June 15th, 2011

[info]forgetmedo in [info]notionsic

Who: Autumn, Su, Samantha Washington (NPC), and eventually Dylan
What: Autumn and Su are bar hopping one fine weekday evening and come across a woman from Autumn's past. Things get out of hand and someone calls the police. Dylan is in the immediate area so he takes the call.
When: Wednesday, June 15; evening
Where: Beacon Street
Rating: Medium to high (for language and possible violence)

They'd already had quite a bit to drink. )

[info]__kaboom in [info]notionsic

Who: Amelia and Gio, with guest stars like Frank and John
What: Moving into Mr. Bubbles domain (aka Frank's Brownstone)
When: June 22, Wednesday (Forward-dated)
Where: Starting at Gio's apartment and then making their way to Frank's
Rating: Medium for the adults and their loud mouths
status: Incomplete

Look, Mr. Bubbles. It's an angel! I can see light coming from his belly. Wait a minute... he's still breathing. It's alright. I know he'll be an angel soon. )

[info]immunities in [info]notionsic

Who: Dominic and everyone working the Stone, Perkins and Hensley cases; CC Rosa Keating
What: Dominic weighs in on the ghostly development in the Shakespeare case.
When: Wednesday, June 15; afternoon
Rating: Low to Medium

Inbox (1) )

[info]notloislane in [info]notionsic

Who: Kate Jenkins & Open to BPD personnel/anyone who would be at the station
What: Looking for answers
When: Wednesday June 15, morning
Where: BPD station
Rating: low/medium
Status: Incomplete

Kate had been assigned to the murders for eight days and had come up with exactly nothing. )

[info]crackshot_ in [info]notionsic

Who: John and Dylan
What: Partner talk and miscellaneous
When: Wednesday June 15, morning
Where: BPD station
Rating: Medium
Status: Incomplete

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