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Jun. 6th, 2013


Thread: Aurora returns!

Characters: Aurora and open
NPCs: ---
Location: Xavier School, outside!
Timeline: Thursday 6 June 2013
Description: Aurora is allowed to come back to the school. For a little while, at least.
Rating: PG

The segment had become quite popular on the internet, but her parents had asked her please not to talk to the press after that. )

Jun. 5th, 2013


Log: Scott Interviews Aurora and Vice Versa

Characters: "Aurora" and Scott
Location: Aurora and Jean's Room
Timeline: Some nebulous time the week of June 3rd. Other threads made this logistically awkward, so we’re handwaving.
Description: Scott seeks out Aurora after he hears she's been asking about his secret team.
Rating: PG

That she already knew something was up troubled him. Especially since he'd be defying his father and mentor very soon. )

Jun. 1st, 2013


Thread: Graduation Day (Open to All)

Characters: All Graduating Seniors, Staff, & Open to Other Students
NPCs: NPC Staff
Location: Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Lawn
Timeline: June 1st, 2013, Around 10:00 AM
Description: It’s time to say goodbye to the seniors of Stark and Xavier who walk the stage. This time, without demons, alien entities, the Hulk, etc.
Rating: F, for some foreshadowing

Ay present to ye, the graduating class of 2013! )

May. 20th, 2013


Thread: Dividing by Zero

Characters: Aurora and Jimmy
NPCs: --
Location: Moira's Staff Quarters, Xavier's School, Westchester, NY
Timeline: ~5/20/13 Afternoon
Description: Aurora and Jimmy meet up for some mutation nullification.
Rating: PG

What's the worst that can happen? )
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Apr. 27th, 2013


Final Team Challenge: Mirror Mirror Tag

Location: Xavier School of Tomorrow, Danger Room
Timeline: Forward dated to May 4th, all day.
Description: It is the day of the final team challenge! It is Mirror Mirror Tag!
Rating: PG-13ish?

Students were kind of disappointed. Except for the smart ones. They were suspicious. )


Apr. 1st, 2013


Thread: April Fool's! (Open to Reactions!)

Characters: Kurt Wagner
Location: Various locations around Xavier's
Timeline: April 1, 2013!
Description: Kurt has prepared a number of pranks. Will you fall victim to it?
Rating: PG, possibly higher if someone reacting has a foul mouth

April Fool's Day was one of Kurt's favorite holidays. )

Mar. 24th, 2013


Thread: 'Ro cooks

Characters: Ororo Munroe & OTA
NPCs: n/a
Location: Xaviers, the kitchen
Timeline: Sometime after this
Description: Ororo makes dinner
Rating: TBD (Mild, I'd suspect)
OOC: Feel free to make as many sub threads as you desire!

It wasn't much, but it helped Ororo to focus her energy into something that wasn't worrying and feeling as though her hands were tied.  )

Mar. 7th, 2013


Thread: Walter and the Beaubiers

Who: Jean-Paul & Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Walter Langkowski
NPCs: Annie Ghazikhanian
Where: The Xavier School Infirmary
When: March 6, Evening [Slightly Backdated]
What: Walt checks in on JM, is confronted by JP, and no one has any idea how this is going to play out.
Rating: TBD

Walter did not know if Jean-Paul had been aware of the letters, the courtship, or the stolen kisses that had preceded them. )

Mar. 6th, 2013


Characters: Laura Kinney and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, with a brief cameo by Madelyne Pryor, OPEN to reactions
NPCs: Charles Xavier, Security Guards, random students
Location: Xavier’s Hallway
Timeline: 3/6/2013 - Morning
Description: Kimura wanted to start trouble and definitely succeeds. JM has the trigger scent and Laura can’t stop her reaction...
Rating: Violence! LOTS OF IT!
Status: Completed in google docs

She hadn’t smelled it in a long time and hadn’t wanted to smell it ever again )

Feb. 14th, 2013


Log: A Valentine For Jeanne-Marie

Who: Jeanne-Marie Beaubier & Walter Langkowski
Where: Xavier Campus
When: Valentine's Day
What: A series of riddles have been left for Aurora to solve.
Rating: PG - Completed in Gdocs

Early on Thursday morning, a note was left on Jeanne-Marie's door. )

Jan. 31st, 2013


Characters: Rogue and Aurora (and opened to Jean Grey, how fortuitous.)
NPCs: --
Timeline: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 - after dinner (backdated)
Location: Jean and Aurora's Dorm, Xavier School, etc.
Description: Rogue has an unusual request.
Rating: TBD!

