p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'morrigan'

Dec. 6th, 2010



[Public from #206]

Hi, everyone!

I've been considering having a bit of a meet-n-greet/holiday party of some sort here on the second floor. While I don't have a lot of room in my apartment, perhaps we can spread out into the hallway (if no one's opposed--what say you, my neighbor in #209?) or maybe have something in the lobby the weekend of the 17th.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Let me know!

Nov. 28th, 2010



[Public from #206]

Crappy night at work. Crappier walk home in the rain because I missed the last bus.

But all is not lost.

Meet Gypsy )

She was soaking wet, half-starved and looked like she'd gotten into a scuffle (hopefully with another cat). Good thing there's a convenience store on the way home--I had to hide her in my jacket to buy her food.

I'm glad she's here with me, now. More than anyone can imagine.



Public from #607

Hello, everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I'm back in residence and I missed you all. ;)

Naea, hon, thank you so much for taking care of my plants and Eeenie, Meenie, and Moe. They look about as perky as fish and ferns ever do. You're the best and I owe you a treat of your choice.

Speaking of treats... I have the first batch of Christmas cookies up for grabs. They're just plain chocolate chips and I had to leave some back with Dad but I still managed to smuggle 4 dozen back here. First come, first serve. Unless you offer really good bribes and then I'll set some aside. ;)

Nov. 23rd, 2010



Private to D3, #907, #705, #706, #402, #406, #206, #209

I'm being summoned home for Thanksgiving and I'll be gone Wednesday through Sunday. Would any of you lovely people be willing to peek into my apartment at least once to water the plants and feed my new goldfish?

I pay in baked goods. <3

Nov. 13th, 2010


Public from #406

Hello! Crapcrapcrap how do I explain why I haven't said anything until now? Maybe if I don't touch on the subject, people won't ask?

My name is Katarina Westbrook, why couldn’t I have a cooler sounding nickname. Maybe I can go by a new one here? but please call me Kitty Rina Katya Tara Kat argh Nina.   I’ve just moved here, though I lived in town for a while now.  My hobbies are extreme rollerblading, underwater basket-weaving, trolling, people-watching, pretending I’m an interesting person exploring new parts of town and knitting wait, knitting is trendy now knitting.  I work at Disneyland, like a lot of people here.   Anyhow, I hope to get to know you all, and the easiest way to get in contact with me is my email.

~ Nina

Nov. 8th, 2010


Public from #807

Good afternoon!

I have to admit that I feel a little awkward about logging on and introducing myself like this. It isn't really encouraged in New York. In fact, it's pretty much frowned on...unless you want to set yourself up to get robbed or labeled as the weird, overly-friendly neighbor. But, since it seems to be standard practice here...

My name is Cara Clark. I'm pretty well-settled in #807, but I need a little advice about where to shop and where to pick up the best food. I don't want to stand out like a sore thumb as an out-of-towner, and, to be honest, I'm just not sure what's in on this coast.

I've just opened up my own little flower shop. I'm sure you'll catch a glimpse of my arrangements now and again in the lobby. The room needs flowers. Trust me.

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Nov. 7th, 2010



Public from #101

Greetings from #101. New in the building, thought I'd introduce myself. I'm Harley Draper - aged 24 and fresh out of a run of Rocky Horror. Just about to start rehearsals for another show too. Such a busy, busy life I have. At least I saved up enough money that I don't have to live in my car now and my sweet cast helped get my things out of storage. I think a mouse is living in my couch now though.

Oh well! At least I have a beach front apartment. I'd say welcome party at my place but it's a bit too small for a party. Hopefully things are going to continue going up, up, up for me!

Nov. 2nd, 2010



[Public from #603]

Well, since douchebag cocksucker cumguzzlinggoatfuckerDavid decided to abandon me and leave me to pay his part of the rent, I shall be moving downstairs to less pricey digs. Apartment management can be hard to track down, but they seemed incredibly understanding. I have my eye on #206.

That being said, and I don't want to be a pain, but I could really use a hand or two to help me get stuff downstairs. David had left me to move everything in on my own, but two guys from work helped me out. If someone wants to buy the beer, I'll gladly reimburse and I'll get pizza for everyone who helps. Just let me know!

Oct. 27th, 2010



Public from 209

Oh forum intro posts, why are you so nerve-wracking? It's not like I'm even meeting anyone face to face yet.

Hello! If anyone's noted boxes going up to the second floor, they're mine. I'm Prudence, but you can call me Pru, it's less puritanical.

Anyway, I'm really looking forward to meeting people face to face, though this forum is awesome considering how much I'm online ANYWAY. REALLY looking forward to the Halloween party! I hope that even though I'm a newbie I'm still invited :D. If anyone needs help with their costumes, I'd totally be happy to help out - I work as an FX/prop designer, so I have the talent. Or so I'd like to think, LOL.

Um, yeah. That's about it.

Oh, and I was going to throw up some last minute decorations along the second floor, since I'm the only one on it? Hope no one minds. It won't be anything as elaborate as what the landlord did, or so I hear. Sounds like it was a hoot. Anyone have pictures left over from that? I'd love to see it.

OH. And. Really, I'm almost done, I swear, I never talk this much - if anyone's on the L4D2 servers, my nick is last_girl. Nick is my character, if you touch him, I will end you. Looking forward to meeting everyone :D

Aug. 9th, 2010


Group Lock: 1005 and P3A

Hey, guys!

