p a x
l e t a l e
At Pax Letale, an awakening has begun. As these gods rediscover themselves and each other, the seemingly invisible but ubiquitous management tracks each of them quite closely, and the very building itself seems to have an agenda of its own. And as the gods made humans in their own image - or humans made them in theirs - so will the the behavior of the people of Pax turn as dark as their deities. Blood, strife, sex, petty plots, torture - even murder will wind their ways into Pax Letale.

Posts Tagged: 'raven'

Dec. 1st, 2017






Private to Daniel

I need you to push me in a wheelchair outside RIGHT NOW

Private to June


Private to Gus


Oct. 26th, 2017



905 to all

What's up, neighbors? Who wants to help me haul some boxes up to the ninth floor and/or move some of these... altars??!?... out of the way? I can pay in food, beer, and maybe real actual dollars depending on how much you entertain me while moving things.

Apr. 16th, 2017



Priate to 308


Do you want anything from anyone while this lock down is in place? People are in a panic and I can't leave, might as well not waste it.
Tags: ,

Mar. 23rd, 2017




Guys, whatever is going on in your lives is not as important as the fact that Chuck Berry, the father of rock and roll is dead. Take off your hats, pour one out for ol' Chuck, get the seat belt off of your date for some hanky panky, support your local guitarist and get a large group of people to harmonize on a song about your junk in his memory.

Rest in peace good sir.

Mar. 18th, 2017



605 to everyone

Uh, so. Not sure how to go about this, but. Yeah. I'm new here. Like who isn't moving to California these days? My name's Augustus, but you can call me Gus. I go to UCLA. That's about it. Anyone hiring? I need cash. Now.

My sister isn't answering her phone. So. That's a problem. She lives here? Her name's Brittany. If anyone knows her, tell her to call Gus.


Jan. 26th, 2011



[Text to Shae and Jack]

Not pregnant.

((Backdated to January 19th, 3 days after this exchange.))

Jan. 16th, 2011



[Text to Shae and Jack]

We have to talk. Now.

Nov. 23rd, 2010



Private to D3, #907, #705, #706, #402, #406, #206, #209

I'm being summoned home for Thanksgiving and I'll be gone Wednesday through Sunday. Would any of you lovely people be willing to peek into my apartment at least once to water the plants and feed my new goldfish?

I pay in baked goods. <3

Nov. 22nd, 2010



Public from 504

In an AWESOME stroke of poor timing & bad luck, my car died literally on the way to buy Christmas presents. One late-night tow and a shiny new transmission later, I need some extra pocket money. I'm actually pretty handy, I really do windows, and I'm a passable tutor for anything EMT/anatomy (no jokes plz) related. Any takers?

Nov. 13th, 2010


Public from #406

Hello! Crapcrapcrap how do I explain why I haven't said anything until now? Maybe if I don't touch on the subject, people won't ask?

My name is Katarina Westbrook, why couldn’t I have a cooler sounding nickname. Maybe I can go by a new one here? but please call me Kitty Rina Katya Tara Kat argh Nina.   I’ve just moved here, though I lived in town for a while now.  My hobbies are extreme rollerblading, underwater basket-weaving, trolling, people-watching, pretending I’m an interesting person exploring new parts of town and knitting wait, knitting is trendy now knitting.  I work at Disneyland, like a lot of people here.   Anyhow, I hope to get to know you all, and the easiest way to get in contact with me is my email.

~ Nina

Nov. 8th, 2010


Public from #807

Good afternoon!

I have to admit that I feel a little awkward about logging on and introducing myself like this. It isn't really encouraged in New York. In fact, it's pretty much frowned on...unless you want to set yourself up to get robbed or labeled as the weird, overly-friendly neighbor. But, since it seems to be standard practice here...

My name is Cara Clark. I'm pretty well-settled in #807, but I need a little advice about where to shop and where to pick up the best food. I don't want to stand out like a sore thumb as an out-of-towner, and, to be honest, I'm just not sure what's in on this coast.

I've just opened up my own little flower shop. I'm sure you'll catch a glimpse of my arrangements now and again in the lobby. The room needs flowers. Trust me.

I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you!

Nov. 2nd, 2010



[Public from #603]

Well, since douchebag cocksucker cumguzzlinggoatfuckerDavid decided to abandon me and leave me to pay his part of the rent, I shall be moving downstairs to less pricey digs. Apartment management can be hard to track down, but they seemed incredibly understanding. I have my eye on #206.

That being said, and I don't want to be a pain, but I could really use a hand or two to help me get stuff downstairs. David had left me to move everything in on my own, but two guys from work helped me out. If someone wants to buy the beer, I'll gladly reimburse and I'll get pizza for everyone who helps. Just let me know!

Oct. 8th, 2010



[Text to Shae]

I know you don't have a regular computer so here we go with basic phone tech... Seriously. What do you wear to paintball? Should I bring a change of clothing?

Oct. 6th, 2010



[Public from #907]

Boredom doesn't sit well with me. I'm starting to go stir-crazy. I need to shoot something. Legally would be better.

Anyone for paintball?

**EDIT: Looks like a building party to me. Let's meet around 5:30 PM on Friday at [insert outdoor paintball venue and corresponding address here]. SHOW NO MERCY.

P.S. I'm feeling generous, so if anyone wants to meet afterward at Bottoms Up Tavern around 8PM, I'll buy the first round. That goes double for the paintball fiends.

Oct. 4th, 2010


[Public from #305]

Hey, neighbors! Jack Mallory here, the new occupant of apartment 305 so no need to call the cops. I'm an actor, I've done mostly tv work and some commercials. Some of you may know me better as Jack Daniels, the "rock-n-roll" comic at The Comedy Store on Thursdays. I got connections all over Hollywood, so let me know if there's anything you want to see and I'll hook you up. Anything for my fellow Pax Letale denizens!

So does anyone know what's up with this place? It didn't look like this when I was here a few weeks ago. Far be it from me to look a gift upgrade in the mouth and it BETTER be free, there's no fucking way I'm paying for it, but it looks like a film set or something. If it is, I'm going to kill my agent. Really nice work. The Egyptian tomb thing in the lobby is FUCKING CREEPY a particularly festive touch.

Anyway, I think I'm going to explore the rest of the place, check out the scenery. Especially of the female variety. Maybe I'll run into some of you ladies. Ciao, babes!

Sep. 21st, 2010



[Public from #907]

Hey. I don’t actually own a computer, so I’m writing this from a borrowed machine at the library. Comment if you must.

I’m Shae. Just moved into #907. If we ever meet in person, we’ll talk more. Technology is overrated. Period.