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Because Sometimes 100 Words is Enough

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challenge #69 - season 3 [Jun. 10th, 2008|06:28 pm]
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Title: Taking A Risk
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Michael Vic

I had no idea how long I’d been sitting in the chair when Ben finally arrived. He walked to the bedroom, returning moments later, finally acknowledging me. I lifted my hand, the moonlight shinning through the window catching the top of the needle. My hand shook, no matter how hard I tried to steady it. I don’t know if he noticed. I didn’t really care. His eyes moved from me to the needle, realization hitting him. Perhaps this was the only way to show him what he was doing was not the answer. I loved him enough to risk it.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 10th, 2008|02:54 pm]
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Title: Disappointments
Author: Foreverbm
A/N: For [info]jule1122, she knows why :)
Condom: Vic

“If it’s any consolation I was looking forward to being ‘Uncle Ben’”
Michael looked up at me with his beautiful brown eyes, his brow furrowed.
“But you would be its father too!”
His words gave me a warm feeling and I leaned in kissing him.
“Think how confused she or he would be, two mothers and two fathers!” I laughed
“And don’t forget four times at the presents at Christmas and birthdays!”
“And four times the love”
Michael pulled me to him, wrapping me in his arms. I was as disappointed as he was that this wasn’t going to happen.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 10th, 2008|02:36 pm]
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Title: Frustrations
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Vic

“What are you doing Michael, counting down the days till Christmas?”
“It’s Melanie’s ovulation chart”
“And what a perfect place for it, above our bed.”
I was pleased for him, becoming a father was something he’d never thought possible. He would be a good one, of that I had no doubt. He had so much love to give.
I tried to push the thought that this was something I would never have from my mind. It wasn’t his fault. I needed to stop taking my frustrations out on him. He deserved better. But sometimes it was just too damn hard.
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challenge #69 - season 3 [Jun. 10th, 2008|02:02 pm]
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Title: Holding On For Midnight
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Vic

Ben tried to concentrate on the papers he was marking but it was useless. He kept glancing at the bedside clock as the time moved closer to midnight.
Michael slept beside him and as much as he wanted to snuggle down next to him he kept holding on for a while longer.
He knew he shouldn’t get so involved with this kid, he didn’t want their help but something, a fleeting look in his eyes, made him want to keep trying.
A knock at the door made him jump, a smile crossing his face as he climbed out of bed.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 10th, 2008|01:51 pm]
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Title: Birthday Cake
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Vic

Michael looked at the cake from all angles. Fuck! Why was he bothering. He couldn’t work out how none of his mother’s cooking skills had never made their way to him. She could cook for an army at a moments notice and he couldn’t even make a packet cake.
The whole idea was stupid anyway he thought as he tried to smooth the edges but for some reason he wanted to do it. To show Hunter what a normal life was like and that if he was prepared to take the chance with them, they would be there for him.
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challenge 69 - season 3 [Jun. 10th, 2008|01:22 pm]
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Title: Unsure
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Vic

Hunter woke, momentarily unsure of where he was. The bed was warm, comfortable, clean. Something he hadn’t had for a long time.
He had no idea who these guys were or why they wanted to help him. He didn’t trust them, yet something about them made him feel secure.
The tall one seemed to be making the decisions, he felt connected to him in some way, but didn’t know why. The other one, with the expressive eyes, didn’t seem to want him here.
After tonight he’d probably never see them again so it didn’t matter. He drifted back to sleep.
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challenge #69 - season 3 [Jun. 8th, 2008|07:35 pm]
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Title: Faces
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Vic

He watched Ethan as he played but another face kept coming between them. One with a sardonic smile, a look in his eye which was, actually he wasn’t quite sure what it was, it was fleeting but it sent a warm feeling through his body. He tried to concentrate on the music but it was useless, his thoughts, his body were somewhere else. In a loft; moonlight streaming through the window, bathing two bodies in its shimmering light. The music stopped and he concentrated again but it was no use. The face before him wasn’t the one he really wanted.
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challenge #69 - season 3 [Jun. 7th, 2008|10:30 am]
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Title: Risking All
Author: Foreverbm
Condom: Vic

