August 30th, 2020

[info]pumpkinbutter in [info]mountzenithnet

i<3Fletcher: 7:29am

You know what urban legend totally freaked me out growing up? The one where the girl puts her hand down under her bed for comfort from her dog after she hears a noise and the dog licks it and in the morning she finds her dog dead and a note that says "People can lick too". My mom got so mad that my dad got me an urban legend book after I read that one!!

And I've never seen one, but I totally believe in ghosts. We rented a place by the beach one weekend when I was a kid and my sister told me that she heard my parents talking about how the cabin was haunted, and I never saw a ghost but I totally heard things? It was like the same year that I got the urban legend book, so there's a chance Sam was just messing with me? But like, I still think ghosts are a real thing.
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[info]sinnersson in [info]mountzenithnet

┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐ - 8:01am

Bigfoot's the best urban legend. Everyone knows that.

Never seen a bigfoot or any shit like that though. Shit we used to set shit up to freak out other people when we could. Yo we'd go to a park and set up blair witch shit. Stupid fun shit.

[info]thatdarnoctopus in [info]mountzenithnet

MarcoV: 9:15am

All the weird shit I saw has an easy explanation, other than real human shit that doesn't make sense, I guess? Aggressive architecture's pretty fucked up.

As far as urban legends, I guess Santa counts as a fairy tale, so... You hear the one about the woman who thinks she's holding her brains in, but her biscuit tube popped and she was just holding dough? That's a good one. Happy ending.