August 29th, 2020

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet

Felix - 8:32am

I know absolutely jack shit about urban legends, but when I was little one of the houses we lived in had a ghost lady that would stand at the end of my bed. She never moved or anything, she'd just stare at the wall that separated my room from where my mom and her boyfriend slept.

[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithnet

Oliver - 7:36am

Favorite urban legend is the bird prank at Harvard. Pretty sure it's never been verified.

I'm pretty sure everybody's seen something that's at least unexplainable to them. You want something specific, I'll go with the flat earther crap.

[info]recklessrecluse in [info]mountzenithnet

Chase - 8:14am

loch ness

not really. at least not in the way you're asking. people doing horrible stuff is unexplainable sometimes but it's not supernatural or anything.

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet

PM to Lila - 8:34am

Gonna take the subway to the 7-Eleven for a few things. Need any shit or want to come with?

[info]contradictme in [info]mountzenithnet

Kiley - 8:26am

favorite urban legend? bloody mary, obviously.

I think I saw a UFO once when I lived in Chicago. that should count.

[info]paleshadow in [info]mountzenithnet

Lila - 08.19am

I've always enjoyed that urban legend with the babysitter and the killer calling her from inside the house.

I've never seen anything unexplainable before. everything technically has an explanation, right?