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Nov. 8th, 2008


Who: Sebastian Hastings and Leah Clearwater
What: Dinner and a serious discussion
When: Monday September 22, Evening
Where: House of Sung
Rating: PG-13 (language, possible violence - Leah could have to bust a cap in Seb's behind)

And I am that kid who's laughing back at himself )

Nov. 2nd, 2008


Who: Leah Clearwater
Where: Night Howlers
When: Early in the morning
Why: Interaction
Open: Yep, to anyone
Rating: TBA

I would never pull the trigger, but I’ve cried wolf a thousand times. )

Oct. 20th, 2008


Who: Anita and whoever else wants to show up
What: Meeting
When: Saturday September 20 6:47pm
Where: Oriens room 101
Rating: TBA
Open: To All

Pizza, Pie, Pop, and Planning )

Oct. 19th, 2008


Who: Bella & Leah
What: Random run-in
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: Jake's Shop
Rating: TBD, probably PG
Open: Only to Jake, later on

From a Different Pack )

Oct. 12th, 2008


Who: Sebastian Hastings and Leah Clearwater
What: Taking a walk, having a fight
When: September 19th, late afternoon
Where: Around London

Leah, Leah, Leah )

Oct. 3rd, 2008


Who: Leah Clearwater
Where: In the kitchen of Mortuus, Suite 102
When: Night
Why: Cooking dinner
Open: Roommates, cause she hasn’t met any of them yet

Everybody wants to be love, don’t give up )

Sep. 26th, 2008


Who: Sebastian Hastings and Leah Clearwater
What: Watching a movie
When: 1:30 am Wednesday September 17th
Where: Mortuus 102
Rating: PG-13 for now

They made a statue of us and it put it on a mountain top )

Sep. 18th, 2008


Who: Sebastian Hastings and Leah Clearwater
What: Sebastian needs someone to follow like an infant or a small pet
When: Evening, September 15th
Where: Walking around London
Rating: PG to PG-13

Rhubarb pie in the summer, rhubarb pie made by my mother )

Sep. 16th, 2008


Who: Leah Clearwater
Where: In the stairwell of Aquilo
When: Afternoon
Why: Because she needs to get in the game and she's a little confused.
Open: Yes to anyone who lives in Aquilo!

What are you going to say? What are you going to do, when it‘s all said and done? )

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