Your daily dose of HP news
- slow and unreliable

inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2007-10-31 21:40
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]mnemosyne_1 wrote Blue Moon (Remus, James, PG)
[info]florida_minxie wrote M.I.A. (SS/HP, G)
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Blood, sex and death (HP/DM, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]pre_raphaelite1 wrote Animal Natures (Firenze/Remus, NC-17)
[info]emiime wrote Please Sir (Remus/Percy/Oliver, NC-17)
[info]nishizono wrote Trick (Sirius&Regulus, PG)
[info]celandineb wrote Game, Set, and Match (Remus/Oliver, adult)
[info]alisanne wrote Faith (SS, PG)
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Sexual Surfeit (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]ships_harry wrote Short-staffed (Hogwarts Staff, PG)
[info]ships_harry wrote What didn't happen at the Manor (drabble+art) (Bella/Harry, PG+)
[info]irena_candy wrote Midnight Errand (SS/RL, G)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote The Right Person (PW/SS, PG)
[info]auberginedreams wrote Slap (HP/DM, M, *warnings*)
[info]auberginedreams wrote What They Deserve (HP/LM, T+)
[info]gin_tonic wrote Brooms and Wine (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]westernredcedar wrote Lore (SS/RL, PG)
[info]pinkelephant42 wrote The Return Of Draco Malfoy (HP/DM, PG-13)
[info]envinyatar15 wrote While It Lasts (Draco/Theodore, PG)
[info]quill_lumos wrote A Second Chance At Life (SS, Gen)
[info]sivullinen wrote Foolishness (SS/GW, NC-17)
[info]alwaysasnapefan wrote You Probably Don't Know Anything About It (SS/PW, PG)
[info]tjwriter wrote The Sins of Our Fathers (Snape/James, NC-17)
[info]bellatrixblack wrote Go Figure (RL/HG, PG-13)
[info]sofiaottoman wrote Lest We Forget (Harry/Voldemort, PG)

Fics - WIP:
[info]ejab62 updated Dragon's den with chapter 7/9 (SS/LM SS/RL, NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea updated Getting Severus Married with chapter 4/? (SS/HP, Blaise/ Hermione, Unrated)
[info]son_of_darkness updated The Comprehension Series with chapter 7/? (A. Severus/Scorpius, PG)
[info]plotbunnyofdoom updated 100 Feelings Series with chapter 3/? (HP/RW, G)
[info]matroushka updated Translation of Light with chapter 12/? (HP/RW, NC-17)

[info]twilightsorcery drew Cost of Inheritance (Sirius/Narcissa, NWS)
[info]ships_harry wrote Short-staffed (Hogwarts Staff, PG)
[info]its_art drew A Halloween Trio (Harry, Voldemort, G)

Community News
[info]snapenewa posted a new issue
[info]snapecast ep.24 is up.

[info]snegurochka_lee posted Halloween-themed (or just dark and spooky) recs.
[info]lizardspots is reposting all of her art on IJ.

Editor's Pick
[info]its_art's A Halloween Trio
Because nothing says "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" like Voldie carved on a pumpkin ^_^

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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suntzu_s posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]suntzu_s
Date: 2007-10-30 18:55
Subject: The Mischief Night Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]celandineb wrote Game, Set and Match (RL/OW, rated:R)
[info]bridgetmkennitt wrote A Dark Reflection (SS/HP, rated:PG-13)
[info]kaycee wrote In Plain Sight (NL/GW, rated:PG-13)
[info]darkladyvamp wrote Pardon Me? (SS/HP, pre-slash, rated:PG)
[info]unbroken_halo wrote Blood Games (SS/HP, rated NC-17, *warning*)
[info]snapesgirl wrote Bad Touch (HP/RL, rated: NC-17)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote Untitled (HP/Cho, rated:R)

Fics - WIP:
[info]iulia_linnea updated Getting Severus Married with chapter 3/? (SS/HP, Blaise/ Hermione, Unrated)

[info]zephre drew Tasty Werewolf Braains (Gen, with RL, SS, HG, HP, LL)
[info]swtalmnd drew Sirius (SB, rated:G)
[info]sweet_lemmon drew The Troll Scene (The Trio, Gen)
[info]lizardspots drew Security, Safety, Love (RW/HP, rated:R, *warnings*)

Community News
[info]drabble_a_trois issued Challenge 3
[info]phoenix_flies posts a Reminder Of the deadline of fest

[info]painless_j Is looking for Dumbledore/Grindlewald Novel or Novella length fics
[info]solstice_muse Posted a linked table For her recent Unity in the Community series of fictions
[info]igtow Is asks for your Favourite funny or ponderous HP quotes

If you have any tips or links, send them to! I thank you!

