exmptfromsanity
Timeline: Post Season 5
Condom: 2 to Hunter

Part I )

Part II )
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Challenge #43: Christmas Lights [Dec. 18th, 2007|10:42 pm]
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[Current Location |home]
[mood |tired]
[music |hee... harris allen's on tv]

Title: Decorating the Loft
Author: Exmptfromsanity
Timeline: Season 2,3, or 4
Condom: Justin

“Nothing,” Brian insisted as he shrugged on his coat, “I mean it Justin.  I don’t want a single piece of red or green in this loft when I get home.”

“What about silver?” Justin asked from the bed.

Brian turned in the bedroom doorway.  “Nothing.  I don’t do Christmas.  If you want to decorate so badly go over to Debbie’s.  Help her put up lights.”

When the loft door slammed shut Justin smirked, rolling onto his stomach and pulling the hidden box of Christmas lights out from under the bed.  It wasn’t anything he couldn't fix later with a blowjob.

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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 18th, 2007|02:32 pm]
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Title: Ted and Blake
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 5
A/N: I felt sorry for Teddy so had to write something, apologies for the pathetic attempt.
Condom: Michael as always

Ted and Blake trudged through the snow, bags of Christmas gifts from their friends at AA weighing them down.
They looked at each other, remembering back to the snow lodge where they had once again come together, this time for keeps.
They reached their home, glad to be out of the cold, Ted turning on the kettle preparing hot drinks to ward off the cold, Blake switching on the Christmas lights which immediately brightened the tastefully decorated room.
“Here’s to our first Christmas together” Ted handed him a mug of steaming coffee.
They touched cups
“Here’s to our life together”
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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 18th, 2007|12:07 pm]
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Title: Happy Emmett
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 5
A/N: Yes, I wrote an Em drabble!
Condom: Michael

Emmett carried another plate piled high with food to the table, which was almost groaning under the weight of the sumptuous feast he had prepared for his friends Christmas brunch.
He sang loudly to the Christmas tunes that filled the room, lights decorating every corner.
He paused, taking in the scene, a moment of loneliness touching him, despite being with his closest friends.
Debbie jumped up as the door bell rang but he shooed her back to her chair and skipped off to answer it.
“Merry Christmas Emmett”
His smile brightened the room more than any lights ever could.
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Challenge #43 [Dec. 17th, 2007|08:35 pm]
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Title: Christmas Lights
Author: Brianswalk
Time Frame: Post S5
Condom: Brian

“The FAA called, Deb.  Your Christmas display is conflicting with runway patterns.”

“Well, the FAA can kiss my ass until January.  My grandbaby’s coming and everything has to be perfect.”

“She can probably see the lights from Toronto,” Brian mumbled.

Debbie turned to Brian, “Don’t you have a son to meet and a partner to visit in New York?”

“I was just dropping off gifts on my way to the airport.”

Sniffing, Deb crushed Brian to her bosom.  “Give my boys a big Christmas hug.  Tell the little fuckers I love ‘em.  You too, Asshole.”

“We love you too, Mom.”
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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 17th, 2007|10:36 pm]
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Title: Santa's Coming
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 5
Pairing: Hunter/JR
Condom: Michael

Hunter and JR sat on the floor, the Christmas lights shining brightly as Hunter tied a ribbon around Ben’s present.
JR, her tongue poking out between her lips, deep in concentration printed her name on a card for her father, holding it out to show Hunter when she had finished.
He smiled at her, ruffling her hair before taping it to another brightly wrapped present.
“Yes brat!”
She climbed onto his lap, pulling his head down, whispering in his ear.
“Santa’s coming tonight”
“Yeah he is”
“Are you excited?”
He thought about it and realized that actually he was.
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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 17th, 2007|03:08 pm]
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Title: Liberty Avenue Lights
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 5
Condom: Michael

Michael’s arm was hooked through Ben’s as he maneuvered JR’s stroller through the throngs of Christmas shoppers on Liberty Avenue.
Hunter lagged behind, checking out the store windows, his fathers stopping every now and then, waiting for him catch up.
They reached the huge Christmas tree, lights every color of the rainbow flicking on and off, causing JR to clap her hands in excitement.
Michael lifted her out of her stroller and onto his shoulders and they stood watching the festivities unfold before them, each of them giving thanks for having had another year to celebrate together as a family
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[Dec. 16th, 2007|09:56 pm]
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Title: Happy Day
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: In the future
A/N: I know I write of lot of drabbles with JR in them, and of course she was just a baby when the show finished, so I hope it is okay that I am taking liberties and moving on till when she is a toddler and sometimes much older, like in this drabble. I just like to write about their family life, past, present and future.
Condom: Michael

