October 11th, 2012

[info]jmdrx in [info]nothernetwork

1. Why is the city on fire again

2. How long was I asleep

3. Re: 1, is it Tabby's fault?

4. Did Rahne's kids really show up double lol GOOD JOB

5. Why is the city not on fire I swear I just looked and then it's not now what the hell am I high

[info]thorsdottr in [info]nothernetwork

Jesse and I woke up and all the smoldering bodies are gone! I never thought I'd type that!

I walked two miles one way and saw a pony (FIX??), I walked two miles the other way and saw a pack of Mr. Madroxes (Madri?) setting up an office building. The comic shop is still here, so is Mr. Larson (please don't hit him, Jesse).

But it looks different over here. It's like the evil twin of skyrim city over there.