04 October 2009 @ 04:12 pm
Happy Anniversary!  
Anv Banner Pink

Happy Fandom Anniversary to all of our friends who joined us in October!

On the 21st the lovely [info]besamislabios is celebrating two years of fandom fun!

Happy Anniversary BHappy Anniversary W

Here are some of the other exciting fandom events from October )

If you haven't already, please go tell us when your anniversary is in this post. If you aren't sure of the exact date make one up give us your best guess!

Thank you to the lovely [info]qafmaniac for the anniversary icons and the beautiful banner!
04 October 2009 @ 08:56 pm
I am a new fan of Queer as Folk, just finished watching the show about two months ago. (I watched it in less than two weeks.) I had heard about it before, of course, but paid it no mind. I caught the UK version on hulu which made me want to watch the US version. Luckily my friend had the first two seasons on dvd. And well, once I started watching, I couldn't stop until I finished it all. I am so glad the fandom for this show is still so huge and vibrant, for newcomers like me!
Like most people I'm a long time user of livejournal, but came here because all of the amazing qaf resoucres. This is the first fandom I have gotten into fanfic with, and I've become addicted to it! I'm really looking forward to being involved in this fandom as I've been a lurker most of the time, but I am trying to change that!