Morningstar Manor

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Posts Tagged: 'kara'

Jan. 11th, 2010


The Lamb; late morning; Kara and OTA (MW)

Generally Kara wasn't one of those that hated Mondays. It was simply another day. Today however she was fully in agreement that Monday's sucked.

The Karma tea had sold like mad and even though they'd gotten a shipment in just last week it was already nearly gone. And she'd been told the next shipment was running late. Which made for some bitchy customers.

On top of that she'd woken with a horrible headache that didn't seem to show any signs of going away no matter how much pain reliever she'd taken, Molly was going to be late due to car issues and Jack was working overtime at the Manor.

Yes, Mondays sucked.
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Jan. 6th, 2010


Hot Tub; Late late evening; Kara and Connor

True to her word after they'd closed up the Lamb Kara had insisted that Connor come to the Manor with her. She'd made him get his swim trunks then they'd gone to her flat so she could change. The first swimsuit she found was a black bikini so she'd slipped it on and thrown a large flannel shirt over it, then they put some beers in a cooler and headed up to the roof.

This time of night - or early morning she supposed - it was deserted and she laughed as they headed for the hot tub.

"I feel like a teenager sneaking in somewhere after hours."
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Jan. 5th, 2010


Late Afternoon/Evening; Mocha; OTA and MW

It was cold outside, snow was packed high against the sides of the buildings but inside the Mocha it was warm and comfortable. And somewhat busy.

Kara sat at a table going over her check list of ideas for the charity event for Niles as she sipped a huge cup of hot cocoa.


Max wasn't due at the club for a bit so was enjoying the warmth of the Mocha with a coffee and the latest issue of Smashing. He was mostly dressed in a suit - though the tie was missing and the crisp white shirt was left unbuttoned a bit.


Hugh was slouched in a chair by the fireplace, small netbook in his lap and typing away. His coffee had gone cold on the little table beside the chair and his glasses had slipped down his nose.

Jan. 4th, 2010


Lamb; Afternoon; Kara and Connor

The massive New Year parties were done and things were settling back into a normal routine. The beginning of a new year, a clean slate. Lord knew some of them needed it. Kara didn't know what this year held for her but she planned on doing what she could to make it wonderful. To keep the Lamb successful and to strengthen her own relationships - both with friends and those that were a bit more.

It was fairly quiet in the Lamb at the moment and she leaned back against the counter behind the bar and sipped a cup of coffee, looking around the place and thinking about the charity event she still needed to plan for Niles.
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Dec. 22nd, 2009


The Lamb, Connor and Kara!

It was edging closer to Christmas and Conn wasn't feeling it. Sure, the Lamb had been festively decorated and the carols were playing instead of pop music on the jukebox, but even so, he wasn't in the holiday mood. It would be his first Christmas since the kids were born that he wouldn't be there Christmas Eve, setting out the presents, there when they woke up at 4 am to creep downstairs, there to chase them back up and tell them it wasn't time yet, but then let them open presents anyway. He hadn't had so many years of that that he was ready to give it up. He'd be there on Christmas morning, but as a guest. It wasn't the same.
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Dec. 17th, 2009


About the Manor; All Day: Everyone

The Manor was filled with a festive spirit. Nick had fixed the lights on the massive tree in the lobby so it was twinkling brightly. More decorations had been strung through the lobby and Mocha and gave the Manor a warm glow. A wide variety of Holiday music played on the intercom system, softly enough not to be over bearing.

Jason sat at the desk and even he had a bit of a smile on his face. He liked Christmas music. Especially when he caught a bit of what was being played down in the ballroom.

Jack and Zack were having a spur of the moment jam session, Jack on the old baby grand piano and Zack with both his acoustic guitar and his bass, switching between the two depending on the song. And if some of their songs were a bit heavier than the traditional holiday music - oh well.

Eris was decorating her apartment. Hey even she could get into the spirit from time to time.

Kara was in a pair of comfy pjs and sitting in a pile of presents and wrapping paper on her living room floor. She had her own Christmas music playing on her stereo - lots of good ole Irish tunes in there of course - and was happily wrapping away.

Hugh was wandering the Manor - humming along to the music playing over the speakers and searching for something he had seen in a dream the night before. But he just knew it was really here.

Erik, bundled up in coat and scarf was in the garden enjoying the freshly fallen snow.

Loki sat in the Mocha, sipping coffee and wondering how much trouble he'd get into if he made the tree in the lobby vanish.

[ooc: Even those not mentioned here are available if you want them, just say. Only pups not here for play are Deacon and Demitri as they are out of town.]