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2007-10-29 19:12
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]severed_lies wrote Eternally Yours (Severus/Sanguini, R)
[info]furiosity wrote 20 Random Facts about Narcissa Malfoy (NM/LM, PG)
[info]ldybastet wrote Carried On the Wind (SS/LM, R)
[info]bohemianspirit wrote If I Could Choose Again (Severus/Lily, PG-13)
[info]islandsmoke wrote Friend or Foe (RL/SS, NC-17)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Flashing Pumpkins (RL, R)
[info]darkladyvamp wrote Pardon Me? (SS/HP, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Man of His Dreams (HP/DM, PG)
[info]calico_jynx wrote Bittersweet Dreams Beget Fragile Mornings (RL/SS, Adult)
[info]nishizono wrote Bleak House (completed here) (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]nishizono wrote Bedknobs and Broomsticks (FW/GW, SB/HP, NC-17)
[info]nishizono wrote The Small Things (SS/DM, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote Sticky Situation (HP/DM, NR)

Fics - WIP:
[info]solstice_muse completed Unity in the Community with chapter 75/75 (RW/HP, NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea updated Getting Severus Married with chapter 2/? (SS/HP, Blaise/Hermione, NR)

[info]kirasha drew Come to Bed (SS/RL, PG-13)

Community News
[info]quibbler_report posted a new issue.
[info]snarry_games posted a masterlist of entries.

[info]snegurochka_lee posted a Giant Recs post (the adult version).

If you have any tips or links, send them to potterprophet.ij at! Thanks!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-28 18:32
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]ships_harry wrote Ask Nicely (HP/DM, R)
[info]bronze_ribbons wrote The Truer Office of Their Eyes (RL/NT, NC-17)
[info]kaycee wrote Surrender (TR/HG, PG)
[info]bitterfig wrote All Consuming (AD/GG, PG *spoilers*)
[info]bluestocking79 wrote Churchgoing (SS, PG)
[info]sassy_cissa and [info]unbroken_halo wrote Slytherin Hold 'Em (DM/HP, SS/DM/HP, NC-17)
[info]foodie wrote Neither Here Nor There (AD/GG, PG13 *spoilers*)

Fics - WIP:
[info]jamie2109 updated Did You Think I Would Leave You? with chapter 7/? (ASP/SP, PG)
[info]pimpinellae posted the first translated chapter of Tatana Orlovska's Kindred Souls with the prologue (SS/Filch, NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea updated Getting Severus Married with chapter 1/? (SS/HP, BZ/HG, unrated)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 74/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)

[info]ships_harry drew And That Was the Point that Harry Broke Up with Draco (LM/HP/DM, R *warnings*)
[info]glockgal drew Two Years (SS, HP, G)
[info]zephre drew A Vampire Halloween (SS/RL, G)
[info]swtalmnd drew Unbound by Gravity (SS/HP, R)

Community News
[info]lupin100's weekly challenge is up
[info]snape100's latest challenge is up
[info]awdt's weekly prompt is up

Editor's Pick
[info]glockgal's Two Years (SS, HP, G)
Glock is a genius, and even if you don't like Snarry? This will make you laugh. Just go check it out. :D

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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Sebastian posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]kabal42
Date: 2007-10-27 23:45
Subject: Saturday edition
Security: Public
The Editor is in:Denmark

Fics - One Shots:
[info]emiime wrote Five people Percy wished he never slept with (PW/various, PG-13)
as well as Five women Percy would totally sleep with if he weren't, y'know, bent (PW, others, PG)
and Five times Neville tried to say I love you (and one time he succeeded) (NL, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Leather ideas (HP/DM, PG)
[info]florida_minxie wrote Asgre Yn Caethiwo (SS/HP, R)
[info]bluestocking79 wrote Potential (SS,NM, PG)
[info]skree_rating wrote Angel in the centrefold (SS/RL, R)
[info]alisanne wrote Saved (HP/DM, PG)
[info]faynia wrote Home for biscuits (Severus,Lily, G)

Fics - WIP:
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the community with chapter 73/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)
[info]irana updated Taming the wolf with chapter 3/? (HP/NL, HP/NL/BW, NC-17)
[info]fourth_rose updated Not in the hands of boys with chapter 13/? (HP/DM, PG)
[info]headgirl updated Even angels fall with chapter 4/? (Voldemort/Harry, NC-17)

[info]zephre drew Key 15: The Devil (GW, Tom Riddle, G)
[info]sweet_lemmon drew Enemies (RL/SS, PG-13)
and A new family (Harry, Teddy, G)
[info]cnry_crem_dght drew Caught (HP,SS, G)
[info]trekkiegrrrl drew The Dreaming Spires (SS/HP, R)
[info]igtow drew Positioning study no. 32 (HP/SS, PG)

Community News
[info]quibbler_report crossposted 3 issues
[info]das_dingsi posted Meta round-up issue #26
[info]elfflame directs attention to [info]blaise_zabini and [info]hp_nano here on the threshold to November.

