September 3rd, 2012

[info]bebraveandkind in [info]nothernetwork

ok i'm alive

um there were still cheerios on the floor in the kitchen so i swept in there & stuff

[info]hairysituation in [info]nothernetwork



[info]cptcook in [info]nothernetwork

just saw some dude punch a guy in the face

man u almost 4get what bein n a city is like

[info]thethief in [info]nothernetwork

Two things. Don't put your money in a bank. Just trust me. Keep it with you.

There are cars. Does anyone want to race? Like really race? The faster the better.

[info]fixxx in [info]nothernetwork

see now this is ok it still milzone as shit but its not housing

im be moving claim tonite, got some undisclosed locations scouted. hmu if u lookin for a new claim too bc i can only sleep one place lol maybe u want one of the others, i aint greedy about that shit like some folks

[info]whiteas_snow in [info]nothernetwork

What is a car?? I've never seen such buildings in my life and so many people and the streets seem so strange. I don't know that I like it.

[info]trampled_webs in [info]nothernetwork

So I think I might need psychiatric help. I think there's something wrong with me that I miss the patrolling and fighting crime and the excitement of it all... yet, somehow, I always wanted for it to end. I guess it's just... I know it's still happening, just not in a place I can do anything about it, and I'm rambling and...

I'm going to go watch Breaking Bad.

[info]madeinamerica in [info]nothernetwork

Oops, sorry, where did you two go?

[info]wolfsclothes in [info]nothernetwork

texts, sent at 8pm.

i convinced jamie (arm wrestled and won)
to dupe his ass and babysit. i'm going out, to investigate the city

i cover more as a wolf. i'll stick to the shadows.

i'm sorry for how i am lately i have itchy feet. we'll talk about it soon.

care to escort a giant wolf into the city

at least six dupes at all times on those kids, asshole