September 7th, 2012

[info]kitten_king in [info]nothernetwork

Does anyone want to go outside and play hoodman's blind or something in the pitch black after midnight? I don't see how this could go wrong at all


[info]errantvalor in [info]nothernetwork

LOL U GUIJS WY TEH CHAOS TEK AINT GOT A VIDKAM LOL TRHONE I WAnt to have vidjo of tis lol we had to stop so jens coold thorw op & we stoped in this wats the woord WEN THERES A ROOM WIT ALL TREES IN IT & jens throwed op in a litte tree & there was peopel fukking under the tree he throwed op on lol there aint enof lol in the imperjum for this lol lol lol

[info]rootsgrowdeep in [info]nothernetwork

what is a skrillex
why does it make noise
i don't understand skrillexes

[info]deathfromabow in [info]nothernetwork

I just want to thank Tony Stark for getting me too drunk to climb down off the roof and leaving me there.

At least I woke up, uh... here I guess. Wherever here is. Where is this place, exactly?

[info]thorsdottr in [info]nothernetwork

Jesse and I just watched a story about the Avengers.

1. Where was Hank and Janet?
2. Watching Tony and Father fight was pretty hilarious. You guys should do that on the front lawn.
3. Somewhat related: was Spider-Man really an Avenger or was that a lie that Tony told me when I was a kid?