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Apr. 27th, 2013


Final Team Challenge: Mirror Mirror Tag

Location: Xavier School of Tomorrow, Danger Room
Timeline: Forward dated to May 4th, all day.
Description: It is the day of the final team challenge! It is Mirror Mirror Tag!
Rating: PG-13ish?

Students were kind of disappointed. Except for the smart ones. They were suspicious. )


Mar. 30th, 2013


Thread: Easter lunch a la Mexico

Characters: Rictor, Shatterstar, open to everybody (you were invited here!).
NPCs: --
Location: Xavier school kitchen.
Timeline: Easter Sunday, 31 March 2013. Lunch is served noon-ish.
Description: A Mexican-style Easter celebration with American touches, prepared with love (but questionable skill on Ric's part :().
Rating: Low?
Note: Feel free to subthread and stuff, you know the drill.

So maybe this wasn't the most traditional Easter ever... )

Mar. 3rd, 2013


Characters: Berto & Open to Xavier Students who did Not go to Bermuda.
Location: Xavier's
Timeline: Sat, March 2 (Slightly Backdated)
Description: Berto takes Brandon's invitation to scope out Xavier's while everyone is gone for the weekend.
Rating: TBD

It would totally suck if he'd wasted a bus trip. )
Tags: ,

Dec. 12th, 2012



Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar.
NPCs: --
Location: Xaviers rec room, where else?
Timeline: Tuesday evening, 11 December 2012.
Description: One day of genderswap is enough for Ric and he wants to change back now please. Come be miserable with him, or cheer him up, or something.
Rating: Um, maybe some language.

If he ignored it, it wouldn't be a big deal. )

Nov. 26th, 2012


Thread: RicStar have futher emotions.

Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar.
NPCs: --
Location: Their hiding spot in the attic, Xavier school.
Timeline: Monday, 26 November 2012. Extremely early morning.
Description: If Star didn't want company, he shouldn't've hidden in the spot Ric knows about. :)
Rating: F for feels, idk.

Shatterstar wasn't in the infirmary this time. )

Oct. 29th, 2012


Thread: RicStar have PTSD and angst.

Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar.
NPCs: --
Location: Somewhere in the attic, Xavier School.
Timeline: Saturday night, 27 October 2012. Backdated!
Description: After experiencing the trauma of using his powers to hurt people again, Ric hides in the attic and avoids human contact, but of course he gets found.
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of past torture and stuff, but tame in the present.
OOC: In this thread, I would like to declare that Ric eventually used his powers to rip a hole in Central Park and take down some Nazis and has been quietly freaking out about it ever since. He's been hiding away from the world since Saturday night, but Star will convince him out of hiding eventually. Don't worry!

The attic was insulated, close to the heating, warm and quiet and dusty, and the heat almost let him imagine he was home. )

Oct. 9th, 2012


Ric is getting really tired of meeting like this. ;)

Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar.
NPCs: --
Location: The infirmary. Again.
Timeline: Tuesday night, 9 October 2012, very late. Possibly even Wednesday morning early, it's just that late.
Description: Ric has been sitting at Star's bedside for a whole day, just waiting for the opportunity to yell at him for getting hurt.
Rating: Low, except for mentions of violence and injury and some feeeeelings, idk.

Hey. I *told* you not to get shot. )

Sep. 17th, 2012


Thread: Nextwave Meet-Up

Characters: James 'Logan' Howlett, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Jay Guthrie, Julio Richter, Katherine Pryde, & Victor Borkowski
Timeline: September 15th, 4:00 PM [Backdated]
Location: Logan's Classroom, Xavier's
Description: As instructed, Nextwave meets up for their first meeting.
Rating: PG-13?

Before you can ask, no, we aren't changing the name of the team, no, you can't change teams, and unlike the other squads, I don't believe in letting you pick a team captain because I think everyone deserves a chance to lead. )

Jul. 12th, 2012


Thread: RicStar have emotions.

Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar.
NPCs: TV newscasters.
Location: Xavier's rec room. Where else?
Timeline: Thursday evening, 12 July 2012.
Description: For the first time in more than a year, Ric gets some news about his family, and it isn't good news. He and Star have a Moment of Heartwarming.
Rating: PG-13 for mentions of death.

This summer was turning out to be much less fun than Ric had hoped. )

Jun. 12th, 2012



Subject: Narrative
Characters: A box. (No, not Madison.)
Location: Xavier, down the hall.
Timeline: 12th of June.
Description: Cast your Prom Royalty votes here!
Rating: G.

