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Jan. 4th, 2014


Log: Late Nights

Characters: Scott Summers & Emma Frost
NPCs: --
Location: Rec Room, X-School, Westchester, NY
Timeline: 30 December 2013. Late Evening [Backdated]
Description: Scott returns home after another frustratingly pointless excursion and finds he can’t sleep
Rating: G

As it was he was feeling sour, the trip had been totally pointless, he hadn't been able to find any trace of Alex. )

Dec. 28th, 2013


Narrative: Stubborn

Characters: Emma Frost
NPCs: n/a
Location: Empty classroom, Xavier Institute
Timeline: Saturday December 28th, 2013
Description: Emma practises.
Rating: PG-13

Never let it be said that Emma Grace Frost was one to give up easily. )

Dec. 8th, 2013


Log: Warmth

Characters: Emma Frost & Dominikos Petrakis
NPCs: n/a
Location: Xavier School Grounds
Timeline: 3rd December 2013 [Backdated]
Description: Emma goes to find the wayward earth mover
Rating: R
Warnings: Mentions of attempted suicide

Back into the warm and out from the cold )

Nov. 6th, 2013


Thread: MDC Group Therapy! [Recap Scene!]

Characters: Open to Former MDC Inmates: Lorna Dane, Robert Drake, Emma Frost, Jonas Graymalkin, Samuel Guthrie, Cessily Kincaid, Laura Kinney, Christy Nord, Sofia Montega, Quentin Quire, Dominik Petrakis, Anna Raven, Tabitha Smith, Monet St. Croix, Neena Thurman, Gabriel Winters
NPCs: Dr. Mactaggert
Location: Random classroom at the Xavier school
Timeline: Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 6:30 PM - forward-dated
Description: Dr. Mactaggert rounds up all of the people all of the former MDC Inmates for a group therapy session.
Notes: We know we handed out a metric ton of threads at the end of this plot, and a lot of them stalled. We're offering this scene as a way to let you summarize IC what your character did and reflect a bit. Hopefully some good character moments. So reply to this with your character's "report." I'm thinking one subthread per report.

Please tell us yer name and whatever ye would like to share, yer thoughts and feelings. Did it make you sad or maybe even angry? Just remember this meeting is for ye, so there is no right or wrong answer in any of this. Who would like to begin? )

Sep. 2nd, 2013


Narative: Happy Birthday

Characters: Julian Keller (Open to reaction from Emma Frost)
NPCs: Unnamed Courier
Location: Xavier's School
Timeline: Monday, September 2nd
Description: Emma receives an 18th birthday gift
Rating: G

It was a simple thing. Just a small bag. )

Aug. 31st, 2013


Thread: Sharing information

Characters: Sebastian Shaw & Emma Frost
NPCs: n/a
Location: Xavier's, Sebastian's room
Timeline: 31st August 2013
Description: Sebastian has information to share
Rating: TBD

He had done as he'd promised, he had sought news of Emma's brother and his informant had returned to him. )

Jun. 18th, 2013


Thread: Smoothing things over

Characters: Sebastian Shaw & Emma Frost
NPCs: n/a
Location: Emma’s room, Xavier’s
Timeline: Sometime after this
Description: Sebastian smooths feathers as best he can
Rating: PG-13

She was beautiful, powerful and damaged all at the same time. It was a cocktail that stirred a need in Sebastian, to have her at his side and to soothe the all too ruffled feathers )

Jun. 14th, 2013


Thread: Two are always better than one.

Characters: Sebastian Shaw, Emma Frost, Selene Gallio
NPCs: --
Location: Shaw's room, boy's dorm, Xavier's, Westchester, NY
Timeline: 6/14/13, later in the evening
Description: Shaw has promised to show Selene something new. Emma doesn't want to miss out.
Rating: PG-13

She should have known Frost would be involved )

Mar. 16th, 2013


Characters: Emma Frost and open!
NPCs: Protesters outside Xavier's
Timeline: Friday, March 15, 2013 - daytime
Location: Xavier School
Rating: Medium

It sent her mind in a tizzy and she just wanted to shut them up!  )


Nov. 28th, 2012


log - Mastermind and White Queen

Characters: Jason Wyngarde and Emma Frost
NPCs: students
Location: Xavier's school
Timeline: Wednesday, November 28th
Description: a meeting and a birthday wish
Rating: tbd

that was better )

Nov. 20th, 2012


Thread: Emma sets her sights on Walt

Who: Emma and Walt
Where: The Xavier School Grounds
When: Tuesday, November 20, 2012
What: Emma has been stalking Walt since he was suspended from teaching.
Rating: PG-13?

