October 31st, 2019

[info]wouldilietoyou in [info]mountzenithnet


1. My bunny
2. My bunny's house.
3. My precious STD plushie collection
4. My sweet keytar
5. My multifunctional knife
6. The giftbasket set Pam got me. I know the pretzels are gone, but if you don't wanna replace those I'll scoop up the rest of what was in there
7. All of my bedding.
8. Carton of cigarettes
9. The scotch Kiley got me
10. My weed stash

11. Titanium lockpicks
12. The low frequency sound thingymajig Simms got me.

[info]fantasyhero in [info]mountzenithnet

Lucy<3: 10:18 pm

For the record…. I plan on sleeping in so many things (under things, tank top, tshirt, long sleeve shirt, jacket, shorts, pants, socks, shoes)…. And by sleeping I mean, laying in bed until they inevitably knock us out because I’m so anxious I don’t think I can sleep. I’ve also taken a few food items for my personal stash.

[To the TPTB]

1. Gym set (including helmet, sports bra, underwear, socks and athletic shoes).
2. One extra set of everyday clothing (including a hoodie)
3. A “rainy” clothing set (including a plastic poncho, umbrella, boots).
4. The plush animal she won in the arcade.
5. 2 Vouchers for “One free reward for yourself: Up to $50 value” (part of the set of prizes I got for Easter)
6. The Elf Ranger Set I was given for my test scores.
7. Backpack
8. [In the Backpack] Cereal, instant oatmeal, beef jerky, canned fruits/vegetables (This was given to us in a set. It’s a set of groceries that was given to us by you, last time you replenished our kitchen.).
9. First Aid Kit (taken from the downstairs bathroom), I wrote my name on it.
10. Avengers Blanket from room**

** The blanket was ripped at the seem, stuffed with a few extra clothing items, and then sewed up to appear like an extra fluffy blanket.