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September 29th, 2016

[info]gemcitymod in [info]oldschoolrp

Gemini City

At a glance, Gemini City looks like any other large city -- skyscrapers, businessmen hurrying to and from meetings, cabs honking in traffic, etc. Residents will find many of the same amenities they would in other major cities they may be familiar with. There is an impenetrable shield, however, that covers the entire city, which prevents citizens from coming or going at will. The city itself experiences normal seasonal changes, most comparable to somewhere on the Eastern United States seaboard. Outside the shield cover, there is ambient sky, which changes from day to night when the city does. The ground is simply featureless green grass. We are a panfandom roleplaying game that has been up and running for a year now with an active, welcoming group and as such are always excited to see new players and characters. While we do have a light monthly activity requirement, we are plot-driven, with points being seen as a bonus for extras/fun stuff, not a major focus. With our one year anniversary, the plot is heating up and anyone can help unravel it. We accept canon versions of characters, AU versions (including past game history as long as others in your fandom have okayed it), as well as original fandom characters. Original concept OCs will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Most RP tends to be between G and PG-13, however there are occasional mature situations. As such, all players must be over 18 years old. The citizens of Gemini City come from many different worlds and places in time. Some have been here longer than others, though the Mayor’s Office has not released statistical data on arrivals. There are no true ‘locals’ and the city prides itself on being a sort of universal melting pot. If new arrivals ask how they ended up in Gem City, the city employee that greets them will tell them that no one has figured this out yet.


The "background" or NPC characters of Gemini City all come from various fictional worlds as well. Some places -- both fictional and not -- have also been brought to Gemini City in the same way that people have. What this means is that your character could find themselves working at a marketing company with Don Draper, getting coffee at Central Perk, or taking in the sights at the world-famous Vincennes Zoo.

To apply, fill out the following application and link it here.