Oct. 31st, 2014


Event: Haunted Hallways (Any)

Characters: Any
NPCs: Dr. Bradley, Sage, & faceless NPC staff
Location: Xavier School
Timeline: Oct. 31, 2014, 7-11 p.m.
Description: The staff of the Xavier school have set up a part of the school for some good ol' fashioned haunted fun!
Rating: Varied, mark subthreads as needed

They wanted to make sure they had everything perfect and it took both Sage and Ororo putting their feet down on Dr. Bradley to prevent him from making it a real nightmare for students. )

Nov. 13th, 2013


Thread: MRA Tunnel People Recap!

Characters: Open to Ex-Tunnel Dwellers: St. John Allerdyce, James Howlet, Jimmy, Laura Kinney, Remy LeBeau, Artie Maddicks, Pietro Maximoff, Wanda Maximoff, Ororo Munroe, Christy Nord, Dominik Petrakis, Douglas Ramsey, Anna Raven, Mortimer Toynbee.
NPCs: Sage
Timeline: Thursday, November 14, 2013 - [forward-dated]
Location: Random classroom at the Xavier School
Description: Sage rounds up all the tunnel people for a post-mortem.
Rating: Low, I'm guessing. Except maybe some swearing.
OOC: Lets pretend Sage is on top of her shit even though Meesha is not.
Notes: There were a metric ton of threads at the end of MRA plot, and a lot of them stalled. We're offering this scene as a way to let you summarize IC what your character did and reflect a bit. Hopefully some good character moments. So reply to this with your character's "report." I'm thinking one subthread per report. See this scene for reference.

This meeting is meant as a moment of reflection after an event, to fearlessly examine ourselves and our conduct in the interest of gaining insights that will help us in the future. )
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Jun. 1st, 2013


Thread: Graduation Day (Open to All)

Characters: All Graduating Seniors, Staff, & Open to Other Students
NPCs: NPC Staff
Location: Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Lawn
Timeline: June 1st, 2013, Around 10:00 AM
Description: It’s time to say goodbye to the seniors of Stark and Xavier who walk the stage. This time, without demons, alien entities, the Hulk, etc.
Rating: F, for some foreshadowing

Ay present to ye, the graduating class of 2013! )

May. 31st, 2013


Thread: Hellions REDUX!

Characters: Rogue and open to Pyro, Hulkling and Jetstream (so few Hellions left. :(
NPCs: A surprise cameo by a former mentor!
Timeline: Friday, May 31, 2013 - little before midnight
Location: The boathouse
Description: Rogue's rallying the Hellions and getting back on track.
Rating: Medium?

It was an odd mix—that's what threw her the most—and not the good kind like rum and Coke. )

Sep. 11th, 2012


Thread: Sage's Squad, first meeting

Characters: Alison Blaire, Jonothon Starsmore, Kevin Ford, Kevin Sydney, Layla Miller
NPCs: Sage
Location: Xavier Athletic Field
Timeline: Tuesday 11 September 2012, after class at a time you are all conveniently available.
Description: Sage's Squad meets for the first time. Let the hilarity ensue.
Rating: Low, I'm guessing.
Notes: I'm Marleigh, and I'll be your Sage this evening. Sadly you are the group without any PC leaders/grads. In the future the captains should be driving these scenes, but for now I take pity on you and get the ball rolling thusly.

Whatever would the children think if they truly understood what Sage was capable of? )

May. 17th, 2012


Thread: New Mutants Challenge - Matrix meets the Maltese Falcon!

Characters: New Mutants
NPCs: Sage
Timeline: Saturday, May 19, 2012 -forward-dated!
Location: The Danger Room
Description: Sage runs a spy-and-hacking themed challenge for the New Mutants.
Rating: Low?