The house was festooned with balloons and lights.
Michael stood at the bottom of the stairs, fidgeting, pulling at his tie, feeling uncomfortable in his new suit.
Ben squeezed his hand and he gave him a weak smile.
Michael looked up, swallowing the lump in his throat, tears threatening, as he watched his daughter walk down the stairs.
“Honeybun, you look beautiful”
“You’re not going to cry are you Daddy?”
He ran his hand over his eyes, giving her a guilty smile.
“No sweetheart”
“Good” She took his hand. “So, are you ready to walk me down the aisle”
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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 16th, 2007|03:14 pm]
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Title: Not too Tired
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 5
Condom: Michael

A blaze of lights and music blaring so loud the house was actually vibrating greeted them as they opened the door, glad to be out of the cold.
“Fuck…doesn’t that kid know how to turn off a light switch” Michael growled, pulling his coat off as he trudged from room to room flicking the switches off.
“And does he have to play that music so fucking loud!”
“He’s young!”
“And I’m tired!”
“How tired?” Ben asked, pushing him against the wall, rubbing himself against his husband, feeling his cock harden instantly against the roughness of his jeans.
“Not that tired!”
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Challenge #43: Christmas lights [Dec. 15th, 2007|06:48 pm]

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Title: Christmas Lights 6-9
Author: Rebel
Warning: Angst and veterinarians
Timeline: Post-513
Author's notes: A continuation of the series that began with "Justin Saves a Kitten." Parts 1-5 are here. There are four drabbles here and each condom goes to Justin.

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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 16th, 2007|10:29 am]
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Title: Early Christmas Morning
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: after season 5
Condom: Michael

JR sneaked down stairs as the first rays of light shone through the windows.
She padded quietly to the Christmas tree, her big brown eyes wide with wonder, at the sight before her.
She reached out tentatively at a brightly colored box, almost as big as herself, her head turning, making sure no one was watching as she tugged at the ribbon, a frown crossing her face when it wouldn’t untie.
She sat down, looking at the tree, waiting for the lights to flash on.
Hunter found her there, sound asleep, an hour later, and carried her back to bed.
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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 15th, 2007|05:55 pm]
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Title: Christmas Lights
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: after season 5
Condom: Michael

Ben wrapped his arms around Michael as they watched Hunter lift a five year old JR onto his shoulders so she could put the star on top of their Christmas tree.
He let out a loud ‘ouch’ as she grabbed his hair before stretching up, full of giggles as she positioned it in the exact right place, listening to her father’s directions.
Ben reached out, switching off the lights leaving them in darkness for a few moments until the Christmas lights flashed on, filling the room with a multitude of colors.
He lent down, kissing his husband.
“Merry Christmas baby
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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 15th, 2007|02:04 am]
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[mood |awake]

AUTHOR: Doppelganger44
LENGHT: 2 drabbles; 100 words each.
Both condoms are for Kinney. 

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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 15th, 2007|12:35 am]

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Title: Christmas Lights
Author: Philflam
Condom: Ah, let me see, I think I'll give it to Brian this week

ETA:  I accidently posted this under someone else's name (cut and paste doesn't always work perfectly).  Someone commented but I deleted the comment with the post.  If you were that person, please comment again so I can acknowledge it!  Thanks.  That's what I get for doing this at midnight!)

Lindsay and Melanie had a beautifully decorated Christmas tree with lights and hand-made ornaments along with a Chanukah menorah.

Emmett helped Deb and Carl decorate so, as you can imagine, it was loud and colorful and tacky. Deb loved it; Carl lived with it.

Ted and Blake had a small tree decorated with their various tokens from Narcotics Anonymous. 

Michael, Ben, and Hunter had a real tree, huge, with lights of all the colors of the rainbow.

But when Brian handed Justin an actual Christmas present, Justin’s smile lit up the loft brighter than any Christmas tree light ever could.


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Challenge #43 [Dec. 15th, 2007|12:21 pm]
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Title: Future Christmas
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: In the distant future
A/N: As requested by </a></strong></a>[info]xie_xie_xie. I hope this is something like you wanted
Condom: Michael

They sat together, fingers entwined watching their grandchildren’s squeals of delight as they ripped open their presents.

Michael’s head rested on his husband’s shoulder as Ben’s gnarled fingers played with his now completely grey hair.

Michael looked up, his beaming smile as beautiful as the day he had fallen in love with him thirty years ago. Ben traced a finger down his age ravaged face, loving every line and wrinkle that creased his still creamy white skin.

Their bodies may be slightly stooped, their movements slowed with age, but the overpowering love they shared was evident for all to see.