I stood in the hallway watching as Hunter and Michael disappeared from sight then slowly walked back into our apartment.
Where would they go, they had taken nothing, not even a change of clothes. Did Michael have enough money, had he taken his cell. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it missing from the table.
I knew this was not the solution but I was so proud of Michael. He was risking everything because of a kid who he once said he didn’t want in our lives. I have never loved him more than at this moment.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 6th, 2008|06:59 pm]
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Title: Taking Control (Parts 1 - 8)
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3 steroid arc
Pairing: Ben and Michael
A/N: One of my many takes on the steroid storyline arc.
Condom: 8 to Vic

Taking Control )
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 5th, 2008|05:28 pm]
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Title: Rejection
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: My beloved Michael 5 to Vic

Rejection parts 1 - 5 )
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 5th, 2008|04:47 pm]
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Title: Moving In
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Vic

“I can’t believe your closet is so small!” Ben said, with a laugh in his voice as I picked up another pile of his clothes.
I was still hugging the thought to myself that he was here, moving in with me. I knew it was the beginning of our lives together.
I let out a squeal as Ben grabbed me, pulling me into his arms before dragging me onto the bed, his hands fumbling at my pants, which were soon on the floor, followed by his.
“We’re supposed to be moving you in!” I giggled before his mouth covered mine.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 5th, 2008|03:19 pm]
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Title: What You Want
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Vic

I could feel your breath on my skin as you kissed along my shoulder. Your hands began their slow journey down my body, caressing every curve as you kissed down my spine. You reached my ass, running your tongue up my crack and I felt my breathing quicken. You turned me around. I tried to read your expression but you didn’t give me a chance as your mouth covered mine, demandingly, roughly. I let myself be taken by you, knowing somehow that you wanted, needed compliance. I would always give you what you wanted. I just hoped that was enough.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 5th, 2008|02:57 pm]
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Title: Worth The Risk
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Vic

I opened the door. He was asleep, the hard look which he used as a front to the world gone. He looked like any other teenager but I knew he wasn’t.
I understood why Ben wanted to help him and loved him even more for it. I just didn’t know if I could do this.
I knew nothing about kids, even if he pretended to be world wise, he was still just a lost kid.
I reached over shaking him awake. Maybe we could give him what he needed, maybe we’d fuck it up, but it was worth the risk.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 5th, 2008|11:23 am]
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Title: Words Hurt
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Vic

I turn on the water as you walk into the room. I hear your words wish we could have one but try to ignore them. They weren’t said to hurt me, I know that, but with them, once again I am reminded that I will never know what it is like to have part of me in a small human being brought into this world.
I turn, my hands on your face, a need to possess you overcoming me as my mouth finds yours, devouring it. You give yourself completely to me as the water falls, washing away my tears.
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challenge #69 - Season 3 [Jun. 5th, 2008|10:36 am]
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Title: Clarity
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 3
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Vic

I see the needle in your hand filled with the clear liquid ready to be pumped into your body, turning you slowly into someone who I don’t know any more.
You cannot see yourself when you change, or perhaps you can, but don’t care.
I wait for the time when clarity finally hits you, when you understand what you are doing to yourself, to me, to our life which once held so much promise.
Now all it holds is silence. The days are dark, the nights are cold.
But I wait, because I know you will come back to me.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [Jun. 2nd, 2008|01:13 pm]
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Title: Good Times and Bad
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Warning: Angst
Condom: Michael

Michael sat in a quiet corner of Woody’s. His thoughts turned to when he had stood and sung to Ben, hoping it would be enough for Ben to see how much he loved him. It had worked and that night they had made love for the first time. A smile touched his lips as he remembered that perfect moment.
Other memories flashed into his mind, some good, others making him wish he could turn back time, but all of them he held close to his heart because they were part of his life he had shared with his beloved Ben.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [Jun. 1st, 2008|08:02 pm]
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Title: Winning and Losing
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Brian and Michael
Condom: Michael

