Morningstar Manor

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Posts Tagged: 'zack'

May. 13th, 2009


Mocha; Evening; Zack and Seth and OTA (MW)

They'd tumbled in from outside about twenty minutes ago, talking excitedly - Zack with large hand gestures - and headed straight for the Mocha. Now the two small men were both sitting cross legged on the couch, huge coffees in hand, and continuing their conversation.

"But I don't remember Spock and Uhura having a relationship," Seth said and Zack waved his hand in dismissal.

"Who cares?" he said. "It was fucking amazing! And could they have possibly gotten hotter actors for Spock and Kirk?"

"Is it sad that I find myself having a serious thing for Bones?" Seth said and giggled. "Scotty wasn't bad either."

Zack shrugged and sipped his coffee. "He reminded me of someone to much," he said and Seth quickly changed the subject back to Spock and Zack perked back up.
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Feb. 6th, 2009



Apt 14249, Housewarming Party, OTA

Nia was well aware that something exciting was going to happen so had refused to go to bed. Knuckling her eyes she sat on the couch in her nightie and sang to herself while Charlie made the final preparations for the party.

Deacon came into the room, straightening his shirt, and smiled to see the sleepy little girl. Nia held up her arms and he picked her up and settled her against his shoulder then strolled into the kitchen to get her bedtime drink.

Charlie smiled at them, patting Nia's back, and bobbed up to kiss Deacon before grinning and going to let their guests in.

Jan. 28th, 2009



Mail room, mid-afternoon, Ricky OTA/MW

There had been a big package in his mail box, and it had looked exciting,

Ricky had torn it open eagerly there and then, and was now staring with great dismay at a dozen colourful woolly hats with ear-flaps, in several sizes, from 'baby' to 'colossus'.

And a note from his cousin in Boulder, saying, 'Hey Deedee, give my best to all those lovely, lovely people in your building! Especially the handsome men in the band. Love, Marlene.'

[[OOC: Sal found these!!! If you like one of them, chances are, it's in that package for your pup!]]
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Jan. 5th, 2009



Vine Square, mid morning, Brendan OTA

It was odd being back in the City. Since Brendan had left in such a hurry, his blind employer in tow, he had only paid fleeting visits.

Now Bill had recovered, not completely but well enough, Brendan was free to do what he liked where he liked and had returned for a few months to see friends and family and to set up his next job.

Vine Square had improved beyond belief, he thought, as he moved along the shop fronts.

Sep. 13th, 2008



Lakehouse, Saturday, various

The bed at the lakehouse was huge and incredibly comfortable and there were books and a tv and masses of pillows, so Charlie had dashed downstairs and made breakfast and carried it back, and then they had had a leisurely time catching up on the news both at home and in the UK.

Once they were fed and informed, THEN they could start the process of getting ready for a party. Read more... )

Aug. 14th, 2008


Gardens; Afternoon; Zack and OTA

He'd decided to work from home for a while. That was the nice thing about being your own boss, you could do that. And he needed to. He'd been to the doctor again and they'd done the usual blood work and his numbers weren't quite where they wanted them to be. Which would explain the fact that Zack hadn't been feeling so hot lately.

He didn't look to terrible - more just tired and a bit worn around the edges. His meds had been upped to the point that they made him a bit sick to his stomach - and oddly enough the thing that helped the most was the green he kept in the little wooden box. He had even, wonder of wonders, gotten his doctor to write him a prescription for it!

"Eat that coppers," Zack murmured with a soft laugh as he pulled out a joint and lit up, not worried that he was sitting on a bench in the gardens - in the shade though and with his sunglasses on. The sun was giving him a headache.
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May. 15th, 2008



Rehearsal room off Vine Square - evening

The last few notes rang loudly and slowly died away.

There was a moment's silence and Nick put his sticks down and used his discarded tee-shirt to wipe his face and hands.

"Well?" he asked the others. "Everyone happy? Think we're ready? Or should Deacon ring Freddie and tell him no deal?"
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Apr. 23rd, 2008


Multipup! All day, various places, OTA

Jason had the morning off and was down in the gym lifting weights.

Jack was by the pool mopping the tiles.

Seth was in his flat finishing up a painting.

Zack was in the garden playing his guitar.

Eris was in the Mocha, sipping a coffee and flipping through a fashion magazine.

Apr. 22nd, 2008


Email to Charlie, Andras, Ashely, Zack, Nick, Jack, Johanna...

