July 30th, 2012

[info]rootsgrowdeep in [info]nothernetwork

i saw a hawk catch a fish then drop it
it caught another fish then flew into a tree
head first
then it fell down

the fish still drowned

[info]thethief in [info]nothernetwork

[Private to Thor and Loki]

Hey so uh, Torunn and I are going to go do something incredibly stupid. But I promise to keep her safe. Or who am I kidding, she'll be doing the kick ass stuff not me Just so you know, if you don't hear from one of us in a while, it's cause.. well bad things happened. But! It'll be okay. I think. I always land on my feet and Torunn clearly can handle herself.

And no, I'm not telling you what we're doing because you'll try to stop us.

[info]atreus in [info]nothernetwork
