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Opus Two RPG

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[Nov. 11th, 2008|12:59 pm]
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[Mood | sick]

*has a good deal of sleep to catch up on to think about after her visit to the therapist*

*takes her current indecision and confusion as a sign to stay well put and reconcile with her former self's stupidity rest up*

*thinks it best she tell Elenwë she won't return to their business venture in Gondolin*

*rings her friend from her rooms at the Garden Path*
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[Sep. 3rd, 2008|07:05 pm]
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[Mood | infuriated]

*receives official notice that she's to leave the city, along with all other non-natives*

*stares at the paper in utter disbelief, unable to accept that she's being lumped in as a common criminal suspect*

*telephones Elenwë immediately*
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[Jun. 24th, 2008|07:55 am]
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[Mood | working]

*despite a fairly good opening by some standards, would really prefer it if this lingering trouble with the government city's patriarch wasn't an issue*

*since Elenwë's been so very reluctant to join her in town, goes out to call on her personally*
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[May. 19th, 2008|10:45 pm]

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[Mood | morose]

*sits down to her morning tea and opens the day's newspaper to the Society section*

*raises an eyebrow at the headline (VALAR MAKE-UP, BREAK-UP WEDDING)*

*perhaps a little too happily* No more than she deserves.

*is about to move on when something in the incredibly distasteful photo of two Valar writhing on the floor in embrace catches her eye* Turukáno? *looks closer and finds confirmation that her husband is indeed in the photo -- sitting alongside his whore*

*closes the paper, calmly sets it down, and phones Erendis*
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[Apr. 3rd, 2008|02:26 pm]

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*very seriously considered visiting her daughter in her new home and cementing some sore of bond of motherly love*

*then took a stroll by the place, saw exactly the state the girl would be living in, and changed her mind utterly*

*it's best to break ties now before she chances growing attached to her HAHAHAHAHA*

*packs her thingshas her things packed and leaves on the next private train to Vinyamar*

*establishes herself in a hotel before walking down to the boardwalk*

*sits at a café, sipping an iced latté and enjoying the feeling of superiority she gets through people-watching*
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