April 9th, 2011


Mocha; Morning; Multipup OTA

Deacon had been up early and already hit the gym, showered and dressed and now sat in the Mocha having his coffee and a bagel before heading to the station. Some Detectives wore suits. Not Deacon. Jeans, boots, button up shirt and either a blazer or, as today, his leather jacket. Only right now the jacket was laying over the back of a chair and Deacon's custom fitted shoulder holster and gun were visible. As was the badge clipped to his belt. He didn't normally look the part of a cop but seeing as he was technically already on duty...

Funny how the gun made people more hesitant to come by and say hi.


Seth might not have gone to say hi but he was paying attention to the big blond. Pencil moved quickly over sketch pad as he drew and smiled to himself. Charlie would appreciate it if nothing else. And speaking of Charlie... Seth paused and sent a quick text message to his friend letting him know who was down in the Mocha.



Multi-pup post, late Saturday morning, Vine Square OTA/MW

If you shop till you drop, it means you will eventually drop. Sibyl was sitting outside the Auberge, her shopping trolley filled with regular groceries and some additional spring cleaning supplies. Now, she was mostly done, and was having a tall latte and some water at the Auberge before lugging all that stuff home to the Manor.

Andras was sitting a few tables away, reading something on his iPad, and chuckling to himself.  He was having lemon tarte. This was the perfect morning for lemon tarte.

Urquhart was sitting on the pedestal of the bronze angel, sipping a triple espresso and going through the classified ads in a motorcycle magazine. He urgently needed a new bike.