“You play pool as badly as you sing” Brian said as he shot the black ball into the pocket, raising his cue in victory.
Michael glared at him.
“You want another game?”
“What so I can beat you for the….what is it….forth…no fifth time.” Brian laughed “No thanks, I have something better to aim at.”
He turned as Justin walked in the door.
“Winning as always Brian?”
“Of course Sunshine….have you ever known me to lose!”
Michael shook his head as he walked back to Ben, knowing that Brian had actually lost something the moment he’d seen Justin. His heart.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [Jun. 1st, 2008|12:00 pm]
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Title: Can't Hide
Author: Foreverbm
Pairings: Vic/Rodney/Debbie
Condom: Vic

“Are you sure she won’t be able to find us here?” Rodney asked.
“Don’t worry. Of all the places she would think to look, Woody’s on Monday night would be her last thought.” Vic reassured Rodney, who still had a ‘I can’t believe we’ve managed to get two hours alone’ look on his face.
“Vic….Rodney…I’ve been looking everywhere for you. I thought we were going to watch the Judy Garland season on TV tonight.” Debbie’s voice boomed from behind them.
“Sis...Rodney and I just wanted….”
”I know….some time alone….don’t mind me” Debbie laughed settling in the chair next to them.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 31st, 2008|02:53 pm]
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Title: Unfinished Business
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Michael

Michael’s brought his hand under the table slowly moving it up his husband’s well muscled thigh until he reached his destination.
He heard Ben’s sharp intake of breath as his fingers circled his crotch, feeling his rock hard dick straining against his jeans.
“Michael…..” Ben growled, trying not to move as he felt Michael’s fingers work at his zipper.
His beer slopped from the glass as Michael’s fingers moved inside his pants and he stood, grabbing Michael, pushing him in front of him as he dragged him out the door.
“What’s the rush?” Ted yelled
“Unfinished business!” Michael called back.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 31st, 2008|02:37 pm]
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Title: Second Time
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Debbie/Carl
Condom: Carl

“I don’t know Debbie.” Carl said for the tenth time as they stood at the door of Woody’s.
“For fuck sake Carl, you’re a happily married…well living in sin… heterosexual man, no one is going to hit on you.”
He’d only been in Woody’s once before and remembered the looks and cheers he’d received when he’d kissed Debbie. He knew he had blushed as red as Debbie’s hair.
“Christ Carl, it’s fucking freezing standing here.” Debbie’s loud voice interrupted his thoughts.
“Ok sweetheart whatever you want.” He opened the door, ushering her in, ignoring the surprised looks that greeted them.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 30th, 2008|05:45 pm]
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Title: First Time Here
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Brian and Justin
Condom: Brian

Brian stood at the basin washing his hands, ignoring the noise that echoed through the door as it opened. He jumped when hands wrapped themselves around his waist slowly moving down to his crotch.
“Do you know this is one place we haven’t fucked” Justin whispered, pushing him towards one of the stalls.
“Come to think of it, you’re right!” Brian said, before Justin’s mouth found his as he undid his pants, sliding his hand in and running it the length of Brian’s cock.
“I think we need to remedy that situation immediately” Brian said, turning Justin towards the wall.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 30th, 2008|05:08 pm]
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Title: Fresh Supply
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Ted/Emmett
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Ted

Emmett passed Ted another soda as he sat down; glancing over his shoulder at the blond Adonis who’d given him the eye as he’d walked into Woody’s an hour earlier and still seemed to be watching him.
Ted watched the exchange, a smirk on his face.
“He’s good…very very good”
“You’ve had him?” Emmett huffed
“Once…or was it twice.”
“Ted Schmidt who haven’t you fucked since your make over?”
Ted considered this for a moment then shook his head.
“Can’t think of anyone off hand and if they don’t get a fresh supply soon I may have to leave town!”
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 30th, 2008|01:22 pm]
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Title: Domestic Bliss
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Brian/Michael/Ben
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

