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September 11th, 2011

[info]quidditchlife in [info]oldschoolrp

Quidditch Life

Years after the war, and life is feeling back to normal.

The 2004 - 2005 Quidditch season is upon us. The teams of the British & Irish league are getting ready for what is sure to be an exciting season. Messy transfers, rumors of rival players sleeping with each other, sponsorships up in the air, and a grueling season. All the teams fighting to be at the top.

Quidditch Life is a game based around the British & Irish Quidditch League, however it is not limited to it. All characters from the Harry Potter world are welcome to come play and be apart of the game.

Available Characters & Holds
Cast Directory / Taken PBs
Hogwarts Years
Wanted Characters
Quidditch Schedule & Standings
Quidditch Teams
Drop Box
Additional Resources
Contact List
Friend Button


[info]plus28daysmods in [info]oldschoolrp

Plus 28 Days - HP Post DH RPG

There's a New World Waiting For You
On October 31st, 1999, a group of eco-terrorists released a biological weapon at every major airport in the world. 50 hours later, governments across the globe initiated states of emergency. Those lucky enough to find shelter had to wait it out – the 28 long days for the infected to starve to death or kill each other in their madness. The world as you knew it is gone. Cities are virtually devoid of life. Less than 1% of the worlds population remains. The Magical and Muggle governments struggle to cope and plan for the future of the human race.

Your destiny awaits you.
We are Canon compliant up end of DH, minus Epilogue. Plus 28 Days is an adult game and smut is a part of it though not the focus of the game-wide plots. We have a strong core of players who value plotting, not gossiping - no drama between players is tolerated.

Playing for two year, world plots have included a Marriage Decree, train bombings, border closings, Azkaban break-outs and the return of Quidditch. Some of these world plots overlap and are still currently running. Mods are easy-going and willing to help anyone jump in. If you value a friendly environment for plotting and playing - Plus 28 Days might be the game for you.

Game ~ Available & Cast ~ Apply ~ Rules ~ Premise
What will you do in the new world?

[info]forsilvra_admin in [info]oldschoolrp

Forsilvra II: A Medieval War RPG

Game | Rules | Storyline | Wanted Characters | Advertising

“On distant sands, in savage lands, a war was fought and won. But the king lay dead, and in his stead, chaos pushes on.”

Forsilvra was a land born of blood, won through the lust of power and the sheer force of steel and might. It is then only fitting that at the end of it all, it is for all of those reasons that it must also break. The balance of power has shifted. Once in the hands of the Sterlyn king, the crown now hangs in the balance. There are those who claim, by right of blood, that they are the ones who deserve to rule, and they will stop at nothing to win the fealty of the lords… or enforce their dominion over them. But to others, blood only matters when it is spilled, and they are willing to do just that to achieve their own ends. There is but one thing standing between a few men and absolute power: The unborn child of the late king.

They will sing songs of these battles, of this war. They will make heroes out of the victors and cowards out of those who could not prevail. Whose name will they sing with pride, whose tomb will they adorn with flowers and riches, whose noble house will be exalted for the deeds of the few who fight now? Will the crown remain as one, or will it be divided among many? Will Forsilvra be Forsilvra, or will it be something else entirely? In a land torn by Civil War, glory is yours for the taking, and any man may reach for it if they so desire. But when one takes a leap, they must remember to first look, for in this world, not even a king can escape the cold, cruel hand of Death.

Game Details:

Format: Messageboard // Vbulletin Software (no ads!)
Genre: Original Medieval War RPG
Age Limit: 18+
Contact: Summer *Email: lunarity[at]gmail.com
Inspiration: GRR Martin's Song of Ice and Fire
*(You can also find the staff members in the c-box)

What we offer:
- An RPG with only original characters
- An original world that gives you flexibility to create
- Ability to create your own noble house with back story, or simply join someone else's
- Secret plot points meant to enhance your plot and your game experience.
- Extremely active game
- A true RPG experience where every action determines not only the path of your character, but contributes to the progression of the overall plot.