[info]valady made HP icons of various characters here
[info]elfflame has the results of her poll about houses for the next generation
[info]empink wonders why there is radio in the Wizarding World

Editor's Pick
[info]cnry_crem_dght's Caught
I have a great admiration for Cnry's style. She dares make art that is expressive and strong without necessarily be beautiful. And the mere fact that she has me reccing Snarry is a proof that she's brilliant, seeing as I'm not particularly fond of that pairing ;-)

If you have any news or links (especially of the het variety) please send them to potterprophet.ij at Thanks!

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2007-10-25 21:57
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]alisanne wrote What He Saw (NC-17, SS/HP/DM)
[info]florahart wrote Severus Snape and the Disorderly Deathly Half-True Print (PG, SS/HP)
[info]nehalenia wrote Collared (NC-17, SS/SB)
[info]chiralove wrote Love was only the beginning (R, SS/HP)
[info]severity_softly wrote Even Ground (NC-17, RL/SS)
[info]alisanne wrote Only So Many (PG, SS/HP)
[info]bohemianspirit wrote I Might Have Known (PG, HP, SS)
[info]_rufus_ wrote 3 AM and All is Not Well (PG, RL/SS)
[info]kaycee wrote Disintegration (PG, TR/GW)

Fics - WIP:
[info]babydraco updated The Holly and the Ivy with chapter 5/5 (PG-13, HP/DM)
[info]ejab62 updated Dragon's den with chapter 5/? (NC-17, SS/LM)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 71/75 (NC-17, RW/HP)
[info]emiime completed Okay Is A Relative Concept with chapter 2/2 (NC-17, NL/RW)
[info]suki_blue updated Parity Transformations with chapter 12/? (NC-17, HP/DM)

[info]orionnoire drew Silent Offer (G, SS/HP)
[info]chupachup drew Longing (G, SS/HP)
[info]zephre drew Waiting for Ginny (G, LL)
[info]nymaulth drew Through The Looking-Glass (NR, SS/HP)
[info]sweet_lemmon drew A new Family (G, HP, Teddy Lupin)
[info]ursus drew Bear Back? (G, SS/HP)
[info]karasu_hime drew True Love (R, SS/HP *warnings*)
[info]anoiro drew The Doe (G, SS/HP)
[info]undunoops drew The Elder Wand (PG, SS/HP)

Community News
[info]das_dingsi posted Meta-Roundup Issue #25

[info]painless_j considers the Snarry Games' genres
[info]dead_sexydexy posted a series of Harry-centric poems

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2007-10-24 20:56
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]alisanne wrote Refresher Course (SS/HP, PG, AU)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote The Green of His Bright Failure (Severus/Lily, PG)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote Untitled (Severus/Lucius/Hermione, NC-17)
[info]e_witness wrote The Letter in the Drawer (Lily/Severus, PG)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Waiting (SS/RL, hard R)
[info]kirasha wrote Power Play (LM/RL, R)
[info]millieweasley wrote Touch me, take me, fuck me hard, Professor (Percy/Severus, NC-17)
[info]bridgetmkennit wrote Drabble (HP/DM, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]son_of_darkness updated The Comprehension Series with chapter 6/? (Albus Severus/Scorpius, PG, *spoilers*)
[info]miracle updated Of Butterflies in a Hurricane with chapter 25/? (HP/DM, NC-17, AU, *warnings*)
[info]miracle updated Hard Time with chapter 14/? (HP/DM, NC-17, *warnings*, *spoilers*)

[info]cnary_crem_dght drew Untitled (SS/LM, NWS)
[info]sweet_lemmon drew Bad Boy! (HP/HG, R, *Spanking*, NWS)
[info]artisticentropy drew Cleaning Up (SS/HP, NC-17, NWS)
[info]gnomad drew August (SS/HP, G)
[info]tasha_neko drew Future Lost (SS/HP, PG, *warning*)
[info]ac1d6urn drew Waiting (SS/HP, R AU)

Community News
[info]snucius100 issued a new challenge: Ghosts
[info]phoenix_flies reminder: all submissions for the Phoenix Flies fest are due on Halloween, October 31s
[info]merry_smutmas reminder: fifth-time participants' fics are due one month from todayl

[info]lysa1 wrote about Heroes and Morale in HP.
[info]themostepotente posted a list of art recs
[info]madam_minnie needs a (1) brit-picker, (2) SPAG beta for a 898 words\Albus/Gellert fic
[info]amanuensis1 writes about why she's happy with JKR's choice of Dumbledore as the gay character

Editor's Pick
For those looking for het stories on IJ, check out [info]dexy_demented, home of [info]dead_sexydexy's works (het, slash and gen).