Brian and Michael sat drinking in Woody’s.
“The Professor not joining us?” Brian asked
“Maybe later. He’s got a faculty meeting but if not I promised I’d be home by midnight.”
”Mikey…Mikey…the perfect little wife.”
“Shut the fuck up Brian!”
Brian laughed before grimacing as someone started singing.
“Christ I came here for a quiet drink not to listen to a bad rendition of ‘Hot Stuff’!”
“What’s wrong with singing to the one you love?” Michael snapped.
“Not a thing baby” Ben answered, from behind Michael, dropping a kiss on his head.
“Fuck…. domestic bliss…I need another drink!” Brian said.
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 29th, 2008|01:34 pm]
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Title: Three Little Words
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Ben
Warnings: Soppy as hell :)

Michael carried the beers to the table and settled down next to Ben. Woody’s was bursting at the seams, conversation almost impossible.
Ben reached for Michael’s hand, before leaning in, planting a kiss on his husband’s mouth.
“What was that for?” Michael laughed “Although I’m not complaining.”
“Every time we come here I am reminded of another bar where a certain person said they would marry me.”
“Yeah but I had to say “I do” twice before you finally understood” Michael grinned.
“And they were the second most beautiful words you’ve ever said”
”What were the first?”
“I love you”
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challenge #68 - Woody's [May. 29th, 2008|11:56 am]
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Title: Strip Show
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Michael

Ben and Michael sat in a quiet corner of Woody’s, enjoying a rare night out. They watched the rest of the gang who were taking great interest in the guy doing an impromptu strip on the bar.
Ben leaned in whispering something in Michael’s ear causing a wide smile to cross his face.
“The stepford husbands not interested in the floor show?” Brian said, from behind them.
A smile twitched at Michael’s lips.
“I’ve just been told I have my own strip show to look forward to” he replied, grabbing Ben’s hand and pulling him out the door. “See ya!”
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challenge #67 Complete Me [May. 28th, 2008|05:41 pm]
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Title: Fighting Your Demons
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Ted and Blake
Timeline: A few years post season 5
Condom: Blake

“I’d walk a mile for us not having to be here” Ted said
Blake turned to Ted.
“What are you talking about?”
“This…here….” Ted said, pointing to the building.
“Ted we can’t turn back time, we can only look back, realize and accept the mistakes we have made in our lives, learn from them and move forward.”
Ted leaned in, kissing Blake lightly on the lips.
“What did I do to deserve you?” he asked.
“The same thing I did to deserve you” Blake replied “Fought our demons and won”
Blake took Ted’s hand as they walked into their meeting.
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Challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 28th, 2008|01:27 pm]
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Title: No Fucking Privacy
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Michael

“I’d walk a mile for a minute away from Ma” Michael grumbled.
Ben looked up from preparing dinner.
“What’s the matter Michael?”
“She’s decided our bedroom is ‘boring’ and has gone home to find something to brighten it up” Michael snapped.
“What was she doing in our bedroom?” Ben asked, wondering if he’d put the handcuffs and dildos away.
“This is Ma you’re talking about, since when does privacy come into the picture”
“She didn’t see anything…you know…”
“Like the toys you left on the bed?”
“I guess dinner conversation is going to be entertaining!” Hunter laughed from behind them.
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challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 27th, 2008|03:57 pm]
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Title: Miles and Miles and Miles
Author: Foreverbm
Pairings: Multi - Brian/Lindsay/Ted/Emmett/Michael
Condom: Michael Did you expect anything else from me

I’d walk a mile for the sound of Justin’s voice Brian thinks, as he closes the loft door.

I’d walk a mile for a comfortable pair of shoes Lindsay thinks, as she pushes JR’s stroller along the street.

I’d walk a mile for a moment to turn back time Ted thinks, as he stands in front of his AA meeting.

I’d walk a mile for a chef to prepare this meal Emmett thinks, as he puts the appetizers in the oven.

