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January 6th, 2012

[info]xprojectmods in [info]oldschoolrp

X-Project: An X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal


Want to play a genius inventor with a bionic arm? There's an app for that (that he probably invented)!

Want to play a man from the Land of the Rising Sun with the power of the rising sun? There's an app for that!

(want to play his little sister? There's an app for that too!)

Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter!

[info]marchenmod in [info]oldschoolrp

Marchen Heights

Once Upon A Time is such an innocuous phrase. No one says when that time is. There’s nothing to say that it wasn’t 1838. 1924. 2012.

Once Upon A Time, a building was built on a vacant lot in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The area had been left alone for years, unclaimed by state or owner due to a technicality in legal work. The lot was rumored to be haunted, because of a ghastly ghost story which circled the area. In the late 2000’s construction began, creating a building that was advertized as reinventing the apartment complex - Marchen Heights.

It appealed to the wealthy, looking for a new place to claim. For some, it was an escape from bitter exes or a past rife with scandal. It appealed to the poor, when a lottery offered spots to a select few. For them, it was a chance to flee an abusive home or try to make it in a grim world. It appealed to those who fell in between, not realizing they needed a change. Moving across the Charles River – or further – wasn’t always their intention. Marchen Heights and the people who rented out the apartments were impossible to resist.

What few realized though was that those given the chance to live in this complex were not there to seek out a fairytale life. That had already been granted to them. There’s reason to fear the man with rumors about past wives – to be kind to the maid with ashy feet. Each resident has a story even though they’re not aware of it yet.

Marchen Heights is a fairytale and folklore based game with a set time frame. Characters are based on figures from tales around the world and will be ensnared in the mysteries of Marchen. A smaller, fast-paced game, Marchen intends to be a unique roleplaying experience.

premise | rules | faqs | world
premades/held | building | application | dropbox

Game Opens at Six Applications.

[info]boi_mod in [info]oldschoolrp

Bunch of Idjits: Supernatural Las Vegas

Supernatural Las Vegas
[info]boi_mod | [info]bunch_of_idjits | [info]boi_etc | [info]boi_ooc

The supernatural beings of Las Vegas, Nevada do their best to keep hunters (and other riffraff) out of their sparkling city. By any means necessary. Most of the time, they succeed. Come see what happens when they don't. Seeking all types of supernaturals - vampires, lycans, witches, psychics, angels, demons and more!

This game is for original characters only!