Morningstar Manor

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Posts Tagged: 'npc'

Mar. 2nd, 2010


Gym; Demitri and NPC then Kris

Dancing was one hell of a work out, true, but Demitri liked to go to the gym from time to time to work on other things. Like upper body. Lord knew he didn't want to be hugely muscled but the right kind of work out kept his shoulders and back, chest and arms looking nicely toned and sculpted while the dancing kept abs, legs and butt looking good.

With his headphones on he didn't hear anyone come in and the last time he'd glanced in the mirror he hadn't seen anyone. But that didn't stop the tingle going up his neck as he worked on the rowing machine. He froze for a moment, frowning, then shook it off and kept going.

Ten minutes later though he couldn't ignore it anymore and stopped, taking out his earphones and looking around. Of course he didn't see anything but he knew Kevin was there. Taking a deep breath he spoke.

"I know you're there," he said, gaze stopping in the general area he thought Kevin was. "You can't keep doing this. If you're wanting to talk to me then talk to me. But don't stalk me."

There was no answer, just the nagging feeling that he was being watched. He tried to go back to his work out but couldn't stand being watched with nothing be said for any longer.

"Fine," Demitri growled, standing up and grabbing his towel, quickly wiping down the machine. "Fine you want to stand there and watch me? Then watch me walk away."

Grabbing his bottle of water he stormed from the gym and headed straight for the spa.
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Joe's Gym, evening, Deacon, Charlie and NPCs

Deacon had dropped by the gym to watch Sean fight in one of the cut-throat inter-gym bouts that weeded the wheat from the chaff of the City's amateur boxers. Charlie had intended to pop Nia in her snow suit and bring her with him to pick Deacon up. But Andy had seemed unusually keen on baby sitting and sent him off with the promise that Nia would be bathed and read to and put to bed.

She had also suggested that he might like to take D to O'Malley's to see Gus and Debbie afterwards so Charlie was in his scruffy old jacket and jeans and boots and had a beanie pulled down over his ears.

He looked around the gym to see if he could spot Deacon and there he was, looking good, yelling advice to Sean, who was looking battered but not quite as bad as the other kid in the ring.
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Feb. 28th, 2010


The Auberge, Afternoon, Thomas, Jazz, and Beatrice

She'd known she'd have to face the music sooner or later, so when Tom told Jazz they'd be meeting Beatrice for coffee at the Auberge on Sunday she accepted it as her due without compliant.

Besides, the weekend had been too good - Tom seemed to have thoroughly enjoyed his belated Valentine's gift, Emily's party had been smashing, she wasn't suffering from too bad a hangover, and tomorrow Beatrice would be taking herself and her attitude back where she came from - to let whatever Tom's sister may or may not have to say ruin it.

Under that mood, Jazz spent the whole trip to the coffee shop doing her damnedest to make Tom laugh. Even going so far as to do an over-the-top imitation of his sister as they approached the cafe.

"Isn't it just darhling, darling? Those curtains - so kitsch! I should have ones just like them put in the entry way."
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Feb. 27th, 2010


Sterrin, Erin, Declan and Callan; Babylon; Saturday night.

Sterrin smirked at Erin over her shoulder as she moved onto the dance floor at Babylon. The party at the Flamingo had been fun. It had been nice to talk to different people and meet some new ones that could prove to be interesting, but in places like this was where she felt most comfortable.

Feb. 24th, 2010


Mocha; Evening; Multipup OTA and MW

Zack was beginning to feel a bit better. It had been very touch and go for a while and if Brendan hadn't been staying with him he might well have ended up in the hospital. But he'd gotten through what he hoped was the worst and now actually felt up to going down to the Mocha for a coffee and to nibble on a muffin.

He looked pale, small in his oversized hoodie and scarf. He'd lost weight and that didn't help matters and his eyes had dark shadows under them but they twinkled again now and his smile, though tired, was genuine.

He sat curled on one of the couches near the fireplace and answered an email from his iPhone while he waited for Brendan to come back with their coffee.


Gabe had had a grand time with the photoshoot but he was glad it was done. Lewis, bless him, was a dear and lord knew Gabe had had a fine time with a few of the models but he could only handle them all for so long was thankful he had his and Kris's apartment to themselves again.

Sitting at a table he chuckled as he replied to a text to one a friend. Oh the gossip that had come from that shoot!


