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May. 4th, 2020


Lucy<3: 9:46 am

[Attempt 1] Well, I've been a vendor at a bunch of cons before and well... there are some cosplays I regret seeing.

[Attempt 2] Okay, you want me to be more specific, alright.

I've worked at Heroes for Hire since I was sixteen, I became a key holding manager right after I turned 18. I was often in charge of our 'away team' which was basically a crew I would take with me to run our booth at local conventions... and well, it was 2014.

This is only important, because for those of you who don't know, this was BronyCon's biggest year and when that happens... well, copy cat cons form. BronyCon happened in Baltimore, and closer to home in Texas HarmonyCon started. Along the same lines, it was dedicated to all lovers of My Little Pony: Friendship is magic. We had just gotten a bunch of their comics and collectables, and so away we went.

This brought on a weird sect of Con followers and Cosplayers--- from realistic MLP horse style cosplays, to equestria girls and... well, Brony's in their finest furry fetish gear. I say this not to shame anyone of, of course, but...

It was weird. To see some little girls child show turned complete fetish galore. It was actually one of the last cons I did before coming here.

May. 2nd, 2020


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 9:48am

Yo so first off y'all gotta know that you've outdone every Florida Man bullshit thing I've ever seen

Before this place I think the weirdest shit I saw was some guy in full fucking fetish gear walking around Publix supermarket. I'm talking full leather jumpsuit high heels leather gimp mask being led around on a leash by some other guy. It was fucked. I recorded that shit and put it on youtube.

Apr. 9th, 2020


Chase - 8:27am

Kiley isn't in our room and her phone is here and there are markers all over themap that aren't movingg like what happened wiht Vanessa amd Jerome what do we do

Apr. 1st, 2020


PM to Scotty - 11:28am

You around?

Mar. 25th, 2020


Jack - 11:01am

Okay, garden peeps! Do you guys have a preference on how all these chicken bits are stored, or where they're going? You should be able to use all of them, right?

Mar. 20th, 2020


Ivy - 9:09am

So it may not be widely known for obvious reasons but before I showed up here I was a massage therapist. I asked the pow *them* for a bottle of massage oil and they gave me one. There are a lot of benefits to getting a massage, especially in relation to stress, so I just wanted to offer my "services" if anyone needs or wants it. Don't be shy. My hands need the exercise :)

Mar. 15th, 2020


TPTB - 6:00pm

We have collected and counted each group's winnings for today's challenge. Each group's totals can be found below.

Please reply to this post in your group's designated section to request your rewards. Rewards with limited availability will be given to the requesting team that has the most points. All requests will be reviewed tonight, therefore any requests made after midnight will be rejected, and those points forfeited.

Feb. 25th, 2020


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 1:30pm [Private to Ivy]

You gonna be at this meeting? I wanted to check in with you and see how you were doing first.


PMs to Ivy, Tobias, Lennon and Scotty - 1:13pm


sorry about earlier. want to ask about what happened but it was bad wasn't it? not sure if I can but hope you're okay.


sorry about earlier. thanks for hanging out with me


doing okay?


glad you made it back. heard you ended up in a box?

Feb. 17th, 2020


Oliver - 6:38am

Ivy and Chase are safe and back at the house, and Scotty is on his way back. We've still got Vanessa and Jerome unaccounted for, and it's obvious now that we need to take advantage of the daylight while we've got it.

One of the markers is still where it was yesterday, but there's something weird with the other one. It could be a glitch, but we won't know anything until we get people heading that way.

Ideas? Volunteers?

Feb. 14th, 2020


Chase - 6:06am



Feb. 13th, 2020


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 5:52am

Sun's coming up. I'm heading back.

Feb. 12th, 2020


kiley - 10:10pm

so we're really just going to leave them out there all night?


Zippy - PM to Scotty - 2:14am

Hello Scott Simms, Jr! I'm Zippy, the Zenith Assistant! It looks like you've successfully located [Shelter]! Good job!

It looks like you are currently incapacitated for an indeterminate amount of time. To help alleviate any excess stress, here are a few facts related to your current situation!

• There are currently [5] active users viewing your feed. Rest assured that no matter how far you are from others you are never truly alone!

• The box you currently reside in is made from indigenous thora birch!

• An air quality change of less than 2% in a sustained environment is all it takes to die from oxygen deprevation!

• There is a statistical likelihood of .045% that [Scott Simms, Sr] would have rUn, AwaY liKe a LiTtLe biTch.

Was this helpful?

Feb. 9th, 2020


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 7:48pm

im in a fuekinf boc i think rhd tohers ar deead thers sonethins oit here ASTAY IN THE DUCKI G HOISE

[Edit - 8:04pm]
I’m hiding in a box. There are things out here. I think the others might be dead. Don’t leave the house.


Kiley - 4:08pm

so. why do you really you're here? you, specifically.

I know They asked us this already, but I'm curious now and I want to know what you think without all the bullshit answers we tend to give Them.

So come on. Let's figure it out plz.

ETA: give me your subject #s too if you can.

Feb. 8th, 2020


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 5:50pm

Yo Chase Ivy and I are officially on our way to go see if we can do a rescue. We'll check in here when the terrain's not too tough.

I made this public so you all can see us be heroes >:-P Also so you know not to use all the hot water cuz we're gonna want a hot fucking shower when we get back.

Feb. 5th, 2020


Oliver - 5:08pm

Whoever those two are out by the perimeter, check in, then start hauling ass back here now.


Anybody know who those two are?


┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 12:14pm

Yo just a heads up? I'm for fucking sure in the field behind the lodge but the GPS got me in the fucking woods.

So that's some bullshit.

Be careful yo it's foggy as shit

Jan. 30th, 2020


MarcoV: 9:44am

Do you guys think they're serious about those facts? [...] I can't remember if they usually do all true shit when they do this, I just remember those videos that they had some of us in, and some of those were fake, but some of those were real, right? What if [...] someone's really sick?

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