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October 8th, 2008

[info]crossovermods in [info]oldschoolrp

Crossover - A modern day comic rp on IJ.

Imagine that you wake up one morning with all the memories of your most beloved comic book character. Imagine going through your day with the flashes of deja vu from the life that you know could only have been in print. Then imagine being told that you aren't the only one that has dealt with it, and they all can be found at:

Premise ~ Available/Holds ~ Taken ~ Application ~ Rules/FAQs

[info]advertisemyrp in [info]oldschoolrp


You can find this in the profile page of this comm as well, but for ease's sake, I thought I'd put it here as well.

1. Allowed: blanket game ads and resource/tutorials communities. If you not sure, just ask! NOT ALLOWED: Celeb communities, Twilight RPs, games with storyline comms, PSL/wanted character requests. There are enough places for them elsewhere. End of story.

2. Games that have excess sub-communities are not what we're looking for. They tend to distract from actual ROLE-PLAYING. This is for games like the ones that existed before these sub-communities, especially storyline comms, became prevalent. We're looking for games with a main community, an ooc, and maybe an extra sub-community or two, such as for logs, plot, or media. This does not include storylines. You must have a threading community/forum and it needs to be easily found.

3. Don't be rude. This means no commenting posts insulting people or games. Commenters like that will be banned.

4. Please place the name of your game in the subject line. It makes it easier to find your post in the sidebar when we look for past posts. Your post will not be accepted if you do not add this subject line. You can feel free to post again, with a subject, but if we have to ask you to do this three times, we ask you not to post any longer and you will be removed. Rejoining to post again after this will get you banned. On that note, no one liner posts. Tell us something abut your game, not just the community name over and over or something random that has nothing to do with the game. "~gamename lol i had beans for dinner :-[" posts will not be accepted. Please no images bigger than 600px without a cut!

5. Do not post more than once a week. If your ad is still on the page, please don't post it again. We will no longer be deleting old posts. Do not flood the comm with ads for your game. You may delete your previous ad and repost only if it has been a week since your last post. Do not delete simply to repost more than once a week.

6. Please try to tag your posts. Please use the ones listed, as they're specific to the community. We'll do it for you if necessary, but it'd be easier if you do. You know what your game's about better than we do. Also, it's easier to find older posts if they're tagged properly.

Note: Any server is allowed. Here on IJ, at LJ, Scribbld, your own domains, forum sites, anything, so long as the game fits other criteria. Don't be shy about posting because your game's offsite!