Also, since I didn't see it mentioned in previous posts: [info]hp_dungeons left LJ for IJ in October. It's a slash friendly NC-17 RPG (SS/DM and HP/RW are the main couples, though at the moment they're in the middle of a SS/HP/DM arc...don't ask, it's a long story). With writers like femmequixotic, spiderine, dementordelta and isoldest -just to name a few- it' worth giving it a try but...beware, it's addictive!
There's also a watchers asylum -[info]dungeon_watch- but for now it's dead since most watchers choose to stay at LJ.

If you have any links or tips for us, please let us know. Email us at

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suntzu_s posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]suntzu_s
Date: 2007-10-23 21:51
Subject: Tuesday's Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]misfit_ragdoll wrote Different for Girls (FD/NT, implied Fleur/Bill, Remus/Tonks, NC-17)
[info]calandor wrote A Fire Inside (H/G, R/H, SS/HP, BZ/GW/LB, rated PG)
[info]elfflame wrote Holding On (SM/LM/DM, rated NC-17 **Warnings**)
[info]auntee_mame wrote Let Me Show You (HP/RW, rated NC-17)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote Untitled (SS/LM/HG, rated NC-17)
[info]chiralove wrote Severus/Lily Ficlets (SS/LP, rated G - R)
[info]chiralove wrote Lily/James Ficlets (LP/JP, rated PG to PG-13 )
[info]the_con_cept wrote Poor Men’s Riches ( SS/HP, rated Dark, *Warnings*)

Fics - WIP:
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 69/75 (HP/RW, rated NC-17)
[info]ejab62 updated Dragon's Den with chapter 4/9 (SS/LM, slight Snape/Lupin, rated NC-17)

[info]pennswoods drew Return to the Shack (SS/HP, rated PG)
[info]freckles42 drew Bigger on the Inside? (BW/NT, rated NC-17)
[info]a_belladonna drew Tea Time (SS/HP, rated G)
[info]karasu_hime drew True Love (HP/SS, rated PG-13, *warnings*)

Community News
[info]snarry_games Once again reminds watchers to join the comm to see all flocked posts in a PSA
[info]snarry_holidays Posts a Reminder that fics are due for submission on the 6th November

[info]iulia_linnea Posts a Reminder of the deadline of the Random Fact Fest's Round Three

If you have any links or news or tips then email us at
I thank You

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2007-10-22 20:23
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Because (RL/SS, PG-13)
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Especially Inspired (HP/DM, PG-13)
[info]lysa1 wrote Pro et Con (SS/RL, R)
[info]lionille wrote Carry On (NL, SS, Gen, PG)
[info]shadowycat wrote Headmaster Snape (SS, G)
[info]unbroken_halo wrote Scaling The Top (Charlie/Harry, NC-17)
[info]ellid wrote Vital Sparke (RL/SS, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]calico_jynx wrote Don't Waste The Porn (RL/SB, Adult)
[info]freckles42 wrote Liquid Courage (Angelina/Alicia/Katie, NC-17)
[info]eniime and [info]freckles42 wrote How the Seven Weasley Siblings Learned to Share (and Came Out On Top) (Weasleys, NC-17)
[info]nixxi wrote Loyal (LM/SB, M+ *warnings*)
[info]alisanne wrote Double Pleasure (SS, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]humantales wrote A New Everything (HP/GW, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Dinglepuffs Always Know (SS/HP, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]fourth_rose updated Not in the Hands of Boys with chapter 12/? (HP/DM, PG-13)
[info]kaycee updated Walking With A Ghost with chapter 18/? (HP/DM, PG-13)
[info]ejab62 updated Dragon's Den with chapter 3/9 (SS/LM, SS/RL, NC-17)

[info]ariadneelda drew In Defeat, Vicotry (SS/HP, PG)
[info]tripperfunster drew Stability (SS/HP, G)
[info]karasu_hime drew Pin Up Series 12: Albus Dumbledore (AD, NR)
[info]canonfodder drew Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun (SS/HP, G *warnings*)

Community News
[info]quibbler_report posted a new issue
[info]meta_roundup posted a Dumbledore Issue

[info]celandineb posted Commentary on commenting on fanfic

Editor's Pick
[info]ariadneelda drew In Defeat, Vicotry (SS/HP, PG)
I'm not typically a Snarry fan, but this piece is dark and gorgeous and I couldn't stop staring at it.

