January 25th, 2009

[info]cajun_gumbo in [info]mundus_district

Poker Night!

Who: Gambit and alot of others
Where: The Black Pearl
When: At Night
Why: Poker game, because Remy needs to mingle
Open: Yes

Remy had set up at a table in the back. Poker was the only game he knew that everyone knew how to play, so he figured what better way to make friends than win all there money? Plus he was damn good at it.

The guy who owned this place seemed okay in letting him do this, he also seemed to drunk to notice. He cracked open his case with all the poker chips in it, running his fingers along the edge of them, there were a few that were burnt from him using them as past weapons, but they were still useable. He'd opened a new pack of cards too, in case Rogue or Logan accused him of rigging the deck like he used to back before he'd ended up here.

Remy sat down at the seat closest to the back wall, facing the door. He started incesantly shuffling the cards, he charged them then pulled up, letting them float in the air a bit then, allowed them to float back down to his hands, the glow simmering down in his fingers. He bridged then then fanned the cards out, flipping them over so the faces were showing, then flipping them over face down. He looked up as the door of the bar opened.

[info]nerdly_instinct in [info]mundus_district

Who: Dr Horrible&lucy
Where: outside somewhere?
When: mid-morning(regular not backward!)
Why: because He's here
Open: Yes

Just what mundus needs,a burst of music! )

[info]darkvoldemort in [info]mundus_district

Who: Tom Riddle & Narcissa Black
What: Waking up - getting angry that he lost his chance
When: Around 1AM
Where: Just outside Aquilo
Open: Possibly to other HP characters, later
Rating: 14A

Well that didn't go quite as planned... )

[info]ea_cullen in [info]mundus_district

Who: Jasper and Edward.
Where: Cullenary.
When: Night, noon, morning.
Why: They needed to attempt the challenge thread.
Open: No, It's complete.
Note: It's a bad attempt at the challenge cause I couldn't work out where everythign was meant to go, it's short and it's lame.

[info]whoshallsaveus in [info]mundus_district

Who: Peter and Arthur Petrelli
What: Meeting up for Dinner
When: Thursday October 3rd, 11 AM
Where: Cullinary
Rating: PG-13

Peter has lunch with his father )

[info]imusthavewon in [info]mundus_district

Who: Su Li and Michael Guerin
What: Meeting for the first time at a coffee shop
When: Thurday October 3rd, Evening, after she meets Linus
Where: The coffee shop that Anita is buying
Rating: PG?

Do our lives now live up to all our dreams? )

[info]eversoplucky in [info]mundus_district

Who: Fox Mulder and Donna Noble
What: Testing the theory that vodka works miracles
Where: Infra 101
When: 3 October (not backwards), late afternoon, which in backwards time would be early morning
Rating: TBD - there's alcohol involved, you never know what chaos may ensue

blasted backwards-moving sun )

April 2010



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