I’d walk a mile for Ben to be lying next to me, Michael thinks as he drifts to sleep.
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challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 27th, 2008|01:44 pm]
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Title: To The End Of The Earth
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Future
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Warning: Angst
Condom: Michael

I’d walk a mile for the feel of his hand in mind as we walk down the street; to see his beaming smile cross his face as I walk into the room; to see his blue eyes sparkle behind his glasses; to feel his breath against my skin as we sleep; to feel his body wrapped around mine as we make love; to hear his deep laughter fill the room; to hear his voice say my name just once more.
I’d walk to the end of the earth for just one of those moments.
Instead I hold onto my memories.
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challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 26th, 2008|07:05 pm]
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Title: Hot Tub
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Condom: Michael

“I’d walk a mile for a soak in a hot tub” Ben said as he walked in from the gym.
“You don’t have to do that. All you have to do is follow me.” Michael grinned, taking Ben’s hand and leading him upstairs to the bathroom.
The room was bathed in candlelight and Ben sighed as Michael began undressing him. He climbed into the water, stretching out as the warmth eased his muscles.
“Want me to wash your back?” Michael asked.
Ben reached out, pulling a fully clothed Michael into the tub.
“I have a much better suggestion than that!”
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Challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 25th, 2008|04:56 pm]
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Title: Snow
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Post season 5
Condom: Michael

“I’d walk a mile for a fresh cool morning and snow” Michael said, hooking his arm through Ben’s as they walked slowly along Liberty Avenue.
Ben stopped suddenly, Michael almost tripping over him.
“Michael, in case you haven’t noticed it’s minus two degrees and that white stuff falling is actually snow”
“I know but that’s not what I meant.”
Realization dawned on Ben as he looked down at his husband.
“Did I forget to mention that I booked a flight for us to Toronto for next weekend.”
Ben almost fell as Michael leapt into his arms smothering him with kisses.
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challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 24th, 2008|01:26 pm]
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Title: Home Cooked Meal
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Michael/Hunter
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

“I’d walk a mile for a fucking good meal!” Hunter peered over Michaels shoulder as he chopped vegetables.

“You may have to because I’m cooking tonight”

“We could order pizza!” Hunter said hopefully.

“We’ve had take out every night while Ben’s been away, it’s time for a good home cooked meal”

“It might be home cooked but I’ll leave my decision about how good it is until I’ve eaten it”

“Listen smart ass, enough of your sarcastic remarks, you think you can do better, do it!”

Michael handed Hunter the knife before storming from the room muttering about unappreciative kids.
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challenge #67 Complete Me [May. 24th, 2008|12:11 am]
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Title: Remembering Back
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: In the future
Pairing: Ben/Michael
A/N: Angst which is why it's behind a cut, obviously not Ben/M death cause I write those often forgive me, I cannot control where my writing thoughts take me
Condom: Michael

Remembering Back )
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challenge #67 - Complete Me [May. 23rd, 2008|04:47 pm]
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Title: Pissed Off Michael
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Condom: Michael

“I’d walk a mile for a look at this” Hunter laughed.
Ben looked up from the papers he was grading.
“At what?”
“This!” Hunter replied “It’s Michael’s notes for the next issue of Rage”
“And what’s got you so excited?”
Ben wondered how Michael would feel if he knew Hunter was reading his ideas.
“Zepher wants to….”
”What the fuck are you doing with those!” Michael fumed, snatching them from Hunter.
“Hey…it’s not as if I haven’t heard or seen it all before”
Michael turned bright red and stormed from the room.
“He really needs to take a chill pill!”
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challenge #66 Dictionary [May. 21st, 2008|04:26 pm]
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Title: Bath Time
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Melanie and Lindsay
Random Words: Rub, Damp, Floor
Condom: Melanie

