Mar. 7th, 2013


Thread: Walter and the Beaubiers

Who: Jean-Paul & Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Walter Langkowski
NPCs: Annie Ghazikhanian
Where: The Xavier School Infirmary
When: March 6, Evening [Slightly Backdated]
What: Walt checks in on JM, is confronted by JP, and no one has any idea how this is going to play out.
Rating: TBD

Walter did not know if Jean-Paul had been aware of the letters, the courtship, or the stolen kisses that had preceded them. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Characters: Laura Kinney and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, with a brief cameo by Madelyne Pryor, OPEN to reactions
NPCs: Charles Xavier, Security Guards, random students
Location: Xavier’s Hallway
Timeline: 3/6/2013 - Morning
Description: Kimura wanted to start trouble and definitely succeeds. JM has the trigger scent and Laura can’t stop her reaction...
Rating: Violence! LOTS OF IT!
Status: Completed in google docs

She hadn’t smelled it in a long time and hadn’t wanted to smell it ever again )

Feb. 21st, 2013


Thread: Haroun's face meets Foxx's fist.

Characters: Haroun (open to anyone who wants to be there)
NPCs: Foxx
Location: Xavier Hallway
Timeline: Thursday 21 February 2013, evening
Description: It turns out being mouthy to strangers isn't always the smartest move. Foxx makes good on her promise to beat the snot out of Haroun. And yes, this is a big blatantly public fight. Feel free to see it or try to intervene. And they will both end up in detention. If a staff PC wants to be the one to haul them in, that's cool, otherwise it'll be an NPC.
Rating: PG-13, let's say.

When she met Haroun? She was going to beat the tar out of him. )

Feb. 14th, 2013


Log: A Valentine For Jeanne-Marie

Who: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier & Walter Langkowski
Where: Xavier Campus
When: Valentine's Day
What: A series of riddles have been left for Aurora to solve.
Rating: PG - Completed in Gdocs

Early on Thursday morning, a note was left on Jeanne-Marie's door. )

Jan. 26th, 2013


Thread: Walt and Laura...Laying blame

Characters: Laura Kinney and Walter Langkowski
NPCs: None
Location: Walt and Madison's Room
Timeline: Friday, January 25th after this
Description: Laura made a friend and let someone get close...which then cost her her friend. She decides this is Walt's fault.
Rating: Violence!

Laura hadn't felt rage like this in a long time. But now? Now rage was almost an understatement. )

Jan. 23rd, 2013


Log: Aurora and Walter - Vignettes

Who: Aurora and Walter
Where: Xavier School for Gifted Children, around campus.
When: January, various days.
What: A series of brief encounters. Completed in Gdocs.
Rating: SFW

While Jeanne-Marie was a thoughtful presence, as constant and even as moonlight, Aurora's signature was fleeting and as unpredictable as the wind that carried her. )

Jan. 21st, 2013


Thread: Movie times!

Characters: Amara and Madison OPEN to Walt
Location: Madison and Walt's Room
Timeline: Monday Night
Description: Amara and Walt have become movie buddies but this time Madison is home!
Rating: PG? PG-13? Amara innuendos sometimes

But WHY is the rum gone? )

Jan. 9th, 2013


Thread: Paragons - New Semester, New Challenges

Who: Shiro Yoshida, Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Laura Kinney, Gabriel Winters, Jason Wyngarde, Jamie Madrox, Madison Jeffries and Walter Langkowski
NPCs: Callisto
Where: Madison and Walter's Apartment
When: [Forward-Dated] Friday, January 11, afternoon.
What: Walt and Mads are hosting a gathering at their place. There's even refreshments.
Rating: SFW

A family was different than a classroom. )

Dec. 17th, 2012


Characters: Wanda Maximoff and Walter Lankowski
Location: Walt's office
Timeline: Tuesday 18 December 2012 , after classes(forward-dated)
Description: Wanda goes to speak to Walter to confide in him
Rating: PG-13

Wanda had never needed to speak to anyone about this kind of stuff before, she just hoped she wasn't making a mistake )

Nov. 26th, 2012


Letters: Jeanne-Marie and Walter

Who: Jeanne-Marie and Walter
Where: Xavier Campus
When: Sunday, November 25, onward
What: JM and Walt make good on their plan to try writing each other.
Rating: PG

A handwritten letter on plain white paper, sealed in an envelope, is left under Jeanne-Marie's door. )

Nov. 20th, 2012


Thread: Emma sets her sights on Walt

Who: Emma and Walt
Where: The Xavier School Grounds
When: Tuesday, November 20, 2012
What: Emma has been stalking Walt since he was suspended from teaching.
Rating: PG-13?

Sometimes, curiosity was just too strong a drug, and a mind-reading teenage mutant could be a serious problem. )

Nov. 17th, 2012


Log: Xavier and Langkowski

Who: Walter Langkowski
NPCs: Charles Xavier
Where: Xavier’s Office
When: Wednesday, November 14, night. After this.
What: Walter comes clean about his indiscretion with a student.
Rating: PG

Please come in. )

Nov. 14th, 2012


Thread: Jeanne-Marie and Walter take a step back

Who: Jeanne-Marie and Walter
Where: Jeanne-Marie's room
When: Wednesday, November 14, 2012
What: Walt tries to undo the damage done by Veronica sharing something with JM that never should have been shared.
Rating: PG

Putting the genie back in the bottle )

Nov. 10th, 2012


Log: Veronica plays con artist, with JM in her crosshairs

Who: Jeanne-Marie
NPCs: Veronica Ryan
Where: The Xavier School of Tomorrow
When: Friday, November 9
What: Veronica gets wind of a Jeanne-Marie from something she found in Walt's apartment. She investigates in a particularly devious fashion.
Rating: PG

There was a time for words, and a time for action, and Veronica was at her best when she was doing both. )

Nov. 4th, 2012


Thread: Veronica visits the school.

Who: Madison
NPCs: Veronica
Where: Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters
When: Sunday, November 4
What: A surprise visit from Walt's Girlfriend leads to a series of unfortunate encounters. All starting here.
Rating: PG. Only one sweary for the swear jar.

Guess who? )
Tags: ,

Oct. 4th, 2012


Thread: Practice Game

Who: Aurora, Walt, (& Open to reactions, interruptions and other sub-threads if inspiration hits you!)
Where: Xavier's Football Field
When: Friday, October 5. 8:30 PM, Night.
What: Walt meets Aurora for the first time.
Rating: PG

Form up! )

Oct. 3rd, 2012


Thread: Paper grading. Extra credit for subtext.

Who: Walter and Jeanne-Marie
Where: Walter’s Office
When: October 3
What: Having agreed to help Mr. Langkowski with his calculus class, Jeanne-Marie shows up for work.
Rating: PG

Jeanne-Marie should not have been meeting with Mr. Langkowski like this. )

Oct. 1st, 2012


Thread: Madison and Walter

Who: Madison and Walter
Where: Their Shared Staff Apartment
When: October 1, Evening
What: The roommates get acquainted.
Rating: PGish

Home away from home. )
Tags: ,


Thread: Walter and Aurora

Who: Walter and Jeanne-Marie
Where: Walter’s Office
When: October 1
What: Walter meets one of the students he’s tasked with evaluating/spying on.
Rating: PG, Completed in Gdocs.

His first task was to assess the personnel that had been sent to Xavier’s. )

November 2015




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