Dec. 16th, 2009


Slaughtered Lamb: All Day; Kara and OTA, MW!

Kara loved her job. She really did. She loved being behind the bar. Loved being an ear or a shoulder for the folks that needed it. Loved to flirt a bit with the older guys and watch them smile as they got the attention of a 'lovely young lass' once again. And at the holidays it was even better because there were a fair few who had nowhere to go and no one to spend the time with and they would come here, to the softly lighted and warm pub and it was like an extended family.

Today was one of those days - a couple of old timers sitting at a back table playing Dominoes, one guy that she knew had recently lost his wife and trusted that Kara wouldn't let him overdo it on the drink while still drowning his troubles, a group of girls that were eying up a group of young men playing pool.

And Kara stood behind the bar, dressed in jeans, a tight flannel top, and a Slaughtered Lamb apron tied round her waist, and just smiled at them all as she dried some glasses.

Dec. 15th, 2009


Mocha; Various times of day; Multipup OTA (MW)

Kara stood in line in the Mocha, a smile on her face. Connor being back was making her happier than she'd have thought it would. Maybe it was having someone she'd known for a long time, who understood the lifestyle of running a pub, around again. And it was bloody nice knowing she could relax her work hours a bit now there was someone else there that knew how it all was supposed to go.

Humming to herself she didn't mind the wait for her coffee.


Hugh was sitting at a table, laptop open and typing furiously. He'd had another dream - or something - last night and it had given him more than enough fodder for the next scene in his book. Reading glasses perched on his nose and hair sticking up wildly he typed away, oblivious to what was going on around him.


Gabe had spent a good bit of time gossiping with Joy while he got his coffee and now sat by the fireplace, watching the people coming and going. He loved people watching in the Manor. So many pretty things to look at.
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Dec. 14th, 2009


Connor in the Lamb, OTA and MW!

He'd spent the morning arranging for a cleaning service which was right now taking care of his flat. Another few hours on the phone with Lisa, on and off. And then one more with the suppliers. And now...the Lamb. Ahh, it was grand to be back behind the bar, though he wasn't officially on duty, just serving up a beer now and then to anyone who needed it. It just felt so feckin' lovely to be back here, he couldn't stop grinning.
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Dec. 13th, 2009


The flat above the Lamb, Connor and...Kara?

The place smelled, which wasn't surprising considering it was unlikely anyone had been up here for a damned long time, himself included. Connor lifted the edge of a sheet-draped couch. At least it was still furnished. They'd bought new stuff when they moved out, him and Lisa and the children. Little Daisy was now an opinionated four year old and her younger brother Patrick, known as Patch, just past two. Of course they wouldn't be living here with him, not full time, but he'd make sure they had their own rooms just like at home. And his room, of course, at the end of the hall, silent and dark and smelling just faintly of a familiar perfume that made his heart hurt.

"Ahh, home," he said aloud into the silence. "Did you miss me?"
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Dec. 12th, 2009


Late Night Mocha Multipup; OTA

Kara hated dressing up. She wasn't a girly girl - she was far more comfortable in jeans and tshirts or flannels than in dresses. But sometimes you just had to. Like tonight when your bar was being given an award for one of the best bars in the City. She'd found out last minute and though she technically wasn't the owner - Connor still was - he couldn't go so Kara was filling in.

Hence the dress she was wearing now. But she had a bit until her cab arrived and so she had gone into the Mocha for a coffee, ignoring the looks she was getting.


Loki was sprawled over the couch closest to the fireplace, soaking up the warmth as he flipped through his old and battered copy of Poe.


Hugh was in the Mocha as well, reading glasses in place, hair sticking up wildly. He'd just had the oddest dream. Well he assumed it was a dream at least - and he must have been sleep walking. Because he didn't remember coming to the Mocha. But at least he had his notebook with him and now he was hastily jotting down the bits he did remember.

Dec. 4th, 2009


Mocha Multipup - come and get 'em!

Jason had listened to Joy rant and rave about finding a torn up turkey carcass in her purse and today she was still demanding to know if he'd found out who did it. He was so tempted to say "yes it was a cat and a living gargoyle" but he held his tongue and just got his coffee, promising to let her know as soon as he found out, then went to a table where he could see the whole Mocha.

Sometimes he hated the holidays.


Kara was up earlier than usual on a day when she didn't have to be in the pub for the lunch rush but she hadn't been able to sleep. Truth was she'd kind of enjoyed the times lately when she'd woken up with Niles beside her. She'd had a few days in a row of that and now... well she was having trouble getting used to waking up alone again.

