Jun. 1st, 2013


Thread: Graduation Day (Open to All)

Characters: All Graduating Seniors, Staff, & Open to Other Students
NPCs: NPC Staff
Location: Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, Lawn
Timeline: June 1st, 2013, Around 10:00 AM
Description: It’s time to say goodbye to the seniors of Stark and Xavier who walk the stage. This time, without demons, alien entities, the Hulk, etc.
Rating: F, for some foreshadowing

Ay present to ye, the graduating class of 2013! )

Aug. 30th, 2012


Characters: Anna Raven and Lord Falsworth and open to reactions and/or anyone who wants to see Rogue off
NPCs: Xavier, I'm assuming he's around.
Timeline: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 - 7:00 AM [backdated!]
Location: Outside of the Xavier School
Description: Monty loads Rogue into the paddy wagon
Rating: Medium? (There might be cussing.)

And while she did feel guilty, she understood, too, that it wasn't about her.  )


May. 10th, 2012


A day of lessons...

Characters: Open to all teachers and students!
NPCs: Howard Stark, Captain Rogers, Nurse Carter, Dr. MacTaggert, Dr. Strange, Sage, and Lady Falsworth-Crichton.
Timeline: Saturday, May 12, 2012 -forward-dated!
Location: The Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters!
Description: As promised, this is your "instruction" for the final team challenge. Pay close attention. Also, there is a teacher rumble.
Rating: Low?
OOC: OOC plot post!
OOC 2: Everything in this scene, as always, is open to reactions! The team assignments are coming, we've got them all figured I (Meesha) just prefer the slooooooow reveal. "Zomg, what teams are fighting which teacher(s)?!!"

Unbeknownst to the students, who were expecting more lectures, the teachers had something else planned. )


Apr. 9th, 2012


Who: Lord Montgomery Falsworth & Charles Xavier
NPCs: Xavier
When: April 9, Afternoon
Where: Xavier's School for the Gifted
What: Its high time SHIELD teamed up with the only man qualified to fight Magneto.
Rating: TBA (probably no more than PG-13)

A Humble Request )

Apr. 3rd, 2012


Characters: Gaveedra 7/Shatterstar and "Anna Raven"/Rogue open to Monty Falsworth, Kurt Wanger, Jeanne-Maria Beaubier
NPCs: Charles Xavier
Timeline: Sunday, April 1, 2012
Location: Rec Room, Xavier School, Westchester, NY
Description: Rogue doesn't like the cut of Shatterstar's jib, pegs him as a bad apple, who in turn falls back on his old instincts and the two fight. Battle Royale ensues. If you want to tag in, let me and Dayna go at it for a few tags and then have your character enter, so we can get some action in. (James! I had to fudge the timeline a bit to make it all fit, I hope you don't mind saying that Falsworth came on Sunday instead of Saturday! Let me know if it is an issue!) Thanks!
Rating: R? Extreme violence?

Church was boring. )


November 2015




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