Sorry it's taken so long for me to put this together. I'd rather do a zillion bench presses than have to actually run but Melinda is making me My trainer had to go over it like ten times and point out everything that was wrong... Anyway, I won't ramble. So I'll just cut to the chase! Ohgod running puns

The route is 2.4 miles long, running through parts of the city as well as the beach. It sticks to places with sidewalks and street lamps, for safety reasons. My plan is to do two circuits of it in one go, three times a week. Right now, I'm thinking Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. For me, the time is completely flexible. This is a part of my training, so I can move things around it a bit. I'd prefer early morning, but I can work with your schedules!

Also, obviously you don't have to come with me every time. So please don't feel obligated if you want to take a day off or just don't want to do it anymore. I won't be mad! Thanks so much for offering to do this with me, though. I really needed the motivation!

- Riley

Aug. 8th, 2010



I know it's late, and I have no idea-


Airport. Can anyone give me a ride tomorrow? Flight leaves at 1:18pm. I need to be there by noon I think?

I have to go home for a bit.


Aug. 3rd, 2010


Oh so very very public.

I hate this. No, seriously. I hate this. I don't think I've ever even really hated anything in my life. Not seriously.

I'm two steps...okay, maybe less than two steps even, from dropping out so this pile of books stops mocking me. I could make a fort out of them instead. In the middle of the living room.

Though I guess it would be harder to hide from these damned things if I'm eating Cheez-Its in a fortress made of them. Damn it.

...Why does homework have to be so hard to do? Who has the time to pay attention to

Public from 303

So I know that even though it's only the first week of August, summer's well on its way out. Which means that most people have no incentive to start a new work-out regiment because you can't very well wear bikinis to Thanksgiving dinner. But! I'm going to be starting a new cardio circuit soon and was wondering if any of you wanted a running partner. It's nice to have a partner even though you aren't really talking or interacting during the run, for motivation and stuff. I really don't like running, so I'd kind of like to have another person who isn't afraid to hit me when I'm slacking off.

I was thinking about planning a route that includes a bit on the beach. Running on soft sand is great for strength and power in the legs, and it also includes the upper body a bit more than other surfaces. So if you see this and are interested, drop me a message! My name is Riley, for the new people I've seen moving in and the not-so-new people that might have forgotten. Thanks!

Jul. 9th, 2010


Thanks to everybody that came to my fight yesterday! I hope you all had a lot of fun! The fact that you came out like that means a lot to me. Thanks for the support, and I hope to see all of you guys a lot more now that my two weeks of pre-fight hell are over!

On a completely unrelated note that has nothing to do with the outcome of that fight whatsoever, who would be up for either going out or throwing some sort of party here tonight or tomorrow night?

Jun. 27th, 2010


Public from 303

Hey, Pax pals! So you've probably noticed that I haven't been blasting my music as much lately. That's because I haven't been around. I've been at the gym, training!

On July 8, I'll be fighting Harry Barnard (or Bee-Sting Barnard, if you follow boxing) just a few blocks from the building. If anybody wants to come, I can snag free tickets for great seats, as well as entrance to the VIP rooms right before the fight. If you've never been to a boxing match and want to see what it's like, let me know! I promise it'll be a lot of fun and you'll get to see me pound Harry's ass until it's a wad of cookie dough and hey, the VIP rooms have free food. ;)

Jun. 24th, 2010


Public - from 1005

I should have gotten around to this earlier but I've been holed up in my new place trying to get everything unpacked, wired, whatever. But hey, I'm Paul and I just moved into the building. I'm in 1005 if you want to stop by with any welcoming sort of delicious baked goods. I'm not allergic to anything (that I know of) so I don't discriminate between sugary things. In return, I promise to find the best wine to go with whatever you bring. I also cook a lot, I'm just not that good at baking. Never really had a knack for it. But I make my own pasta, so hey?

Um. This is awkward. I used to actually be personable, I swear. And don't worry - I'm not going to be blasting any loud music or anything. Nor do I run a meth lab from the spare room. Although that probably may disappoint some. But I believe in common courtesy, so I will always extend such to my fellow neighbors.

Jun. 22nd, 2010


FUCK THE WEEKEND. JESUS CHRIST. I should never hate Saturday and Sunday as much as I hate Monday, for fuck's sake.

How many of you here work at the parks? I know there's at least a few of you. We need to have like a barbecue or something on the beach sometime, chill with beer, bitch about how much we hate our jobs, throw rocks at seagulls. I'm not bringing any food, though, and somebody else has to cook because giving me a hand at a barbecue is a bad fucking idea, trust me. I've got a couple spare six packs around to donate. Who's with me?

Jun. 18th, 2010


And just when I'd started to wonder how I was going to manage an entire summer of classes, life just throws herself at me.

Now if only that were literal. Hmm...I wonder what Life would look li--

OH RIGHT. Hello to what I'm sure are my very charming not-so-roommates. Floormates? Building-mates? Needs a new word there, "neighbor" sounds far too...Sesame Street. Whatever. I'm Dorian, I just moved in on the third floor, and I might have been tempted to say I wanted to apologize in advance for the noise...

But I'm really not sorry. In any case, you'll learn to love it~

Jun. 15th, 2010


Okay, I didn't get a chance to do this yesterday, so I'm Chris. I like loud movies, loud music, and not being woken up early on my very fucking rare days off, so if you've got a problem with any of that, buy earplugs and don't drop shit on my ceiling.

okay now what the fuck else do i say OH YEAH The rusted silver piece of shit Civic out in the parking lot? Mine. Scratch it, dent it, shove it into the street, whatever, and I run you over. Got it? Good.

Jun. 14th, 2010


Sup y'all.

I'm Dev Ng in 201. I'm moving in. Yes, that's my hatchback with the Alliance sticker on the rear window. I understand I am double parked, but idgaf cause I'm moving milk crates filled with crap.

I'm not a quiet neighbor, sry2say. But I have more copies of various versions of Star Wars than anyone in a tri-state area.