She'd dressed in jeans and a warm, soft green sweater and now had her coffee and was curled up on one of the couches by the fire, sipping it and watching the flames.


Zack was at a table, drinking a huge coffee and working away on his laptop, bopping to some music in his earphones. One of his fav bands, HIM, had released their new single on Myspace and he was listening to it on repeat. He'd stopped drinking the tea. Smoking the leaves was so much better! And while he might be feeling fantastic he'd begun to get circles under his eyes. Not sleeping because you were over bouncy - not good for someone like Zack.

Humming along to the music he kept on working.


Gabe, in jeans a tshirt and an Angels hoodie, was rocking on his heels as he stood in line. He had an early massage to do in about half an hour but so far that was it. He was tempted to actually go out and party this weekend. But where to go?

[ooc: yeah so Zack really is listening to a new song from HIM on their Myspace. If you care to listen. *grin*]

Nov. 30th, 2009


Monday Multipup; Various places; - get 'em while they're hot!

After a weekend of good food Deacon felt it was time to hit the gym hard again. He'd taken Nia to the daycare to play with her friends and had headed to the gym. He'd done the treadmill and weights and now - shirtless and in just his track pants - was on the mat having a go at the punch bag.

He'd forgotten how good it felt to work out like this. Since Nia had come to live with them his time in the gym and with the bag had been much less. Once upon a time, before coming to the Manor and as a cover for his other activities, he'd taught kickboxing. Maybe he should take that up again now that doing legal jobs was more appealing.

Deacon grinned as he sent the bag rocking with a spinning roundhouse kick. It was a good idea. He'd have to talk to Charlie about it.


Zack was in the Mocha, drinking the Karma tea and sketching out a quick plan for a commercial he was working on for a local business. He'd been getting a lot of work done lately. And it might have to do with the tea - or the rolled cigarettes filled with dried tea leaves he'd been using. It was making him feel so good - well he didn't really need all those meds he usually took did he?

Humming to himself and chewing on one of his fingernails Zack kept sketching.


Jack had been out in the gardens doing some trash picking and had just come back in, stomping his feet a bit and blowing on his hands. It was f'ing cold out there this morning! He headed for the Mocha and got in line, hoping a nice coffee would warm him up.


The Lamb wasn't technically open yet but Kara was there, going through a new shipment and putting things away. The Karma tea had been selling like mad and the prices had gone up a bit but she was keeping it in stock anyway. How could she not? The customers were demanding it.

As she worked she thought over the holiday trip with Niles. It had gone well. Her family had liked him, her mother had been charmed of course. Her brothers had, naturally, given him a hard time and done the twenty questions thing. It had been good. But one of her brothers, Michael, who she'd always been closest to, had seen through some of it and asked her just how serious she and Niles were. Her answer hadn't pleased him.

"You deserve better'n that, Kara," he'd said. "You deserve someone who's devoted to only you."

Kara had waved him off but - his words were still rattling around in her head.

Nov. 24th, 2009


Mocha; Morning; Multi-pup OTA and MW

Coffee was a wonderful thing. Coffee and muffins were even better. Coffee and muffins and watching your little girl coloring pictures of turkeys and pumpkins was probably the best. Okay so technically she wasn't his little girl yet - they were still waiting on all the adoption paperwork to go through but as far as Deacon was concerned Nia was his.

"That's gorgeous, baby," he said when she proudly showed him the rather messy picture. Nia beamed and started a new one and Deacon smiled and sipped his coffee.


Kara was sitting on one of the couches, sipping her coffee and going through the last few things she had to do before heading to Boston for Thanksgiving. Today was the last day at work then she could leave tomorrow - well they could leave. Her and Niles. That thought made her smile.


Jack had been up before the sun. Mrs. Eddings's heater had busted, lift two had gone wonky, something had been messing with things in the basement... Yawning and already looking a bit ragged he stopped into the Mocha. It was time for a break dammit.


Jason was taking a break too, sitting just in the doorway of the Mocha and watching the room as well as the lobby. Oh sure Frank was covering the desk for a bit but it was the holidays. That meant guests were coming to the Manor and Jason liked to keep an eye out to see who the guests were. Holidays - at least for him - were always stressful.

Nov. 9th, 2009


Monday Mocha Multipup - get 'em while they're hot!

Kara yawned as she entered the Mocha. Dressed comfy and warm today in a pair of worn jeans and a men's plaid flannel shirt - though she couldn't remember where she got it, old boyfriend, one of her brothers, or maybe Niles? - and a pair of ratty and ancient Converse sneakers, she wasn't exactly all feminine but she made it look good anyway. The necklace Niles had given her hung round her neck, as it always did, and the shirt was unbuttoned enough to show it and a bit of cleavage off.

