July 14th, 2012

[info]kitten_king in [info]nothernetwork

None of my clothes fit properly and I have no idea what to do with my hair

[info]elektrafied in [info]nothernetwork

1. Has anyone figured out why some of us are now.. not our normal genders?

2. Is there a guy willing to part with some pants and shirts for me?

3. Fuck this better not be permanant.

If matt was still here

[info]psilent in [info]nothernetwork

I must say that I am glad that, if taking female form was necessary, it was done here, in a place where forgoing the whalebone is socially acceptable; I find my figure still requires none, and my brief experience with such garments has indicated that I'd not like to try to lounge about all day while within its embracing confines. The corset has its effects upon the posture which may indeed be both fetching in appearance and improving to the spine, yet I care not for it, as the fellow in the story once said. A Psmith must be free to arrange himself as he sees fit; or herself, as the case may be.

I have also an anecdote to share, which I am sure will be passed around the clubs by morning; Psmith has made an ass of himself; Psmith is not ashamed to admit it. I had rather more hair than this photograph indicates when I found myself; and I recall faintly, from the days of my young boyhood, having watched certain young ladies to whom I was related putting a "frizz" in their hair, as being Very Becoming. I desired, at that time, to have a "frizz" myself, yet I was denied, for I was but a boy, and thus evidently undeserving of a Very Becoming appearance. With this memory haunting the back of my mind, and not nearly enough pomade to handle slicking back this sort of quantity of les cheveux brillants, I attempted to give myself the "frizz" of which I had stood so long deprived, using an implement I found in the washroom. The eventual results are visible in small above this text. Did you know you can actually burn right through a bit of hair with one of those little round irons? It is a fact. It was not a part of my hypothesis at the outset, and yet the results of my experiment confirm it to be true.

Dorothy, the faint odour of the inferno which still lingers in the room may be thus explained, although it could equally well be something Toto did if it's particularly strong despite my airing-out. My best advice is to simply open a window and think sympathetically of Dante.