Sometimes, curiosity was just too strong a drug, and a mind-reading teenage mutant could be a serious problem. )

Nov. 1st, 2012


Thread: Pietro can't sleep

Characters: Pietro Maximoff & Emma Frost
NPCs: n/a
Location: Pietro's room
Timeline: Early evening, 1st November
Description: Pietro still can't sleep, Emma offered to keep him company, which he accepted. Wouldn't you?
Rating: NC-17 (Sex)

Sleep was still evasive, slipping through the gaps in Pietro's fingers the moment he closed his eyes. )

Oct. 30th, 2012


log - Iceman and White Queen

Characters: Bobby Drake and Emma Frost
NPCs: students, staff, etc.
Location: Xavier's school
Timeline: Tuesday, October 30th
Description: Cold and Colder
Rating: tbd

He could still recover )

Sep. 17th, 2012


Thread: Nextwave Meet-Up

Characters: James 'Logan' Howlett, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Jay Guthrie, Julio Richter, Katherine Pryde, & Victor Borkowski
Timeline: September 15th, 4:00 PM [Backdated]
Location: Logan's Classroom, Xavier's
Description: As instructed, Nextwave meets up for their first meeting.
Rating: PG-13?

Before you can ask, no, we aren't changing the name of the team, no, you can't change teams, and unlike the other squads, I don't believe in letting you pick a team captain because I think everyone deserves a chance to lead. )

Sep. 5th, 2012


Characters: Alex Blanding and Emma Frost
NPCs: ----
Location: Xaviers - Rec Room
Timeline: September 5th - Late Evening.
Description: Emma makes her presence very much known to Alex.
Rating: PG-13?

Alex was having one hell of a week. )

Aug. 24th, 2012


Thread: Anthony says good bye to Emma

Characters: Emma Frost and Anthony Stark
NPCs: --
Location: Emma's room (and Lorna is conveniently out? *handwave*)
Timeline: Friday 24 August 2012, some nebulous time in the evening that doesn't conflict with his scene with Rachel. Have I mentioned we're handwaving a lot?
Description: Anthony goes to say good bye to Emma. Emma's got other things on her mind. We'll see who's closer to right.
Rating: NC-17 if Emma has her way. Oo la la! But we'll say PG-13 for now.

He'd still enjoy the chance to say good bye properly. )

Aug. 21st, 2012


Characters: Emma Frost and open to Jean Grey for reactions
NPCs: --
Timeline: Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Location: The Girl's dorm room
Description: Happy birthday, Jean!
Rating: Low

Happy Birthday! )

Aug. 8th, 2012


Characters: Emma Frost
NPCs: Charles Xavier, Winston Frost, Hazel Frost
Timeline: July 30, 2012 ->Tuesday, August 8, 2012
Location: Xavier's office
Description: Emma's in trouble! But in which there is much shouting and very little actually gets discussed.
Rating PG-13

You mean to say our daughter is a common slut? )

Jul. 18th, 2012


The Hunt! Thread: Manuel, John, Haroun, Tommy, Emma

Characters: Manuel, John, Haroun, Tommy, Emma
NPCs: --
Timeline: July 18, morning
Location: Xavier's and surrounding area
Description: Hellions Assemble! Or something. The search for Rogue!
Rating: PG

Guilty by association )

ooc )

Jul. 10th, 2012


Thread: Emma and Dr. Bradley

Characters: Dr. Bradley and Emma Frost. Cower, mortals.
NPCs: --
Location: Dr. Bradley's lair lab.
Timeline: Monday, 9 July 2012. Afternoon.
Description: As arranged, Emma visits Bradley to discuss secondary mutations.
Rating: Low, presumably.

As he'd done every day for weeks, Dr. Bradley had already spent much of the day in his lab... )

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