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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 15th, 2007|08:11 am]
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Title: Christmas Alone
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: In the distance future
A/N: Warning - angst and death references
Condom: My beloved Michael

My darling Michael

If you are reading this you will be facing your first Christmas alone. Our home will be barren of decorations and lights.
Your thoughts will be on Christmas’s past and you will be struggling to find anything to celebrate.
I want you to celebrate it my love, for me, for Hunter, for JR, knowing I am with you every step of the way, watching over you, loving you always.
Your love was the most precious gift I ever received and mine to you this year is to celebrate life.
I love you my beautiful brown eyes.

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*Challenge #43: Christmas Lights* [Dec. 14th, 2007|03:56 pm]
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Title: Reflections
Notes: Un-beta'd. I think Justin's hair is really pretty in the light, so surely Brian would too!
And the condom goes to: Brian.

It had become sort of a ritual, really. Every time Brian and Justin were at Debbie’s house, they were going to fuck.

So, it wasn’t any different one cold December night when they were there for dinner. After Justin left the table, Brian wasn’t far behind. They made out on the stairs until someone yelled for them to “get a room.” Still tangled in each other, they made it to the bathroom.

“Fuck…she even decorated the bathroom,” Justin said. Brian, noticing the way the Christmas lights around the mirror reflected in Justin’s hair, suddenly couldn’t be inside him fast enough.
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Challenge #43 - Christmas lights [Dec. 14th, 2007|10:26 pm]
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Title: Early Present
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 5
Condom: Michael

“Michael what are you doing under the bed?”
Michael jumped, a guilty look crossing his face.
“Jesus Ben… I thought you were putting up the Christmas lights”
‘Stop avoiding the question”
“Your Christmas present is not under the bed”
“That’s not what I was doing….alright it was”
Ben grinned, loving Michael’s childlike excitement at times like these.
“You’ll have to wait a few more hours yet baby…but I could give you a early present”
” What do you have in mind?”
Ben pulled him onto the bed, undressing him quickly and made slow and exquisite love to him.
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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 14th, 2007|05:58 pm]
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Title: Lost Lights
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 5
Condom: Michael

“What the fuck are you doing?” Hunter asked, jumping as a box flew out the cupboard.
“Looking for the Christmas lights”
“You know, those things for the Christmas tree”
“Go buy some new ones”
“Are you out of your mind! Ma bought those for us last year”
”So, she won’t know”
Michael looked at him in disbelief.
“Right! She remembers what I wore the first time she took me to see Santa!”
Hunter smirked.
“Wipe that smile off your face young man and help me find them, or I promise our Christmas will neither be fucking happy or merry!”
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Challenge #43: Christmas lights [Dec. 14th, 2007|12:06 am]

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Challenge: Christmas Lights
Author: Rebel
Warning: Angst and veterinarians
Timeline: Post-513
Author's Note: The continuation of my drabble series about Rage the kitten, which began with "Justin Saves a Kitten." There are five drabbles here, and each condom will go to Justin.

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Challenge #43 - Christmas Lights [Dec. 14th, 2007|12:57 pm]
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Title: Christmas Present
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: After season 4
Condom: Michael

Ben caressed and petted every inch of his husband’s creamy white skin.
He pulled Michael’s head around, finding his plump red lips, gnawing at them gently before sliding his tongue into his mouth and exploring it, their soft moans the only sound in the stillness of the night.
“Do you know the best thing about Christmas?” he whispered, his tongue flicking in Michael’s ear.
“What?” Michael gasped, as Ben slowly stroked his cock.
“Giving you your Christmas present”
Ben entered him, the rush of pleasure causing Michael to let out a strangled cry, as the Christmas lights sparkled around them.
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Challenge #43, Christmas Lights [Dec. 13th, 2007|10:15 am]

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Title: Blowing a Circuit
Author: Orlith aka Travis
Timeline: After Season 5
Author's Notes: My first drabble. :)
Condom: Brian

“Dammit!”, Justin swore as the Christmas lights sparked, and the lights went out in the loft, leaving just the red holiday candles burning.

Brian smirked. “I told you to let Emmett decorate the tree.”

“I’m perfectly capable of decorating a tree.”

“I didn’t said you weren’t.”

“Yes, but you inferred it when you told me to let Emmett decorate the tree.”

“I inferred no such thing.”

Justin bit his tongue. “I think a circuit might be blown.”

Brian pulled Justin onto the couch. “I think something else needs to be blown.”

Justin smiled, “Isn’t it fortunate the lights went out?”
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Challenge #42: Closed// Challenge #43: Christmas Lights [Dec. 13th, 2007|11:38 am]

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[mood |ditzy]

ACK! I'm so sorry guys. I completely flaked on the fact that yesterday was Wednesday!

and JUSTIN wins with 92...yikes!Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
thanks to [info]vamphile for counting for me!

CHALLENGE # 43: Christmas Lights (I promise this is the only Christmas one but we I need at least one.)
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