November 1st, 2019

[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithnet


1. My lighter with all the fluid in it
2. My flashlight with batteries
3. My gym gear set
4. My reusable water bottle from the pharmacy
5. The blankets Juno gave me for Christmas
6. The Japanese books Kai got me
7. The watch Edwin gave me
8. The security set Pam got me
9. A first aid kit
10. The snowcat, with a full charge, and all related equipment that came with it

I'd also like to use the $50 voucher I earned to have another item left with me wherever we end up tomorrow. The Gerber multitool and knife set I had back home.

I'm also going to use the $50 voucher I earned to use on someone else. I'll be using it on Edwin, and I'll be getting him a two-person sleeping bag set.

[info]silverfox in [info]mountzenithnet

Oliver - 7:22pm

Seems that they're willing to honor cashing in the vouchers we got at Easter as additional items. You pick what you want tonight, it's gonna show up tomorrow, as promised. Anybody who has a voucher, I'd suggest cashing it in tonight, or think about putting it on your lists.

[info]manchildish in [info]mountzenithnet

Jack - 8:59pm


I have to assume that from Oliver's post, when people ask for shit that are out of bounds They let us know.

A few hours I sent in my request with some food in it and they didn't bitch:

One of the 1lb boxes of baking powder from the pantry
the almost full sack bag of garlic bulbs
that bigass block of hard Parmesan-Reggiano
and my keurig with all of the cups Chase got me (it was a great gift, Chase, but I never got around to even taking it out of the box. Still, thank you! Especially because we have a fucking mountain of those cups now).

For the K-cups, I've got a 24-count box of each of these:

Green Mountain Breakfast Blend - coffee
The Original Donut Shop Coffee - coffee
The Original Donut Shop Coconut Mocha - coffee
Starbucks French Roast - coffee
Starbucks Creme Brulee - coffee
Green Mountain Vanilla Cream - coffee
Green Mountain Hazelnut - coffee
Green Mountain Wild Mountain Blueberry - coffee
Kahlua - coffee (yep, non-alcoholic, but legit a kahlua brand)

Swiss Miss Original - hot cocoa
Swiss Miss Peppermint - hot cocoa

Twinings Chai Latte - tea
Twinings Earl Grey - tea

If we can get a hookup for the actual machine I'm considering this everyone's stash. Because we're gonna be sharing with so many people we'll really need to take care of this thing for everybody's sake. I'll show anyone who doesn't know how to use it how it works tomorrow. I'm gonna ask that we all consider brewing each pod a second time to stretch out the limited supply. It looks like a lot, but there are a lot of us. The second brew won't be as strong as the first, but it's better than nothing. This means we can take coffee off of the list of ten foods, if people are still considering that.


I have a $300 voucher from Easter that I can use on myself (THANKS FOR THE REMINDER, BIG GUY). My plan is to use it to get $300 worth of Trader Joe's Sweet, Savory, and Tart Trek Mix. This shit is literally always in my house.

Dried cranberries
Golden raisins

Roasted Almonds

Semi-sweet chocolate chips
White chocolate chips
Peanut butter chips

A one pound bag of this costs about $13 bucks. That means I can get about 23 pounds of the stuff. That's almost 3 pounds of each individual ingredient if they're anywhere close to evenly split in the bags, and not only is that all stuff we can eat without it needing to be cooked, but it works with the other ingredients on the list I put out before. I can specifically ask that we get them in one pound resealable bags they come in normally so we can separate ingredients and use them for whatever else we need as we empty them.

The only problem with this is that I know at least one person has a nut allergy. Does anyone else? Is it severe enough that if we make sure to split the ingredients possible traces of the thing you're allergic too would be an issue?

It's also totally worth pointing out that if anyone knows of a cheaper equivalent to this mix so we can get more out of it, I'm totally down with switching it up.

I've also got a $50 voucher I can use on someone else in the house. Any suggestions on something else that might help everybody?