Jun. 10th, 2012


Characters: Madison and Ty
NPCs: Nope!
Location: Xaviers - Boys Dorm Room 203
Timeline: June 10th
Description: Madison is packing up this things in prep for his move to Montreal. The soon to be former roomies have a chat.
Rating: G

Now that Madison had made his decision he was just running down the clock. )
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May. 17th, 2012


Thread: Generation X vs. Doctor Nemesis!

Characters: Dr. James Bradley and Generation X: Tandy, Tyrone, Emma, Paige, Jubilee.
NPCs: Danger Room NPCs.
Location: Danger Room, Xaviers.
Timeline: Saturday, 19 May 2012, 10:00 a.m.
Description: Generation X vs. Doctor Nemesis!
Rating: Er, let's find out!

Gen X goes back in tiiime~ )

Apr. 20th, 2012


Haroun returns! (Jetstream & OPEN)

Who: Haroun ibn Sallah al-Rashid and OPEN to whomever wants to find him in the garden of the Institute
NPCs: Mention of an unnamed Magneto sympathizer
When: Thursday Evening
Where: All over the place, but eventually, in the Xavier garden, near the lake.
What: Jetstream goes continental in order to get some important info to Professor Xavier.
Rating: PG.

Apr. 9th, 2012


Narrative: GTFO Mutants! (Open to Reactions)

Characters: --
NPCs: Charles Xavier (mention), protesters, news crew and county police!
Location: Xavier's School, Outside
Timeline: April 9th, 2012,
Description: Asteroid M has left, but trouble is still brewing in the US!
Rating: P, for Protesting!
Notes: The protesters are there TBD, but it's only going to be really nasty for one day. After that there will be fewer of them and there’s a police presence there as well, so it’s more manageable. Only the die hard anti-mutantists stay, and no one is throwing bricks anymore.

Lockdown releases in a few days, but people are still strongly encouraged to travel in groups or take teachers with them if they leave campus, as always. Classes resume after that.

Lock Up the Mutants! Hide the Key! )

Mar. 16th, 2012


Thread: Roommates - > Madison and Ty

Characters: Madison and Ty
NPCs: --
Location: Xavier's - > Their room
Timeline: March 16th, 2012
Description: Madison and Ty are roommates. Doing roommate things. I will write such a better description after the thread gets going!
Rating TBA!

He put the book down and scrambled off his bed and began to pick up the cookies that had hit the floor. )
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Mar. 3rd, 2012


Johnny's Adventure in Xaviers: Part Two.

Characters: Johnny Blaze, Tandy Bowen and Tyrone Johnson
NPCs: --
Location: Somewhere in Xaviers'
Date: March 3rd 2012, afternoon
Description: Johnny meets Cloak and Dagger, demons collide?
Rating: PG? Swearing probably.
Note: Might have edits once I know how exactly Part One went down. Tommy, tell me if you want anything changed.

Is the Ghost Rider FREE as well? )

Feb. 11th, 2012


Thread: First Night

Who: Tyrone Johnson and Tandy Bowen
NPCs: ---
When: February 11th - around 2AM
Where: Tandy's Room
What: Tyrone has a mini!panic attack from being separated from Tandy.
Rating: TBD - but not high.

Damn the school rules. )
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November 2015




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