... and anyone else who might be on Seth's email contacts that would enjoy this.

Flight Attendant

My flight was being served by an obviously gay flight attendant, who seemed to put everyone in a good mood as he served us food and drinks. As the plane prepared to descend, he came swishing down the aisle and told us that "Captain Marvey has asked me to announce that he'll be landing the big scary plane shortly, so lovely people, if you could just put your trays up,that would be super."

On his trip back up the aisle, he noticed this well-dressed and rather Arabic looking woman hadn't moved a muscle. "Perhaps you didn't hear me over those big brute engines but I asked you to raise your trazy-poo, so the main man can pitty-pat us on the ground." She calmly turned her head and said, "In my country, I am called a Princess and I take orders from no one."

To which the flight attendant replied, without missing a beat, "Well, sweet-cheeks, in my country I'm called a Queen, so I outrank you. Tray-up, Bitch."

That's right. Never mess with a Queen!


Apr. 9th, 2008


Multipup! Various places and times: OTA (MW)

Wednesday morning found Deacon in the garage, a wide smile on his face. The Car was finished - had just been delivered from the paint shop - and now sat like a great beast before him. She was a glossy black with a midnight blue racing stripe down her center. Her windows were pitch black, her wheels a shining chrome and she looked like at any moment she was ready to pounce.


Seth and Zack were in the Mocha - heads together as they discussed the design of a poster for the band.


Loki lay sprawled on a bench in the garden, smoking and listening with a soft smile to the strains of a violin floating through the air.


A violin played with care and love by Erik - further in the garden - to welcome the coming of spring.

Mar. 24th, 2008


Multi-pup; Afternoon; OTA (MW)

There was an impromptu band practice going on in the ballroom. Jack had taken a break and gone to play piano on the big baby grand. Zack had happened to hear and run up to grab his bass and the small portable amp and come to join. Deacon had been next, having come up from working out in the gym, and a few minutes later had returned with his acoustic and the unmistakable sound of rock music was now drifting from the ballroom.


Eris was in the Mocha, sipping a latte and sorting through a mass of brochures scattered on the table - all advertising various resorts on various beaches in the Caribbean.


Erik was in the garden - dressed in jeans and a soft button down, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Humming to himself he tended the little garden patch he kept to prepare it for spring.


Jason at behind the security desk, writing up the schedule for the next few days and feeling much better than he had over the weekend. Of course people had left the guards a good bit of candy for Easter and chocolate was always a good thing.

But if he found one more hard boiled egg rotting in an undiscovered by children hiding place he was going to be very unhappy.


Loki was on the roof - sitting on his heels on narrow outcropping, looking like a great black bird with his long coat flapping gently in the breeze. It was a good spot, he decided as he smoked a cigarette and gazed out over the City. You could see a lot from up here. Not that any normal person would have been able to get to this spot but really that was there loss.

[ooc: Just say who you want in the tag and if you need the time of day to change that's fine. They'll probably be there most of the afternoon, though Jack might have had to go back to work.]

Mar. 6th, 2008


OTA in the Mocha - multiple welcome!

Geekboys weren't the only ones moving in today; but this new tenant has a few more belongings than would fit into a couple of suitcases and a few boxes.

Devon's been supervising the move all afternoon, and he's exhausted. He's got his new entertainment system set up, his home office, and his bedroom - everything else can wait. Right now, he's out of coffee - the horror!

So, he's taken a walk down to the Mocha, and because he's never really not working, he has business cards and a digital camera tucked into the pocket of his hoodie.

Mar. 5th, 2008



Massive Multipup -- OTA/MW

At six in the evening, this Wednesday,

  • Andras was taking pictures of leaves in the conservatory,
  • Lajos was having a pint in the Lamb,
  • Charlotte was having coffee in the Mocha
  • Marek and Manny were trying to scare pigeons on the roof
  • Cindy was arguing with a delivery man in the lobby
  • Chandika was enjoying a family-free evening in the hot tub
  • Ashley was lingering vaguely in the ballroom
  • Maude was browsing suspense novels in the library.

[[OOC: Mun finally has internet at home again and celebrates in this way -- tell me in your tag who you want!]]



Xan's hotel room, late afternoon.

Xander looked at his phone, debating whether to call Zack or not. He did need help moving in, but he wasn't sure if it was too soon to call.

