September 28th, 2020

[info]paleshadow in [info]mountzenithnet

Lila - 8:45am

A pool or hot tub. Some kind of recreation that isn't board games and VHS.

[info]contradictme in [info]mountzenithnet

Kiley - 8:20am

thicker walls. some people are loud lovers.

more fun stuff to do, preferably outside. archery ranges. mini golf. a bouncy house. something.

[info]spiritcold in [info]mountzenithnet

Ivy - 8:03am

I agree with Pam. More food options. Maybe better coffee would be nice too.
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[info]hidingfromview in [info]mountzenithnet

Tobias - 8:26am

I don't know

an easier way to get to places like the 7-11? some kind of transportation, I guess. I know there's that truck

[info]undercovergoth in [info]mountzenithnet

Edwin: 8:17am

You know, I think I said a fully stocked Walmart last time, and I think I'm going to say it again this time. As long as it's relatively close to where we're staying. But maybe this time, I can specify that I want it stocked with what would be there in October, so I can get my Halloweenie stuff in there.

You didn't give me a Walmart last time though. Just pointing that out.

[Private to Oliver]
I'm half sure that this was the question that made us so goofy in the comments that we hooked up? And if it is, we should use it as an excuse to screw around in another empty room. Just a suggestion.

[info]vintageheart in [info]mountzenithnet

#6984RCO5 : 7:45AM

I would like it if there were dogs to hug. Cats would be fine too. Most people would like having animals around, right?

It's lonely when you really don't know anyone that well

[info]movedthrough in [info]mountzenithnet

DragonHeart - 8:21AM

More bathrooms. I think maybe we didn't appreciate them enough when we had them. It was fucking awesome when everyone had their own... those were the days.