All apologies if I missed anything in this edition. I'm suffering from too much cold and not enough medicine and am feeling a bit woozy. If any of the above links are messed up, please let me know and I'll fix them, ASAP. Thanks--Shelly

If you have any news or links (especially of the het variety) please send them to potterprophet.ij at Thanks!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-21 18:48
Subject: (no subject)
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]dreamy_dragon73 wrote Those Tangled Webs We Weave (SS/LM, NC-17)
[info]ejab62 wrote Conversation with Death (SS, Death, PG)
[info]lysa1 wrote Golden (SS/LM, PG)
[info]jacedamian23 wrote The Newest Poster Boy (RW/DM, LM/SS, NC-17)
[info]mythicdove wrote The After Effects (LM, PG)
[info]lysa1 wrote Silver (SS/LM, PG13)
[info]alisanne wrote The Perils of Travel (RL/SS, PG)
[info]bluestocking79 wrote Sanctuary (SS, G)
[info]conspiratorsb wrote One Selfless Act (AD/TR, PG13)
[info]erikdesoir wrote The Birthday Closet (HP/DM, PG)

Fics - WIP:
[info]matroushka updated Translation of Light with chapter 11/? (HP/RW, NC-17)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 67/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 68/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)
[info]headgirl started Even Angels Fall posting parts 1, 2 & 3 of ? (V/HP, NC-17 *warnings*)

[info]zephre drew Luna Do-Right to the Rescue (LL, HP, BL, PG)
Ani Bester drew For the Greater Good (SS/HP, G)
[info]lizardspots drew Quid Pro Quo - a Tribute (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]ponderosa121 drew Held in Darkness (SS/HP, R)
[info]_hibiscus_ drew The Silver Doe (SS/HP, PG)

Community News
[info]bellatrix100's latest challenge is up
[info]lupin100's latest challenge is up
[info]snape100's latest challenge is up
[info]awdt's latest challenge is up

[info]avialle posted some Lucius/Draco photomanips (LM/DM, PG13-R)

Editor's Pick
[info]avialle's Lucius/Draco manips
The boy she's chosen for Draco is utterly lovely, and the color ones are just amazing. These really have to be seen to be believed.

If you have any links or tips for us - especially het links (the chief refuses to believe that only slashers inhabit the asylums)- please let us know. Email us at

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2007-10-21 00:24
Subject: Saturday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]bridgetmkennitt wrote Disconnect (PG, HP/SS)
[info]shannon730 wrote Changing the Future (PG, HG, SS)
[info]bohemianspirit wrote Light Between the Cracks (PG, SS/OFC)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote Lessons in Communication (NC-17, SS/HP)
[info]irena_candy wrote Reunion (G, SS/RL)
[info]iamisaac wrote The Sexual Adventures of Albus Dumbledore (PG-13, AD/GG, AD/others)
[info]empathic_siren wrote Finer Than Spring (PG 13,SS/LE)
[info]blpaintchart wrote The Best Stays of Our Lives (R, SS/RL, HP/GW)
[info]noscrubs12345 wrote Love, Dora (PG-13, SB/RL, RL/NT )
[info]kaycee wrote He Who Waits (PG, Cedric/Fleur)

Fics - WIP:
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 66/75 (NC-17, RW/HP)
[info]irana updated Taming the Wolf with chapter 2/? (R, HP/NL, HP/NL/BW)

[info]iulia_linnea drew Gay!Albus Motivational Posters (G)
[info]crimson_vipera drew The Wedding Vows (PG, HP/SS)
[info]regasssa drew It's Easy to Forget (PG-13, SS/HP)
[info]elvish_rose drew Justice For the Dead (G, HP/SS)
[info]snakeysnape drew And Pharaoh Dreamed (G, SS/HP)

Community News
[info]snarry_games has posted CHAMPION INTERVIEW # 21 - Crimson_ Vipera!
[info]dailysnitch has posted its Saturday, October 20, 2007 Edition
[info]meta_roundup posted its Issue #23 b (Dumbledore Edition)
[info]secretsandlies is the new Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald community

If you have any links or tips for us - especially het links (the chief refuses to believe that only slashers inhabit the asylums)- please let us know. Email us at

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2007-10-17 20:32
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]sansa1970 wrote Life in Kind (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]alisanne wrote New Traditions (SS/HP, PG)
[info]emiime wrote Fear of Flying (Percy/Oliver, NC-17)
[info]iamisaac wrote Two Drabbles (HP/DM, PG)
[info]bewarethesmirk wrote Eyelashes and Stirring Rods(HP/DM, SS, PG)
[info]drachenmina wrote OK, Imagination, Screaming (SS,HP,LM, NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]carpet_diemon wrote Out in the Night (SS/HP, PG)
[info]pasi wrote War Dead (SS/LE, PG)
[info]sweetmelodykiss wrote Handcuffed Wishes and Honey (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]skree_ratling wrote Severus Snape, this was your life! (SS/RL, PG)
[info]blpaintchart wrote Rub a Dub Dub, Three Wizards in a Pub (SS/RL, LM, PG, *spoilerish*)
[info]blpaintchart wrote The Best Stays of Our Lives (SS/RL, HP/GW, R)
[info]headgirl wrote Even Angels Fall (Voldemort/Harry, NC-17)
[info]redwarfer wrote Familiar Paths (SS/HP, R, *warning*)
[info]alisanne wrote New Traditions (SS/HP, PG)
[info]firefly_124 wrote His Soul (SS, PG, *warnings*)
[info]snapesgirl wrote Snape Charmer (Snape/Charlie, NC-17, *warnings*, *spoilers*)
[info]gingertart50 wrote What Harry Potter Did For A Shag (SS/HP, PG-13)

