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Opus Two RPG

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[Mar. 30th, 2010|08:21 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*has settled into a highly productive morning's work, having waved Maedhros off in the early hours as he actually goes to visit Himring for the first time in months* *does wonder (not for the first time) how anything resembling governmental procedure actually happens in Himring given that its ruler is generally resident in Hithlum*

*catches up with all of his outstanding emails and it is with something like relief that he sends his final email of the morning (a cheery greeting to his brother with a request to pass his best wishes on to Aro and Eärwen)*

*finally, leans back in his chair and presses the intercom* Margaret? Is my 10 o'clock here yet?
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[May. 26th, 2009|01:57 pm]

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*upon hearing of the birth of his newest nephew, bestirs himself to leave Hithlum and appropriates Fingon's private jet (the only way to ensure that he does not get extradited - AKA shot down - over enemy airspace)*

*arrives in Ossiriand and goes to visit his mother and youngest siblings before tracking down Maglor and seeing the newest edition to the family*
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[Apr. 21st, 2009|12:28 am]
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*hear rumours and murmurs of jobs going awry in the west* *at first, chalks it up to incompetence but allows that there might be something more serious afoot when an entirely change of staff in Hithlum yields no improvement*

*decides to travel straight to the source of this minor annoyance and charters a flight (with Nelyafinwian disregard for flight restrictions) from Thargelion to Hithlum*

(*it's not that rum-running is a large business and, indeed, it only accounts for the smallest fraction of his income, but it's the principle of the thing (is nothing if not principled)*)

*whips out his mobile phone as he lounges in the backseat of his taxi and sends a text to his eldest brother* m1. incoming. c2.
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[Dec. 7th, 2008|03:15 pm]

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[Mood | chipper]

*arrives in Ossiriand, yet again, only this time without Fingon (because he's so wildly busy in the run-up to Erumas) and the decision has been made that he should attempt to keep the peace in Ossiriand (yeah, he found that hilarious too) while Fingon travels to Gondolin to meet Gil-galad there for the holidays*

*heaves his heavy bag over his shoulder and is already texting Fingon (landed. see you next year. ugh. wrong.), hey, shut up*

*walks out into the arrivals lounge, looking out for Maglor*
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[Nov. 23rd, 2008|06:57 pm]
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[Mood | rushed]

*in spite of the fact that his last weekend in Ossiriand turned into an extended vacation (as happens so often when Maedhros is involved), finds himself on a plane back to Ossiriand, having heard that his sister has given birth* *to a perfectly normal child, by all accounts (although Anairë's account did include more beautifuls and gorgeouses than the obstetrician's report)*

*is soon being shown to Aredhel's room in the hospital (and is very lucky to find her there, according to a nurse, as she's due to be discharged home today), followed by a less happy Maedhros who is carrying a giant teddy bear (that looks normal-sized tucked under Maedhros' arm)*
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[Oct. 29th, 2008|06:49 pm]
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[Mood | okay]

*gets back into work (hey, look at that, work) after he's back to his lonesome again*

*wonders if he just needed a shakeup in his routine, in the end*

*hasn't heard from his brother (you know, the one that doesn't want him dead) in ages so gives him a ring to catch up*
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[Oct. 18th, 2008|06:25 pm]

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[Mood | determined]

*finally manages to persuade Fingon to visit Ossiriand, as he had intended to a number of weeks previously* *mostly achieves this because the crisis in Gondolin appears to have been resolved (and the resolution bore no relation to the number of pencils Fingon snapped)*

*finally says that he, Maedhros, is going to Ossiriand to see his parents and siblings and it would be much easier if he, Fingon, accompanied him (strictly from the point of view of diplomatic relations and inviolable airspace)*

*plucks Fingon's mobile phone out of his hands as they walk through customs at O.I.A* No.
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[Sep. 28th, 2008|07:05 pm]
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*has had a very full weekend, Erudamnit, and still has a mountain of papers to grade and it's Sunday evening and he's working with only one operational arm*

*sighs and decides to take a break* *will ignore the fact that most of his day has consisted of various breaks: sleep-break, tea-break, coffee-break, gym-break, break for the Game, break for the Race, dinner-break, etc, etc*

*picks up his mobile phone and dials*
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[Sep. 6th, 2008|06:08 pm]
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[Mood | cheerful]

*has moved back to Ossiriand, the weekend before school starts back* (*has also been astounded by the sheer amount of stuff that Fániel owns and leaves the suite in Tyler wondering just how she intends to pack all her stuff away by the end of the weekend*)

*leaves a voicemail for Argon to apologise that he can't help her move in because he's heading to Hithlum and, with that, heads to Hithlum*

