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Oct. 15th, 2012



Jesse )

Oct. 11th, 2012


Jesse and I woke up and all the smoldering bodies are gone! I never thought I'd type that!

I walked two miles one way and saw a pony (FIX??), I walked two miles the other way and saw a pack of Mr. Madroxes (Madri?) setting up an office building. The comic shop is still here, so is Mr. Larson (please don't hit him, Jesse).

But it looks different over here. It's like the evil twin of skyrim city over there.


1. Why is the city on fire again

2. How long was I asleep

3. Re: 1, is it Tabby's fault?

4. Did Rahne's kids really show up double lol GOOD JOB

5. Why is the city not on fire I swear I just looked and then it's not now what the hell am I high

Oct. 9th, 2012


private to mord

I think those are my kids


klbnjm            14



HEY EVERYBODY! Let's have a FIRE PARTY! We can set up a projector out in the garden and show some classic movies, and there can be snacks and stuff!

I definitely want to show the following:
The Fire Man - a Buster Keaton movie where he's a pyro and he ends up burning down the city he's supposed to be fire chief of, it's really funny
Hot Time (in the old town tonight) - starring Harold Lloyd, the plot synopsis looks the same as The Fire Man but they're really two completely different movies, this one's funny too!

I have some Keystone Kops on a DVD somewhere too, so we could put those on and do a Silent Movie Slapstick Night? I mean, it won't be SILENT obviously, my DVDs have soundtracks, but if anybody's a musician and you want to try to play a soundtrack live, we can mute the projector!

Or if you want to see a different movie that's cool too, leave a comment and make suggestions! Both of the ones I'm putting on are pretty short, they're about 25 minutes apiece, so we can show both and then either put on more shorts or have time for a full-length movie afterward.

There should obviously be refreshments! I'll bring cupcakes and we can raid the kitchens for soda and milk, but would anybody else like to volunteer to help out?


I can't help but notice the crowd of zombies in the city.

Do you guys want them gone? Because I've dealt with zombies before.


i seem to have misplaced my hand again.

Oct. 7th, 2012


ATTN: skyrims & any ppl know ponies n shit lol

i'm need learn horse riding & how do all the saddles n shit & other care of horse n pony knowledge

if you willing to teach hit me up we work smth out k

Oct. 6th, 2012


He wasn't expecting them to fight back!

Oct. 3rd, 2012



jesse )


this is overwhelming. there are so many buttons. what is a taxi?


eyyo @tory @jesse i'm go on a scav run u got any special desires?

Sep. 28th, 2012


Animated Catte Pictures

If anyone is interested, the little path through the woods that used to lead to the city has a little Starbuck's at the end of it now, and the salted caramel mochas are rather nice.


hey Clint

What do you see with your elf eyes

Sep. 27th, 2012


I really don't think I should be here.


The comic shop is still open, the owner also sells ammo and protein bars now.

Someone from the village should bring us supplies.

Oh, oh all you wolf people, is it true if a dog eats human flesh that's all it ever wants because I'm worried Coleslaw is going to eat Jesse.


What is on fire in the distance? I wanted to visit the city, is it under siege?


I had nothing to do with it. Neither did Psmith.

It was all Loki's fault.


Oh my god it like totally cut off my username so now I look like a bender or some shit which is so against my human rights. That's discrimination you know it's like racism only against me for not being a bender

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