Your challenge today is espionage )

Apr. 29th, 2012


Thread: Asteroid M Post-Mortem

Characters: Everybody who was on Asteroid M
NPCs: Sage
Location: Random classroom at the Xavier school.
Timeline: Sunday 29 April 2012
Description: Sage rounds up all of the people involved with Asteroid M for a post-mortem.
Rating: Low, I'm guessing. Except maybe some swearing.
Notes: We know we handed out a metric ton of threads at the end of this plot, and a lot of them stalled. We're offering this scene as a way to let you summarize IC what your character did and reflect a bit. Hopefully some good character moments. So reply to this with your character's "report." I'm thinking one subthread per report. And special arrangement was made with Dr. MacTaggert to let the sickies attend.

You will state your motivation for joining Asteroid M, summarize your experiences there, list three things you did right, and three things you did wrong. Begin. )

Apr. 6th, 2012


Thread: A small goodbye (Sage & Logan)

Characters: Logan
NPCs: Sage
Location: Xavier's, Logan's Room
Timeline: April 6th, 2012, not long after this
Description: Logan prepares to go to Asteroid M and Sage comes to say goodbye
Rating: Low-ish

He'd been sitting on his hands and even if Charles had told him to stay, and not to go, Logan would have gone anyway. )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Characters: Gaveedra 7/Shatterstar and "Anna Raven"/Rogue open to Monty Falsworth, Kurt Wanger, Jeanne-Maria Beaubier
NPCs: Charles Xavier
Timeline: Sunday, April 1, 2012
Location: Rec Room, Xavier School, Westchester, NY
Description: Rogue doesn't like the cut of Shatterstar's jib, pegs him as a bad apple, who in turn falls back on his old instincts and the two fight. Battle Royale ensues. If you want to tag in, let me and Dayna go at it for a few tags and then have your character enter, so we can get some action in. (James! I had to fudge the timeline a bit to make it all fit, I hope you don't mind saying that Falsworth came on Sunday instead of Saturday! Let me know if it is an issue!) Thanks!
Rating: R? Extreme violence?

Church was boring. )


Oct. 27th, 2011


Narrative: Running Away / Thread: Returns And Reunions

Characters: Hank McCoy, Logan, Tessa Ristić
NPCs: None
Location: Somewhere in a forest in Westchester
Timeline: The night between Wednesday/Thursday, October 26-27
Rating: PG

He wasn’t going anywhere, just running away. )

Oct. 26th, 2011


Thread: Hellions Family Meeting!

Characters: Sage, Empath, Pyro, Gambit, Rogue (and presumably Risque)
NPCs: -
Location: Xavier's School athletic fields
Timeline: Wednesday 26 October 2011
Description: The Hellions sort out logistics.
Rating: I shall guess PG-13.

You have fifteen minutes. Begin. )

Oct. 24th, 2011


Manuel & Sage

Characters: Manuel and Sage
NPCs: None
Location: Xavier's
Timeline: Monday Afternoon 10/24/11
Description: Sage said to bring back a specific gun, but she didn't specify the condition.
Rating: G

As requested )
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Oct. 19th, 2011


Thread: Self-Defence meets for the first time

Characters: Sage (and OTA Xavierites)
NPCs: -
Location: Xavier's gym
Timeline: Wednesday 19 October 2011 at some mystical time that no one has conflicts with.
Description: Sage holds her first self-defense class and has the students spar.
Rating: PG-13, I'm guessing.

Once again, 'yield' means stop your fight, 'halt' means everyone stops. Begin when you're ready. )

Oct. 12th, 2011


Oh hello!

Characters: Tessa Ristic
NPCs: Charles Xavier
Timeline: October 12, 2011 - late morning
Location: Conservatory, Xavier School, Westchester, NY
Description: Charles catches up with Tessa and extends her an invitation to stick around.
Rating: PG

While Xavier was an idealist and a dreamer and never imagined that a full scale attack on his school would take place, he couldn't help but take precautions in that that event. )


Oct. 9th, 2011


Thread: Tessa, Ororo, and OTA

Characters: Tessa Ristić, Ororo Munroe, and OTA
NPCs: -
Location: Back porch, Xavier's
Timeline: Sunday 9 October 2011
Description: Tessa stands guard, so to speak.
Rating: G so far

It really was rather pretty here. )
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November 2015




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