*is sitting in the car on the way from the airport to his father's home when he takes out his phone and calls Fingon*
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[Aug. 16th, 2008|09:17 pm]
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[Mood | okay]

*has settled into a fragile state of domesticity while Maedhros is in Himring*

*gets up slightly later (it being Saturday and all) and goes down to the lake to make the most of the fine late summer weather*

*goes for a swim and then heads back to the balcony of the breakfast room to read the paper and enjoy the sunshine*
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[Aug. 12th, 2008|09:47 pm]

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[Mood | optimistic]

*arrives in Hithlum, following a particularly rough flight from Ossiriand* *is fairly sure that the pilot fabricated a lot of that turbulance*

*is rather pleased when a car meets him at the Hithlum airstrip*

*reaches the Royal Compound and makes his way straight to Fingon's office (it's 10 o'clock at night, where else would that man be?)*

*lets himself in* So, I'd hoped that you'd meet me from the plane but I'm guessing there was a danger the paperwork might have gotten out of control in your half-hour absence. *puts a plastic bag on his desk* Duty free whiskey!
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[Aug. 5th, 2008|05:56 pm]

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*really doesn't want to speak too soon, but has had a rather enjoyable time in Ossiriand with his siblings* *doesn't want to speak too soon because there's still time for bloodshed tears before bedtime*

*wanders out into the garden of the hotel in which he's staying and takes his phone out of his pocket*

*after a moment (there's always a moment), presses a particular speed-dial*
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[Jul. 21st, 2008|09:58 am]

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[Mood | determined]

*settles in with the twins in their hotel rooms before making their way over to Celegorm's house for their nice, cozy family dinner*

*and ohhh will there be Mandos to pay if any of the family are absent/unmannerly/homicidal*
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|08:27 pm]

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*after a highly productive morning, returns to the hotel with contact details for Caranthir*

*has a shower first (sort of needs one) and orders lunch*

*sits cross-legged on his bed, having changed into jeans, and dials the first of Caranthir's private numbers*
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|11:39 am]
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[Mood | aggravated]

*makes a swift trip home from Ossiriand on a private flight*

*is greeted with a fantastic headline about the whole thing in the Arts section* *that'll look extra swell when he has to postpone the last show because how can he face his public with this face?* :\

*is unconscionably glad to be more permanently reunited with his home again*

*types a message to Maedhros (where is he anyway?):* Curvo's a little more insane than usual at the minute. I'd recommend staying away.

*tells his publicist to hold all messages and retreats to brood*
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[Jun. 29th, 2008|07:31 pm]
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[Mood | calm]

*has been quite comfortably installed in his own home in Thargelion since The Incident*

*is sitting out on a veranda with a glass of wine, looking at maps and trying to figure out a route to get his eldest brother back to Hithlum without him being extradited (ie: blown out of the skies over Doriath)*

*really thinks it would be much easier to send him in a car over the border to Himring and let him figure it out for himself*

*doesn't even turn when Maedhros comes out onto the veranda* So. The choice is north over Anfauglith or south and then up over Nargothrond but avoiding the Falas and Nevrast. Or -- and wait for it -- you just go home and wait for Fingon to start replying to your calls.
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[May. 9th, 2008|04:36 pm]
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*two days before Aredhel's wedding, having ascertained that his first degree relatives have left Vinyamar for Hithlum, makes his way to a certain neighbourhood*

*orders Maedhros to stay in the car and makes his way up to a particular house*

*is wearing overalls and a baseball cap emblazoned with StormTech, pulled low down over his eyes*

*is also carrying a toolbox*

*knocks on the door*
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[May. 4th, 2008|10:01 am]

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[Mood | cranky]

*is exceptionally bored, holed up in a motel on the outskirts of Vinyamar*

*has run out of things to watch on telly (and, yes, that does include the pay-per-view adult channels)*

*lies on one of the beds with a can of lukewarm beer resting on his stomach and glares at the closed door*
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[Apr. 10th, 2008|08:33 pm]
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[Mood | busy]

*diverts to Vinyamar, instead of going to Delving, on the instruction of his eldest brother*

*does not make his presence known to any of his family*

*simply goes about his business quietly and efficiently, setting up surveillance on the subject's house*

*settles on a bench overlooking the pier, an earpiece in his ear, as he texts Maedhros* M1.A-OK.C2.
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[Apr. 5th, 2008|08:27 pm]

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[Mood | cranky]
[Music |did i mention cranky??]

*is a bit cranky that there the proposed lynching-of-Olwë has been put on indefinite hold* *is also a bit cranky that he and his father appear to be the only people who were in support of this masterplan in the first place*

*half-considers getting in touch with his middle brothers but decides that they can probably bring nothing to the current situation*

*wanders out onto the front porch of his mother's house, with a glass of whiskey in his hand*
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