June 14th, 2011

[info]enhendricks in [info]notionsic

Who: Evan and Dylan
What: Meeting outside the hospital.
When: Tuesday, morning
Where: Evan's neighborhood
Rating/Status: PG-13? Will update if necessary/Incomplete

Sometimes a walk down memory lane can be meant quite literally. )

[info]powerandglory in [info]notionsic

Who: Glory and all the detectives working the Stone case, CC Lt. Dominic Wright
What: Mass departmental email
When: Sent at 11:46 PM, June 11th from Glory's cell phone
Rating: Low, but possible cursing in the responses?

1 unread message )

[info]crackshot_ in [info]notionsic

Who: John Martin and Kevin Martin (NPC)
What: Video chat with his son Kevin
When: Tuesday June 14, early evening

Be a good cop. )

[info]intothefield in [info]notionsic

Who: Arthur, Su and Chris
What: After this, Chris seeks out some possible clarification on Stone via email.
When: Saturday, June 12 (backdated)
Rating: Medium?

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