Eris sat at a table, sipping a white chocolate mocha and looking through various brochures on various tropical places. Money wasn't a problem and she knew Daddy would keep her apartment open for her so how long to be gone wasn't an issue either.

The only question was where to go?


Loki was sprawled in one of the overstuffed arm chairs, legs dangling over one arm and head dangling over the other, bright red hair nearly touching the floor. His eyes were closed, headphones stuck in his ears and playing something with a low bass loud enough to be heard by passers by.


Max was headed to Sanctuary but he had a bit of time yet so stopped into the Mocha for a coffee and found himself an empty table to enjoy it at as he flipped through a newspaper someone else had left.

The Mocha, Thomas, Jazz, Beatrice and Lillian

Lucas was glad to leave his mother and sister to Thomas's care as they all came back down to the lobby from their apartment on the 12th floor. Lucas zipped up his jacket and left for work while the three others headed to have the Mocha. Thomas was starting to feel rather nervous but tried his best to act cool, even though he couldn't help but keep an eye out for Jazz. She wasn't supposed to be in yet but you never knew of that rather mischievous woman.

"Lillian," Thomas called to get the girl to follow them into the coffeeshop instead of stare at the couple of security men in the lobby in a way that a 16-year-old only does when she sees fit men in tailored uniforms.

"Aren't you a little too young for that?" Thomas asked her gritting his teeth together.

"What?" the girl asked and shrugged. She walked past him to examine the muffins and cookies. "I was just looking. Besides, I have a boyfriend."

"Really?" Thomas's voice dropped to a low disbelief and he glanced at Beatrice.

"They go to school together," Beatrice said in a very approving manner. "Tom's father is a bank manager."

Even Lillian got an accetable boyfriend. Thomas was already considering taking Beatrice to the Auberge instead and was already making up excuses in his head how to explain it to Jazz, but Lillian was already placing her order to Joy, and Beatrice followed. He couldn't help but give in to his fate, and eventually carried a tray of coffee and cakes to a table readying himself to the appearance of his bonita.
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Feb. 23rd, 2010


Declan and NPC Callan; The Lamb; OTA and MW!


"The Slaughtered Lamb," Callan said as he walked in and smiled at the pretty redhead working the tables immediately.  "This sounds like a good place to get nice and fucking stupid."

"No place is a good place to get nice and fucking stupid. No fighting."

"Right," Callan said, but smiled the entire time. "Do they have something on tap besides Guiness? Holy shit," he said as he and Declan took a seat at the bar. "They do!"


Declan and NPC Callan McLeod; Tuesday


Declan drove to the airport at a low simmer, the window half open so he could chain smoke. It didn't matter that he'd invited retaliation from Sterrin. What she'd done had been absolute bullshit and she would know that. Homophobia was still a problem with his investors, and she puts a fucking penis shaped bar of soap in his portfolio? Jesus.

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The Empress, Tuesday lunch-time, Thomas, Lucas, Beatrice, Lillian

"Is that what you're wearing?" Thomas gaped at Lucas as the boy came out of his room wearing what he usually did - Vans shoes with a skull print, faded and worn skinny jeans hanging low, a grey long sleeved shirt with a black and red punk band t-shirt on top of it, with a scarf around his neck.

"What?" Lucas asked innocently. "The tattoos don't show!"

"Your mother is going kill me. I was supposed to make a man out of you, and now look at you!"

"Oh come on, you haven't even tried," Lucas snorted and started pulling his jacket on. "Why are you so afraid of her?"

"You'll get a good reminder of why as soon as we go to the Empress and you get to meet your dear mother and sister for the first time in two years," Thomas answered ominuously. "Beatrice will be perfectly amicable, until after a few days when she gets a good chance to embarrass me properly in front of someone who knows me. Mark my words."

Family reunion - Lunch at the Empress )
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Feb. 13th, 2010


Rhiannon and NPC Everett, her apartment, late Saturday night

It was the feel of eyes upon her that woke Rhiannon up from where she'd fallen asleep watching Beyond the Valley of the Dolls on IFC. She blinked slowly, expecting to see Harvey standing there asking for a drink of water or something, but it was Everett. He had a key of course, this was his old apartment after all, but he'd never invaded her privacy like this.

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Feb. 9th, 2010



Ashford Museum staff room, late, Sibyl and Ruth

Ruth got herself some coffee and went to her usual table and seated herself with a sigh. She took her notebook from her bag and flipped it open at the marked page, and studied the sketch she had made earlier then made a few careful adjustments.

