20 March 2009 @ 02:45 pm
Icon Help  
Hi again,

I have another request for help.
I was trying recently to post a icon, that was made for me, within a post on my journal. I couldn't figure it out. It wouldn't cut and paste, and it wouldn't let me insert it from the file. Is this not something I am supposed to do? Is this why I couldn't? I was trying to insert it from my own hard drive, so I didn't think this was hot linking. Also, If I would like to take an animated icon that is being offered, I haven't figured that out either. They always end up stagnant.
I have checked within the posts here, on both [info]qaf_icons and [info]iconics and I haven't been able to find any kind of icon idiot's guide. Is there somewhere this info is available and I'm just overlooking it? I did see [info]outlander's very helpful and thorough post on icon etiquette.

Thanks for any help!

ETA: All taken care of! Thank you all so much for your help!
Mood: loved