Fics - WIP:
[info]son_of_darkness updated The Comprehension Series with chapter 5/? (Albus Severus/Scorpius, PG)
[info]jacedamian23 updated I Dare you to Cum with chapter 1/2 (Lots of pairing. And Lots. NC-17, *warnings*)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 63/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)

[info]zephre drew Luna at the Wedding (G)
[info]pojypojy drew Veritaserum (SS/HP, G)
[info]rumpelstiltskin drew Crazy Man Michael (Despoiling Harry Zine) (SS/HP, Adult, *NWS*)
[info]hill_ drew Severus the Cat by Hill (SS/HP)

Community News
[info]merry_smustmas posted a reminder to third- and fourth-time participants:fics are due one month from today.
[info]girl_harry is a new community dedicated to "The Girl Who Lives".
[info]snucius100 posted a new challenge: Returning

Editor's Pick
[info]hill_'s Severus the Cat (SS/HP)
Because I was tired and grumpy and this made me laugh so hard I scared the cat (she was napping on the computer, as usual). But I have to say -my cat is a saint compared to Severus. Poor Harry! *snickers*

If you have any news or tips, please send them to potterprophet.ij at! I Thank You!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-14 18:18
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]alisanne wrote All's Fair (HP/RW, PG)
[info]bewarethesmirk wrote A Matter of Trust (SS/HP, R)
[info]louhq wrote Predator to Prey (SS/RL, NC-17)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote Licking the Muffin (SS, HP, RL, PG)
[info]drachenmina wrote Desire (LM/SS, R)
[info]alisanne wrote Naked Truth (SS/HP, R)
[info]drachenmina wrote Blood (LM/SS, PG)
[info]drachenmina wrote Blame & Escape (SS, PG)
[info]foodie wrote No Neville, No Cry (NL, PG)

Fics - WIP:
[info]unbroken_halo and [info]irana started Taming the Wolf with chapter 1/? (HP/NL, BW/HP/NL, NC-17)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 61/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)

[info]arcencielfw drew Bartender's Rememberances (SS/HP, R)
Mecken drew A Look Into a Soul as Heavy as the Heart That Lost (SS/HP, R)
[info]artisticentropy drew Happy Endings (SS/HP, PG13-R)
[info]avalle drew Afterglow (SS/DM, NC-17)

Community News
[info]lupin100's Weekly challenge is up
[info]snape100's weekly challenge is up
[info]awdt's weekly prompt is up

[info]painless_j announced that her site is up. All her recs can be found there.

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2007-10-13 21:09
Subject: Saturday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]chiralove wrote Blessing and Burden (PG-13, SS/HP)
[info]erikdesoir wrote Dirty Mouth (NR, HP/DM)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote The World Without (PG-13, girl!HP/SS *warnings*)
[info]elfflame wrote Our Truth (NC-17, HP/DM *warnings*)
[info]torino10154 wrote The Next Step (PG, HP/SS)
[info]leni_jess wrote The Noonday Wizard (R, LM/BW)
[info]chiralove wrote Drink, Eat, Play Risk Poker, and Shag (NC-17, HP/DM, NL/BW, HG/SS, PW/CW, LL/FW/GW *warnings*)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote Bright Pink Straws and Paper Umbrellas (NC-17, SS/HP)

Fics - WIP:
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 60/75 (NC-17, RW/HP)
[info]ejab62 started Dragon's den with chapter 1/9 (NC-17, SS/LM ; SS/RL)

[info]xnuinx drew Getting it right (NR, HP/SS)
[info]karasu_hime drew Close (G, SB/RL/SS)
[info]jin_fenghuang drew Cockroach Clusters, please... (R, HP/SS *warnings*)
[info]undunoops drew In the Kitchen (R, HP/SS)

Community News
[info]all_fiction is a new fiction community where you can post both fanfiction and original fiction of any rating
[info]snarry_games has posted a PSA
[info]fall_fantasia has posted its Fall Fantasia 2007 reveal list

