September 29th, 2020

[info]recklessrecluse in [info]mountzenithnet

Chase - 8:22am

roads that are clear and in good condition. would like to work on the truck but seems like a waste of time and resources right now if it can't actually go anywhere when it's fixed.

[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithnet

Oliver - 8:44am

Edwin and I are going to do an overnight date at the nature center if anybody needs us for anything. We'll probably be leaving within the next hour of anybody wants to catch us for something before we go.

[info]thatdarnoctopus in [info]mountzenithnet

MarcoV: 8:50am

I wouldn't mind some roads and trails either. I'd like to not end up in the fucking mud again. Or just for you guys to pack up the fucking monsters and put them away. That'd be cool. Or the food thing. Everyone's got good ideas.

[info]sinnersson in [info]mountzenithnet

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 8:17am

Secret tunnel to the outside world?