Things had picked up at the Lamb since she'd gotten that new tea in and she had to admit, it wasn't half bad. She still stuck mainly to coffee though. This morning, for once, there were no deliveries to be made and she had people covering the lunch shift. Which was good. Kara needed to catch up on her laundry and grocery shopping for one.

But first, coffee.


Loki was already in the Mocha, draped over an arm chair and sipping one of the new Chai lattes. One sip and he'd laughed, tasting what the rest of the people were getting so hooked on. It was probably good for the rest of the world that those such as Loki weren't affected by it. He had a shift at the gallery later but for now was in his usual black - skinny black jeans and a black thermal shirt this time, a rosary dangling round his neck.

A new week. What trouble should he get into this time?


Micah was up early today. There were a few 'errands' he needed to run for Max, then he'd have time for lunch - hopefully with Isabella - and then the club that evening. It was jeans and security shirt at the club tonight and since the errands this morning didn't require a suit Micah had put on jeans, black Doc Martins, and a tight black t-shirt. His leather jacket at the moment was draped over the back of a chair and he was drinking his coffee and checking emails via his iPhone.

Lots to do but for a Monday he was in a good mood.

Nov. 6th, 2009


Slaughtered Lamb; late morning; Kar and OTA

Booze, booze, more booze, food, napkins, toilet paper... Deliveries were so boring. Usually anyway. Today there was something new in the mix and Kara sat one of the boxes of Karma Chai Tea on the counter and pulled out one of the tea bags, sniffing it.

It smelled good. Everyone was raving about it. The guys over at the Rainbow were raving about it and saying they had seen a rise in customers since they'd gotten it. The Lamb wasn't hurting to bad but a rise in customers could never be a bad thing right?

She shrugged and got a pot of water going. Might as well give it a try herself. And while the pot warmed she got to putting the rest of the delivery away.

Oct. 28th, 2009


Voicemail left for Niles then Kara's apartment

"Hey stranger. The stars have aligned and I have the night off. I'm planning on extra cheesy pizza, beer, and scary movies. Care to join me? You know where I am."
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Oct. 7th, 2009


Slaughtered Lamb: Evening; Multipup OTA

The wind outside was chilly but it was lovely and warm in the Lamb tonight, its lights shining invitingly out onto the sidewalk, lively Irish pub music, laughter and the clinking of glasses drifting out each time the door opened.

It was a good night and Kara was smiling as she went about her duties. She helped with both the tables and the bar and if she looked up a tad hopefully each time the door opened... well who could blame her?


Though he was promised a night off when he wanted it Jack had decided to come in tonight. Phil was on call at the Manor, Nick was likely spending time with Seth and Jack didn't much feel like getting shit faced at a club tonight. And bartending here was a pretty easy job. He was happy to lend an ear or flirt unashamedly with the customers and was making some great tips.


Jason - wonder of wonders - was taking a night off himself and had a booth to himself near the back where he was sipping a pint and nibbling on a plate of cheese fries.


Demitri had taken over a pool table and for the moment was playing a solitary game.


Hugh had heard about the pub and decided to check it out and now sat in a booth going on his second pint and feeling much more relaxed. It reminded him of a pub he'd spent a good deal of time in during his youth.

Oct. 5th, 2009


Mocha; Morning; Multi-pup

The board meeting had gone well and Max was very pleased that he was now a part of it. God knew he'd been working hard for that spot for many years. Now he had it and that meant more responsibility but Max was up for it.

So this morning he was in a fine mood as he entered the Mocha. Dressed in black jeans, tight black t-shirt and a black leather jacket he stepped up to the counter and got a coffee and a bagel and found a table near the window.


Mondays were delivery days and that meant Kara had to be up and at the bar earlier than usual. Yawning she got in line for the counter dressed in jeans and the v-neck Slaughtered Lamb t-shirt. A big coffee and a muffin or two and she'd be good to go.


Demitri was in the Mocha as well, sipping his coffee and looking at the chess board on the table. Playing himself might seem boring but he found it rather relaxing. Though he'd welcome a visitor of course.

Sep. 23rd, 2009


Niles and Kara, Wednesday evening.


Andy had calmed him down, told him to take a shower and get some sleep, but he couldn't. Strange as it sounded, he didn't want to be alone.
He took a shower and set out to wandering around the Manor, not knowing who or what he was looking for, until he wound up at Kara's door.
It would have made more sense to look for her in the Lamb, but he was hoping against hope that she was here.
He lifted his hand and knocked.

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