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-11 15:21
Subject: Thursday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]bridgetmkennitt wrote Something to Remind Me (SS/HP, SS/LE, HP/GW, PG13 *DH spoilers*)
[info]harleen wrote Something Unexpected (Fred/Katie, PG)
[info]alisanne wrote Something Interesting (HP/DM, PG)
[info]kabal42 wrote Say Just Words to Me (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]jazngurl88 wrote Cooperation (HP/DM, PG13)
[info]ellid wrote Rise to the Newness of Life (SS/RL, PG)
[info]ships_harry wrote Becoming Monsters (HP/DM, G)
[info]alisann wrote Falling (SS/HP, PG)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote Shagging People (BW/NL, SS/DM/HP, NC-17)
[info]psyfic wrote Were It Not for This (SS, PG)
[info]star54kar wrote Through the Storm (RW/HP, pg13)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Therapeutically Speaking (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]torino10154 wrote Unexpected (SS/HP, PG)
[info]sawsha12 wrote Explore Enter-Net (SS/RL, PG13)
[info]lilyseyes wrote Aggrieved (SS/HP, NC-17)
[info]iamisaac wrote One Too Many (RL, G)
[info]kaycee wrote Anticipation (Cedric/Fleur, G)
[info]eeyore9990 wrote A Deadly Lust (SS/HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]furiosity wrote Prophesy's Limit (Bane, PG13)

Fics - WIP:
[info]suki_blue updated Parity Transformations with chapter 10/? (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 57/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)
[info]babydraco updated The Holly and the Ivy with chapter 2/5 (HP/DM, PG13)

[info]cnary_crem_dghtdrew Olympia (SS/HP, R)
[info]blackboggart drew My Way Home (SS/HP)
[info]ericahpfa drew No. 77 (CW/NT/BW, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]blackcoyote drew Did You Enjoy That, Potter? (SS/HP)
[info]trancekuja drew A New Life (SS/HP, PG)
[info]_tails_ drew untitled (SS/HP, PG13 *DH spoilers*)

Community News
[info]hp_prompt's weekly prompt is up

Editor's Pick
[info]kabal42's Say Just Words to Me (HP/DM, NC-17)
An absolutely gorgeous fic inspired by Alan Moore's V for Vendetta. Just read it.

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inkaddict posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]inkaddict
Date: 2007-10-10 19:41
Subject: Wednesday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]nimrod_9 wrote What a Difference the Date Makes (SS/RL, Bill Weasley, NC-17) and, First Tome Buyers (SS/RL, R)
[info]alisanne wrote Now They're Cooking (SS/RL, PG)
[info]nimrod_9 wrote Wanting Control (RL/SB, RL/SS, NC-17, *watersports*)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote Could Have Been (Albus Dumbledore/Gellert Grindelwald, PG-13, *spoilers*)
[info]mizstorge wrote Nothing Like the Sun (HP/LV, PG-13)
[info]iulia_linnea wrote A "Purrfect" Reminder (Tom Riddle/Dolores Umbridge, *warnings*,*spoilers*)
[info]envinyatar15 wrote Shadows in Light and Dark (Narcissa/Various, NC-17, *warnings*, *spoilers*)

Fics - WIP:
[info]son_of_darkness updated The Comprehension Series with chapter 4/? (Albus/Scorpius, PG,)
[info]matroushka updated Translation of Light with chapter 10/? (HP/RW, NC17)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 55 and 56/75 (HP/RW, NC-17)

[info]sweet_lemmon drew My Friend Tom (Harry, G)
[info]_odella_ drew Hiroshima lovers (SS/HP, AU, PG)
[info]nakedbee drew Exsanguination (SS/HP, *spoilers*, *warning*)

Community News
[info]snucius_100 posted a new challenge.
[info]merry_smutmas posted a reminder to first and second-time participants: fics are due in a month.
[info]quibbler_report posted a new issue.
[info]snapenews posted a new issue.

[info]themostepotente posted some new recs.
The Quidditch Ptch is looking for volunteers

Editor's Pick
Ok, hd_fandomchoice isn't on IJ, but [info]sulky_rhyno did post reminders in a couple of asylums, so I'm going to cheat a bit. There are less than two weeks left for you to make suggestions in hd_fandomchoice, go there and pimp your favourites! See the reminder for how-to, suggestions and FAQ.

2 Comments | Write the Editor | Add to Memories | Tell a Friend | Link

User: [info]snapelike
Date: 2007-10-09 22:15
Subject: Tuesday Edition!
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]iulia_linnea wrote Always Lost, Briefly Found (SS/HP; NC-17)
[info]emiime wrote Laughter (Frank/Alice; R)
[info]alisanne wrote Lasting a Lifetime (SS/HP; PG)
[info]iamisaac wrote Watching (PW/Hand; NC-17)
[info]ldybastet wrote Cover Up My Sins (LM/SS; R, warnings)

Fics - WIP:
[info]ejab62 updated Path of the Serpent with chapter 36/37. (LM/SS; NC-17)
[info]jamie2109 updated Did You Think I Would Leave You…? with chapter 5 (SM/ASP; PG)

[info]stellamoon drew For Luck... (SS/HP; PG-13)
[info]pervert_bitch drew Full Fathom Five My Lover Lies (SS/HP; R, NWS)
[info]gredandforge drew Trouble Sleeping (SS/HP; PG-13)

Community News
[info]phoenix_flies announced winners of the Drabble-a-thon, and posted a masterlist.
[info]awdt announced this week's prompt.
[info]gmth posts a reminder for first-time [info]merry_smutmas-participants.
Last chance for signing up for [info]hp_halloween is tomorrow, the 10th October.

