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May. 15th, 2015


Characters: Tommy Shepherd and OPEN
Location: Xavier Rec Room
Timeline: Friday, March 15, afternoon
Description: Procrastination is one of the best things in life.
Rating: PG-13

Time was something he had a lot of. )
Tags: ,

Jan. 26th, 2015


Thread: Finder's Keepers

Characters: Tommy Shepherd and OPEN
Location: Xavier School, Kitchen
Timeline: Monday, January 26th, around lunch time
Description: Tommy's hitting up the fridge because there's no food like free food.
Rating: PG-13

There had to be leftover pizza somewhere )

Nov. 29th, 2014


Thread: Turkey Sandwiches for the next millienium

Characters: Tommy Shepherd, Molly Hayes, and OPEN
Location: Xavier School, Kitchen
Timeline: Saturday, November 29th
Description: Tommy stops by for leftovers, Molly laments the lack of pies.
Rating: PG-13

Cranberry sauce goes with everything. )

Oct. 25th, 2014


[OTA] Dodgeball Game

Characters: OTA
Location: Gymnasium, Xavier's School.
Timeline: Saturday, October 25.
Description: The annual dodgeball game is kicking off!
Rating: Low.

If you're going to become true dodgeballers, then you've got to learn the five d's of dodgeball: dodge, duck, dip, dive, and dodge! )

Aug. 22nd, 2014


Log: And all I got was this lousy hat.

Characters: Tommy Shepherd & Tabitha Smith.
NPCs: --
Location: Room 106, Xavier’s School.
Timeline: Friday, August 15. {BACKDATED!}
Description: T & T reunion.
Rating: Medium.

They were still teenagers but now they had responsibilities )

May. 26th, 2014


Thread: Memorial Day Cookout!

Characters: Open To All
NPCs: Staff and Students
Location: Xavier’s Campus, Outside
Timeline: Monday Afternoon, 26 May 2014, Memorial Day
Description: Memorial Day Cookout! Start your own subthreads as desired.
Rating: Low

Memorial Day Cookout! )

Apr. 24th, 2014


Thread: Bad Hat Harry

Characters: Tommy Shepherd, open to reactions from Molly Hayes & Christy Nord
Location: Xavier's, Outside of Room 104
Timeline: Monday, April 21st [backdated]
Description: Tommy drops off Molly's California souvenir.
Rating: G

He'd even remembered to remove the price tag. )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Log: A Meeting of Two Halves

Characters: Billy Kaplan & Tommy Shepherd
NPCs: n/a
Location: Xavier school kitchen
Timeline: 07 December 2013 {holy backdated scene, Batman}
Description: Tommy’s fed up of waiting to run into the kid that looks like him. Billy is not expecting company that shares his face. Huh. Weird.
Rating: G

I'll show you mine if you show me yours )
Tags: ,

Nov. 26th, 2013


Log/Thread: Crash at your place?

Characters: Dominikos Petrakis and Tommy Shepherd
Location: Xavier's, Room 203
Timeline: Tuesday, November 26th
Description: Tommy and Dom catch up and Dom ends up with a roommate
Rating: PG-13
OOC: To be continued in comments.

It only took Tommy a few minutes to find Dom's room and invite himself in. )

Oct. 26th, 2013


Narrative/Thread: Too cool for school

Characters: Tommy and Open Sofia
Location: Xavier School
Timeline: Saturday, October 26th
Description: Tommy drops by the infamous Xavier's school.
Rating: PG-13

So this was the school for mutants. )

Apr. 25th, 2013


Thread: Jean and Open

Characters: Jean Grey and Open
NPCs: ---
Location: Xavier's School - Rec Room
Timeline: 4/25 (evening)
Description: Jean tries to get her mind off the bad time of year
Rating: PG-13

She was just worried by the memory of how quickly it could go all away. )

Mar. 15th, 2013


Thread: Happy Birthday, St. John!

