August 2nd, 2012

[info]actsofvengeance in [info]nothernetwork

I would give you some trite line about "bring back my helmet and I wont hurt you" but that would be a lie.

And don't worry about bringing it back, I'll come find you.

[info]themagicianking in [info]nothernetwork

I may have charmed one of the hedge bushes into being animated, so if you see a bush in the shape of a rabbit hopping about the gardens... well. Now you know.

[info]loudnproud in [info]nothernetwork

[Accidental voice post]

The sound of muffled weeping, then sobbing, then maybe laughing and back to sobbing and a girl with an Irish accent saying: I.. just.. want... And more sobbing.

[info]whiteas_snow in [info]nothernetwork

it is a lovely day today and i have decided i should very much like to go swimming if anyone wants to join me that would be good

[info]hairysituation in [info]nothernetwork

POTTERY! CANDLE MAKING! Today is a busy day!!! Well, not really, it won't take me long to do what I want to do, buuuut... does anyone want to learn those things?? Because I can teach you!!

[info]newskin in [info]nothernetwork

Those babies are adorable, Rahne. I'll babysit ALWAYS!

[info]bebraveandkind in [info]nothernetwork

well i guess this is a thing that happened