[info]cluegirl discusses the importance of titles.

Editor's Pick
[info]iamisaac wrote Watching (PW/Hand; NC-17). There is little as hot as Percy falling apart, forgetting he actually has a permanent stick up his butt. [info]iamisaac lets him do it deliciously - and with a twist - in this little fic.

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쉘리 I whip my hair like Bang Bang posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]sdk
Date: 2007-10-08 18:42
Subject: Monday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]starlightforest wrote Severus Snape and the Grudging Fact-Check (SS, G)
[info]dead_sexydexy wrote Cardinal Rules (GW/FW/GW, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]julia_linnea wrote The Wand-Maker (LM/FCC, NC-17)

Fics - WIP:
[info]fourth_rose updated Not in the Hands of Boys with chapter 10/? (HP/DM, PG-13)
[info]suki_blue updated Parity Transformations with chapter 9/? (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]ejab62 updated Path of the Serpent with chapter 35/37 (SS/LM and others, NC-17)

[info]redpiratemel drew Ineffable (SS/HP, PG-13)
[info]ships_harry drew Anamnesis (SS/HP, M)
[info]sweet_lemmon drew Autumn Colors (HP/HG, G)
[info]froggie drew Silent Assent (SS/HP, R *NWS*)

Community News:
[info]hpfanart is looking for a co-mod

If you have any news or links, please send them to potterprophet.ij at!

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elfflame posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]elfflame
Date: 2007-10-07 19:09
Subject: Sunday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]alisanne wrote Tasty Treat (LM/SS, NC-17)
[info]bitterfig wrote Different Flowers (SS/Petunia, NC-17)
[info]harleen wrote Hold Back the Rain (Fred/George, PG-13)
[info]_ky_ wrote Strength in Odd Numbers (Draco/Luna, G)
[info]kaycee wrote Decipher (HG, G)
[info]ejab62 wrote If Only (LM/SS, PG13)
[info]sirenprincess wrote My Favorite Time of Year (SS/HP, PG)
[info]sheena_bandy wrote Patriarch (Voldemort/HP, NC-17 *warnings*)
[info]enchanted_jae wrote Red Rosebud (HP/DM, NC-17)
[info]solemnly_swear wrote Draco's Mom Has Got It Goin' On (SS, G)
[info]alisanne wrote More Sweet Victory (HP/DM, R)
[info]drachenmina wrote The Bluffer's Guide to Potions Mastery (SS, G)

Fics - WIP:
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 54/75 (HP/RW)
[info]kaycee updated Walking with a Ghost with chapter 15/? (HP/DM, R *spoilers*)

[info]ships_harry drew Bella (BB, G)
[info]blackcoyote drew Red Pony (HG/RW, R *warnings*)
[info]glockgal drew Storeroom for the Damaged (SS/HP, R *warnings*)

Community News
[info]lupin100's second Halloween challengehas been posted
[info]snape100 posted their latest challenge

[info]sirenprincess is looking for fic that deals with Severus's reactions to James and Lily

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winoniel posting in Your daily dose of HP news
User: [info]winoniel
Date: 2007-10-06 15:43
Subject: Saturday Edition
Security: Public

Fics - One Shots:
[info]mnemosyne_1 wrote Other Duties As Required (NC-17, PW/Barty, Jr.)
Anonymous wrote Upstanding Depravity (NC-17, GW/FW)
[info]kaycee wrote Fireworks (PG-13, GW/NL)
[info]iamisaac wrote Talent (NC-17, SB/SS)
[info]zephre wrote Dead and Loving It (NC-17, RL/SS)
[info]torino10154 wrote Whiter Than White (PG, SS/HP)
[info]alisanne wrote A Dream Come True (NC-17, DM/HP)

Fics - WIP:
[info]ejab62 updated Path of the serpent with chapter 34/37 (NC-17, SS/LM)
[info]solstice_muse updated Unity in the Community with chapter 52/75 (NC-17, RW/HP)

[info]cnary_crem_dght drew Peas in a pod (Hard R, SS/LM/DM *warnings*)
[info]sulky_rhino drew AS/S is relative (R, AS/S)
[info]gold_loewin drew “I will follow” (R, HP/DM)

Community News
[info]hp_halloween signups have begun

[info]snarry_games has posted CHAMPION INTERVIEW #19, SnakeySnape!
[info]cluegirl posted a poll for Top 10 HP Fics
[info]sansa1970 posts the results of a poll on fandom reading habits
[info]narcissa_malfoy writes about JKR's Interview and Harry's career

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January 2012