Mel lay in the tub, Lindsay between her legs. She ran her hand down her wife’s chest, stopping to rub her nipple which was peeping out above the water. Lindsay sighed as Mel’s hand continued its journey, fingers tracing through her pubic hair before touching her clit.
Lindsay turned her head, seeking Mel’s mouth, her fingers tangled in the damp tendrils of her hair, kissing her until they were breathless.
Lindsay pushed herself back against Mel, as her fingers explored her cunt. Her hands grasped the side of the tub as her orgasm hit, sending water flooding onto the floor.
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challenge #66 Dictionary [May. 21st, 2008|01:40 pm]
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Title: Best Present Ever
Author: Foreverbm
Pairings: Ben/Michael/Hunter
Random Words: Morning, Wide, Ever
Condom: Hunter

Hunter trotted downstairs on the morning of his 19th birthday. He’d been dropping hints for weeks about what he wanted, a new Xbox, Diesel jeans, Converse sneakers. He was kinda surprised to see no brightly wrapped presents on the table, just a white envelope, his name written on it, in Ben’s unmistakable handwriting.

He opened it, taking out a legal looking document. A wide smile crossed his face when he read the contents.

James ‘Hunter’ Montgomery is legally the son of Ben and Michael Novotny-Bruckner.

“Happy Birthday Son”

He found himself wrapped in his father’s arms.

The best birthday ever.
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challenge #66 - Dictionary [May. 21st, 2008|11:41 am]
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Title: Not Well
Author: Foreverbm
Timeline: Season 5
Random Words: Left, Protest, Not
Condom: Michael

“I’m fine” Michael snapped as he got dressed. A week with the flu had left him feeling out of sorts, mainly because he had missed having Ben next to him in bed.

Ben looked at him skeptically as he tried to hide a sneeze but not succeeding.

“Michael….back to bed now!” Ben exclaimed, undressing him and tucking him back into bed.

The protest on Michael’s lips disappeared as he watched Ben remove his own clothes and climb in, wrapping him in his arms.

“What’s a few germs between husband and husband” he laughed.

Michael snuggled deeper into his arms, smiling.
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challenge #66 Dictionary [May. 20th, 2008|03:15 pm]
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Title: Fathers and Children
Author: Foreverbm
Pairings: Brian/Gus and Michael/JR
Timeline: A couple of years in the future
Random Words: Visit, Present, Glee
Condom: Michael

Michael pushed JR’s stroller as Gus sat atop Brian’s shoulders. The girls had come home for the weekend, leaving their offspring with their respective father’s.

Gus demanded a visit to the zoo, JR adding her squeals of delight at the thought of giraffe’s, Michael’s present still one of her favorites.

The sun shone as they walked, stopping when they insisted on a closer look at a certain animal, yelling with glee when it came close enough for them to almost pet.

Michael looked at Brian, sharing a smile; two fathers; doing what they did best; spending time with their children.
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challenge#66 dictionary [May. 20th, 2008|12:27 pm]
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Title: Thunder and Lightening
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Melanie/Lindsay
Random Words: Top, Dark, Hand
Condom: Melanie

Melanie ran her fingers around the top of Lindsay’s panties while her other hand massaged her wife’s full breasts, stopping every now and then to tweak her dark nipples.
Lindsay jumped when a clap of thunder followed by a bolt of lightening lit up the room and Melanie crawled up the bed, locking her mouth on hers as her fingers moved inside her panties.
Lindsay gasped into the kiss as Mel’s fingers began their work, bringing her closer to orgasm, her body covered in a light sheen of sweat.
Another flash of lightening hit as Lindsay cried out her orgasm.
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challenge #66 - Dictionary [May. 19th, 2008|11:44 pm]
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Title: You
Author: Foreverbm
Pairing: Ben and Michael
Random Words; End, Ready, How
A/N: This is my first attempt and probably last at poetry, said from Ben's POV
Condom: Ben

Your hands are entwined with mine
The way I want them to be until the end of time

Your body is wrapped around me in the soft moonlight
The way you make love to me fills my dreams at night

Your eyes are the windows of your soul
The way they look at me brings me in from the cold

Your lips are plump, red and sweet
The way they are always ready for mine to meet

Your love lifts the darkness that sometimes surrounds me
The way you whisper my name is how I always want it to be
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