Characters: Hellions + Jean
NPCs: ---
Location: Xavier's School, Boathouse
Timeline: 3/15 - evening
Description: John's besties all join him for some poker and socializing.
Rating: PG-13

It was hard to plan a party when things were so chaotic. )

Feb. 9th, 2013


Characters: Rogue and open to the former Hellions (Haroun, John, Tommy,Manuel) +Pietro
NPCs: --
Timeline: Saturday, February 9, 2013 - lunchtime
Location: The Cafeteria!! Charles Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.
Description: Rogue tries out a new look at school.
Rating: PG?

She actually looked like she had put some effort into her appearance and that she didn't just wake up from sleeping on a park bench. )

Nov. 26th, 2012


Thread: Tommy and open to allllll, in the infirmary.

Characters: Tommy, open to anybody (especially Hellions). I'm up for multiples! Just start a new subthread if you want in and we'll see how coherent he gets for anybody. This is your chance to interact with Tommy on drugs, kids.
NPCs: Possibly the Xavier medical staff.
Location: Xavier infirmary.
Timeline: Slightly forwarddated to Tuesday, 27 November, afternoon.
Description: Having been through surgery for his injury, pumped full of antibiotics for the resulting blood poisoning, and been floating unconscious on a sea of painkillers for the better part of three days, Tommy finally wakes up. Which comes as a big surprise to him.

Fortunately for Tommy, he'd hardly been awake at all at any point since he'd been found by SHIELD on the roof of the field station slumped unconscious over his gun. )

Sep. 13th, 2012


[thread] the corsairs do not have coarse hairs!

Characters: Remy LeBeau + Open to Namor McKenzie, Gaveedra 7, Haroun ibn Sallah al-Rashid, Jubilation Lee, Lorna Dane, Meggan Puceanu, Tommy Shepherd
NPCs: Open to Dr. Moira MacTaggert
Location: The kitchen! Back off (for now), non-Corsairs!
Timeline: After class of this day.
Description: The Corsairs' first meeting! And supper together. Mmmm.
Rating: ~G/PG, tbd.

For supper, Remy was going to make some omelette with bacon and cheese. Appropriate, he thinks, for a first gathering. )

Aug. 27th, 2012


Thread: Reluctant Good-byes (The Hellions)

Characters: Rogue, John, Teddy, Manuel, Haroun & Tommy
Timeline: August 24th, 2012 [backdated]
Location: Xavier's School
Description: The Hellions meet together one last time before Rogue goes into SHIELD custody..
Rating: F, for feels, because there will likely be some up in here, whether they like it or not

About bloody time you arrived. )


Jul. 29th, 2012


Thread: Teddy and Tommy have a rumble. Spectators welcome.

Characters: Tommy Shepherd and Teddy Altman. Open to spectators, idk.
NPCs: --
Location Gym, lower level of Xaviers.
Timeline: Saturday, 28 July 2012. Evening.
Description: As agreed, Tommy and Teddy meet to box. Only Tommy's never actually boxed before soooo... we shall see how this works out.
Rating: Probably PG-13 for Tommy's language.

Are there rules or do we just kinda go until one of us is on the floor? )

Jul. 18th, 2012


The Hunt! Thread: Manuel, John, Haroun, Tommy, Emma

Characters: Manuel, John, Haroun, Tommy, Emma
NPCs: --
Timeline: July 18, morning
Location: Xavier's and surrounding area
Description: Hellions Assemble! Or something. The search for Rogue!
Rating: PG

Guilty by association )

ooc )

Jun. 12th, 2012



Subject: Narrative
Characters: A box. (No, not Madison.)
Location: Xavier, down the hall.
Timeline: 12th of June.
Description: Cast your Prom Royalty votes here!
Rating: G.

May. 17th, 2012


Thread: Care Bear Challenge

Characters: Samson and the Hellions + Other students as needed
NPCs: Other Xavier and Stark students as needed
Location: Xavier School, foyer
Timeline: Saturday, May 19, 8am
Description: Samson presents the Hellions with a carefully crafted challenge
Rating: PG-13

Thank you all for coming. I'm sure that whatever you were expecting today, you weren't expecting this. )

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November 2015




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