August 13th, 2012

[info]rootsgrowdeep in [info]nothernetwork

i saw the night come
and the rain falling up again
and the forest upside down ??? (maybe i was upside down and it was rightside up)
the branches red

and i see you, lying lion
be careful near the windows :3

[info]swordsanshand in [info]nothernetwork

looking for healer

she has long hair apparently, that's all i was told. could someone point me in the right direction?

[info]theglorious_etc in [info]nothernetwork

Ah, the great and wondrous stories that shall be told of this place: how the people had the pox, and a man lost his sword for fear of a woman, and cats continued to exist. How glorious the tales! How awestruck the listeners! May the Queen of Dragons' children grow swiftly and strong, or a war break out.

[info]wolfsclothes in [info]nothernetwork

Sorry for all the noise lately.

Agnes was born first. She turns into a puppy but also has turned into a baby while sleeping a few times. She barks and cries.

Beatrice was second, she has not shown any signs of being a human or a wolf. She's a combination. She hasn't cried, barked, anything. She whines now and then. She's quiet and good and likes Bran.

Conlan, the boy. He's human-- in form. He understands us already. It's unnerving.

I didn't know the offspring of two mutants would be so weird.

Weird in a good way.

Conlan was named by Doug. It means The Hero. Cute, right?

I went from running from the government and having secret shags to running after puppies! Thanks, creepy peninsula!

[info]dorothydreams in [info]nothernetwork

fine your pox are all gone

i was sad

thanks for asking

[info]rlpn in [info]nothernetwork

text message(s) to Kit




at me

[info]awkwardfall in [info]nothernetwork

Okay! We survived the full moon! We survived the chicken pox! I should start making up emergency kits! Who wants to help?

[info]hairysituation in [info]nothernetwork

Filtered against Jamie Lannister. )

[info]unbrokenbraid in [info]nothernetwork

The inarticulate screams echo throughout the halls.

Ki fin yeni! Vos. Vosecchi! MY BOY! WHERE IS MY BOY!?

(What the fuck? No. No way!)

[info]awkwardfall in [info]nothernetwork

text to bran

Are you like, a ghost?
How do you have a body?

[info]bebraveandkind in [info]nothernetwork

if anybody finds a red swiss army knife with IGJ on it please let me know

i think i lost it on the stairs so if you find it by tripping and breaking your neck im really really sorry

edit & let me know where you found it please? i lost some other stuff too & id like to look for it & its probably near the knife wherever that is. at least its not in the woods i had it when i was in my room

[info]best_stark in [info]nothernetwork

Hey, jerkass guy that nobody likes, if Rapunzel can't fix your hand I'll make you a better one