Concentrating, she didn't notice any one else entering the room or getting themselves coffee. She tended not to when she was working.
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Feb. 8th, 2010



The garden, Monday morning -- Lewis Floddersen in despair

"No!! NO!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!"

Somebody was on one of the balconies, talking on his phone, and shouting at the top of his lungs with melodramatic desperation, his voice echoing all through the gardens.

"No!! Not in Chamonix!"
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Phone Call to Maintenance

A package had come for Jazz today. A gift she'd ordered last week, thinking it would be a fun Valentine's surprise - especially now that she knew a certain sommelier would have the night off.

There was only one problem. She wasn't exactly sure how to go about getting it setup and the possibility of it falling apart the first time she went to use it if she attempted the task herself was not a prospect she really wanted to entertain. So, after just a few moments delibration, she called up Maintenance - and deciding to just go for it - left the following message:

"Hello, this is Estrella Gonzalez in 2-29. I'm calling because I need help assembling a stripper pole in my bedroom." Beat. "Thank you. Again - this is Estrella Gonzalez, 229."
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Somewhere shady and dangerous, kidnapped!Laura, bad guys, rage!Smith

Laura only had a vague idea of how long she had been in the room. It was always dark, the room had no windows and no furniture, and only one very sturdy door. )
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Feb. 7th, 2010



Arrival of Lewis Floddersen at Morningstar Manor, Sunday evening [OTA/MW]

Three taxis arrived, and started unloading trunks, which piled up by the entrance.

Then a fourth arrived, spitting out a portly red-headed man who started giving orders to the bewildered cab-drivers.

"My team's arriving from Switzerland tomorrow," he said, in a whingeing voice. "I need all that! We are working! Now stop grumbling!"
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Feb. 6th, 2010


On a street in the City, Saturday afternoon

Laura goes missing )
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Feb. 4th, 2010


Near Vine Square, Laura, Smith, and bad guys

Ever since being threatened with a knife and everything all because of Smith and his job, Laura had not known anymore what to do with him. She had decided, however, not to let herself be scared away from living her life despite the threat on her well-being or even life. Nevertheless, now that she was walking closer to the Vine Square from a drink bar she had been spending time with her colleagues after work, she could not help but hurry her steps to reach an area with more people around. She felt a little paranoid; keeping an eye on everyone around and thinking that anyone could be following and stalking her.

She knew that the Vine Square was just a few blocks away anymore, and she would be rid of this quieter dark side street. She saw the brighter lights and heard the noise of the busier traffic from the roundabout ahead, and was already starting to feel more at ease. Laura registered in her mind the heartbeats of three men she sensed behind the next corner, but because she concentrated on the Vine Square looming ahead, she ignored the group. Only a few steps ahead she already regretted letting her guard down, because when she had barely passed the corner, two of the men suddenly emerged. Before she knew it, they had grabbed her arms, and put hands over her mouth to muffle the scream she let out when they quickly dragged her to the side street.
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Feb. 3rd, 2010



Angels Spa, morning, phonecall from Lewis.

Kris was in the middle of a hand massage when the first phone call came. He sent his apologies and said he'd call back when he was free.

The second time he was cutting and styling and again sent his apologies.

The third time he was taking a well earned break and, so, couldn't excuse himself with a clear conscience.

"Lewis," he said into the phone. "Sorry about that. We are so VERY busy."
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Feb. 1st, 2010


Rhiannon, Harvey, and NPC Everett, Apartment, Monday morning

It was mornings like this that made Rhiannon grateful for Miri and Lee, her two assistants that also helped her in the shop. Otherwise, there was no way she would've gotten it open on time this morning.

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Jan. 31st, 2010


Isabella and NPC Robert Rossi; Rossi Upstate NY Estate; Sunday


Her father had sent a plane ticket and a car to retrieve her from the airport and on the surface it looked like a kind gesture. In fact it was simply his own little way of controlling things. She could only leave when he wanted her to, then. Before if he'd have called and requested a meeting with her concerning 'family' business, she would have not so politely reminded him that he'd made sure she wasn't a part of the family anymore and told him to kiss her ass. But, it wasn't what her mother would have wanted. 
And sadly, with her mother gone, Robert was the last little bit of family that she had left.

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