Oh, well. If it was, it was. He pressed 'call', pacing his hotel room as he listened to it ring.
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Mar. 3rd, 2008


Voicemail left for Ashley

"Hey it's Zack. Um... let me know when you've got some free time? Got something I want to talk to you about."

Feb. 28th, 2008


Evening; Lobby and beyond; Zack and Xander

To say he'd been nervous all day was an understatement. Zack had gone into work, had gotten some paperwork done and had spent the rest of the day fidgeting. Until he'd sat down at his drawing table and begun to lay out the campaign he'd come up with for Xander's shop. That had gone well and he had a mock up flier ready by the end of the day.

Then he'd rushed home to shower and stare into his closet trying to decide what to wear. A newer pair of blue jeans, a soft blue button up - left untucked and collar opened to show the couple of necklaces he wore, 'dressy/casual' brown shoes, slightly scuffed at the toes but oh so comfy, and the new jacket he'd gotten a few months ago - sinfully soft brown leather, fitted slightly in the waist and hitting him at upper thigh. A dash of cologne and a thin line of black around his eyes and after checking several times to make sure he had his wallet, keys, and other essentials Zack grabbed his scarf and headed for the lobby.

He arrived just before the appointed time and tried not to chew on his nails while he waited.
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Feb. 26th, 2008


Multipup; Various places; Evening; OTA (MW)

There were two small blonds sitting in the Mocha - talking avidly over coffee.

"A date? Like a real one?" Seth was saying and Zack was nodding, chewing anxiously on a nail when he wasn't sipping his coffee. "Are you sure going is a good idea?"

"I have to at least try don't I?" Zack asked, pleading for understanding. "What if he means it?"

"What if he doesn't?" Seth pointed out gently and Zack dropped his head to the table with a thunk and Seth sighed and pet his hair.


Jason sat at the front desk of the lobby. Things had been rather quiet lately. Which meant something was bound to happen soon that would make his life hell. Of course there was that red head he had been told to keep a close eye on but so far the young man hadn't done anything.

But his mind was more on two women than on his job today. Jazz - beautiful, mysterious, possibly a great deal of trouble. Elspeth - equally beautiful, familiar, comfortable. Not that he really thought he had a shot with Elpseth. They'd always kept things just friends (though sometimes barely). But he couldn't help but harbor the fantasy, especially since she apparently wasn't getting married anymore.

Jason sighed and tried to focus on the monitors at the desk. Women. Maybe he should just be a monk.


On the roof an off duty handyman lounged in the hot tub, arms spread across the rim and head laid back, eyes closed. It was heaven to Jack, who'd pulled something in his back the day before and while it wasn't bad it was annoying.

If a tenant happened upon him and saw the tattoos - or smelled the slightly sweet smell of the particular cigarette he was smoking - so be it.

Feb. 25th, 2008



Phonecall to Zack

Xander couldn't stop thinking about Zack, and what Seth had said the other day. He'd been distracted, the contractors he'd employed to help get his store ready rolling their eyes as he changed his mind again and again. At this rate, the store would never be ready.

Sighing, he locked up the store, getting ready to walk back to his hotel. He pulled out his cellphone, looking at it for a long moment. Zack had said he was staying in Seth's old apartment, and he still had the number...

Taking a deep breath, he dialled.
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Feb. 21st, 2008



me2me2 post from Ashley Sexton -- OTA that reasonably have internet connection

Hello ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls -- this is your friendly neighborhood Schnozzle with an announcement:

We've been hard at work and can now give you group chat. If you collaborate in teams of more than one, it's so unnerving to tell everything twice. So, you don't have to, any more.

I know, it sounds like we were re-inventing the wheel, but believe me, we felt we needed it.

Also, no hedgehogs have been spotted lately. Life is good.-

Feb. 20th, 2008


Conservatory; Evening; Zack and OTA (MW)

His encounter with Xander yesterday had thrown him for a loop. When he'd gotten home he'd been unable to focus on anything and eventually ended up on the couch watching Torchwood and drowning his confusion in beer. Which meant he'd woken up with a killer headache this morning.

Work had been pointless but that was ok since he'd finished up his latest project. The majority of the day was spent staring out his office window towards the Square. He'd called Seth around noon and had to smile at his friend's desire to go to the comic book store and beat Xander with various paintbrushes. Or send Nick. In the end he'd been invited over if he felt he needed some company.

And he probably would go over later but right now Zack found himself in the conservatory, sitting on a bench and strumming his bass.
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