May. 17th, 2012


Live long and prosper...

Characters: Bruce Banner and open to X-Factor
NPCs: NPCs (lulz)
Timeline: Saturday, May 19, 2012 - forward-dated
Location: The Danger Room, Xavier School, Westchester, NYC
Description: X-Factor is faced with a no-win scenario.
Rating: I can't see this being very high...

Breaker, breaker... We are the crew of the Kobayashi Maru and we are requesting assistance... )


May. 5th, 2012


Thread: Shatterstar cooks! Rictor eats (and hopefully survives).

Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar!
NPCs: --
Location: The kitchen.
Timeline: Friday, May 4th, later afternoon. (Backdated!)
Description: It’s Rictor’s birthday. Shatterstar wants to cook. DEAL WITH IT.
Rating: Likely low. Shatterstar doesn’t fight friends~. He also doesn’t know crude language. :| What a boring guy.

‘Star had found himself quite taken with the food network and cooking shows. ... )

May. 4th, 2012


Your birthday, it is, Ric!

Characters: Kevin (& Ric?)
NPC(s): --
Location: Boy's dorm, Kev & Ric's room
Timeline: Morning, before Ric wakes up!
Rating: G

At the bottom was a bag. )
Tags: ,


Characters: Jean Grey, Warren Worthington III, Rachel Grey, Emma Frost, Doc Samson, Rictor, Professor Xavier, Lorna Dane
NPCs: ---
Location: Xavier’s School
Timeline: 5/4 - Late Night
Description: Those closest to Jean receive strange dreams pointing to her whereabouts.
Rating: R for the Macabre

She could hear their heads humming with the songs of many different dreams... )

Apr. 23rd, 2012


Thread: Mrs. Altman's Memorial Service

Characters: Teddy, OTA who want to attend
NPCs: Xavier Staff, others (?)
Location: Garden, Xavier’s
Timeline: Evening - Sunset, April 23rd
Description: Saying 'Goodbye' to the woman who was your mother...You're not alone
Rating: PG

Moonlight on your hair, Star-dust in your eyes.... )

Apr. 9th, 2012


Narrative: GTFO Mutants! (Open to Reactions)

Characters: --
NPCs: Charles Xavier (mention), protesters, news crew and county police!
Location: Xavier's School, Outside
Timeline: April 9th, 2012,
Description: Asteroid M has left, but trouble is still brewing in the US!
Rating: P, for Protesting!
Notes: The protesters are there TBD, but it's only going to be really nasty for one day. After that there will be fewer of them and there’s a police presence there as well, so it’s more manageable. Only the die hard anti-mutantists stay, and no one is throwing bricks anymore.

Lockdown releases in a few days, but people are still strongly encouraged to travel in groups or take teachers with them if they leave campus, as always. Classes resume after that.

Lock Up the Mutants! Hide the Key! )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Thread: RicStar!

Characters: Rictor and Shatterstar.
NPCs: --
Location: Xaviers infirmary. Again.
Timeline: Tuesday, 3 April 2012. Morning, shortly after this.
Description: Ric visiting Star in the infirmary is becoming a pattern.
Rating: Maybe PG-13 for language? idek.

You know you're supposed to try to stay *out* of the infirmary, right? )

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Characters: Rictor, Emma Frost.
NPCs: --
Timeline: Afternoon on Sunday, 4 March 2012 [wayyyy backdated]
Location: The Xavier school library.
Description: Emma goes poking around in Ric’s head and decides to open a closed door to see what’s behind it! Consequences happen! I love old GDocs! This is what triggers Ric's earthquake freak out.

Well, well, what have we here? )

Mar. 22nd, 2012


Thread: Ric + the new redhead = OTPery in the making.

Characters: Rictor, Shatterstar, cameo by Dr. Bradley.
NPCs: --
Location: Xavier School, infirmary.
Timeline: Thursday, 22 March 2012; evening, after supper.
Description: Ric goes to get checked up again (ugh) and meets the new kid.
Rating: Low, though maybe some language? Or attempted violence, depending on how much Ric riles up Star?

In the spirit of tiny rebellions against mad scientists, he tugged at the privacy curtain around the occupied bed and stuck his head inside. )

Mar. 14th, 2012


Characters: Paige Guthrie OTA
NPCs: --
Location: Xavier's School
Timeline: March 14th, 2012
Description: It's a Doctor Who marathon.
Rating: Low?

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