Today's particularly problem required both forethought and outside help. Today, Rogue wanted to feel pretty. )

Jan. 27th, 2013


Mail: Left in Laura's mailbox

Characters: Jeanne-Marie (open to replies from Laura)
NPCs: ---
Location: Laura's mailbox
Timeline: Sunday 27 January 2013
Description: After the incident the day before, Jeanne-Marie writes Laura a letter.
Rating: G

Perhaps I am not such a good Christian after all. )
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Jan. 26th, 2013


Thread: Aurora and Laura. Discussions of sex. This will clearly end badly.

Characters: Aurora and Laura
NPCs: ---
Location: Laura's room
Timeline: Friday 25 January 2013, shortly after this
Description: Laura and Aurora's journal conversation, which started out just asking about clothing advice, somehow turns into a discussion of how Laura may be asexual. Aurora is appalled and shows at Laura's room to help! Whatever that means.
Rating: PG, since the sex doesn't really get mentioned. Such unpredictable characters!

How does she know she doesn't like sex if she never has any? )
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Jan. 23rd, 2013


Log: Aurora and Walter - Vignettes

Who: Aurora and Walter
Where: Xavier School for Gifted Children, around campus.
When: January, various days.
What: A series of brief encounters. Completed in Gdocs.
Rating: SFW

While Jeanne-Marie was a thoughtful presence, as constant and even as moonlight, Aurora's signature was fleeting and as unpredictable as the wind that carried her. )

Jan. 9th, 2013


Thread: Paragons - New Semester, New Challenges

Who: Shiro Yoshida, Jean-Paul and Jeanne-Marie Beaubier, Laura Kinney, Gabriel Winters, Jason Wyngarde, Jamie Madrox, Madison Jeffries and Walter Langkowski
NPCs: Callisto
Where: Madison and Walter's Apartment
When: [Forward-Dated] Friday, January 11, afternoon.
What: Walt and Mads are hosting a gathering at their place. There's even refreshments.
Rating: SFW

A family was different than a classroom. )

Dec. 12th, 2012


Narrative: Homme!Aurora

Characters: Aurora
NPCs: --
Location: Xavier campus
Timeline: Wednesday 12 December 2012
Description: Aurora as Jean-Paul.
Rating: G

Blah blah blah. )

Dec. 8th, 2012


Thread: Ororo

Characters: Aurora and Ororo
NPCs: ---
Location: Ororo's office
Timeline: evening, Saturday 8 December 2012
Description: Ororo tries to talk to Jeanne-Marie about Walter, but gets Aurora instead.
Rating: G, I think?

We talk about Mr. Langkowski now, yes? I don't sleep with him so it is ok. Can I go? )
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Nov. 27th, 2012


Thread: The meeting of the twins

Characters: Wanda, Pietro, Jean-Paul, and Jeanne-Marie
NPCs: None
Location: English class
Timeline: Tuesday 27 November 2012
Description: The twins join forces to conquer English!
Rating: Not sure, but probably pretty tame. Wouldn't want to shock the girls.

The the topic of the project was censorship of literature. )

Nov. 26th, 2012


Letters: Jeanne-Marie and Walter

Who: Jeanne-Marie and Walter
Where: Xavier Campus
When: Sunday, November 25, onward
What: JM and Walt make good on their plan to try writing each other.
Rating: PG

A handwritten letter on plain white paper, sealed in an envelope, is left under Jeanne-Marie's door. )

Nov. 14th, 2012


Thread: Jeanne-Marie and Walter take a step back

Who: Jeanne-Marie and Walter
Where: Jeanne-Marie's room
When: Wednesday, November 14, 2012
What: Walt tries to undo the damage done by Veronica sharing something with JM that never should have been shared.
Rating: PG

Putting the genie back in the bottle )

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