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April 28th, 2011

[info]gleesummermods in [info]oldschoolrp

RPG Promo: Summer of Glee RPG

Summer is winding down at McKinley and Dalton Academy. Prom and Nationals are just around the corner. Finals are looming and seniors are getting lazy. Spring has finally come to Lima, Ohio but it's just the beginning. The most holy of seasons for high school students is almost upon us: SUMMER!

Glee Summer of Fun is a Post-Season 2 RPG. We will follow canon right up until the season finale, but from there it's up to the players to decide how things unravel over the summer. Will favorite couples stay together? Will Rachel force the New Directions into New Directions Boot camp? Will Puck convince them to go to Vegas? Only the hot, humid summer days and the even hotter nights will tell.

Game will begin with 10 characters, or on May 15th, whichever comes first.

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[info]ami_mods in [info]oldschoolrp

American Magical Institute

American Magical Institute: Not your normal High School. )

[info]ex_just_kevi594 in [info]oldschoolrp

Hogwarts Carefree

This game is just getting rebooted. Come be a part of the fun.
Official game play will begin once we have 5 members.
Members in game at the start will determine the time of the year in which we start the game.

Hogwarts Carefree
ancestry and character availability

A new generation has come to Hogwarts. Students full of life and ready to figure out who they are.

Yes, you read correctly. This game is for those of you who want to develop your own Harry Potter character but have never been allowed to create. Come on over and play. Use our game as a place to grow and develop your character without having to know exactly who they are and what they will do before they get their feet wet. Try your hand at someone new without feeling you are being judged from the word go. We just want to write and have fun without feeling we ought to be professionals.

Do you think you can handle character development in game? Do you think you can decide upon your own plot ideas? If you can’t think of any plot are you willing to write on the weekly challenge just to see where it takes your character? If so, this is the place for you. See you soon

[info]american_nomads in [info]oldschoolrp

American Nomads

American Nomads

Run away and join the circus.

The caravan rolls into town, and for two nights, the sky is lit up by torches and a few hokey rides. There's a sword swallower and fire dancers, a fortune teller, and some sketchy looking carnies selling even sketchier games. No cotton candy, but if you close your eyes, you can imagine the sugary taste.

For a few hours, you forget about the zombies and your dead relatives and the wasteland that used to be America. The music comes from a guy with a guitar and a ragtag string trio, but it's not the sound of the moaning undead.

But when it's over, all you've got to face is yet another night with a gun, hoping you survive to the next night.

So what have you got that's worth staying for? And what have you got that's worth leaving for?

The show must go on. Run away and join the circus.

*** *** ***

Maybe you don't mind the limelight, even if it's just a single spotlight run on a diesel generator. The caravan needs new shows, animal acts, carnival games, a little sideshow drama to draw in the crowds.

Maybe you're not the showy type. The caravan needs roadies and cooks, farmers and guards, medics and teachers.

One hundred souls, struggling to survive -- but they're surviving. Could you?

The show must go on...
Game Info // Characters Wanted
Mod Journal // Rules // Application