November 4th, 2010



Andras, lobby, Thursday afternoon [[OTA/MW with a side order of Mix'n'Match bait for Jude]]

Sometimes, Andras was quite good at missing major events.

Now, for example he had just wanted to take a leak before hurrying to meet a possible customer in the Auberge (he was late already!), and when he came out of the gents', the mirror was missing.

There was just the empty wall, and a tiny glitter on the floor, like one small forgotten mirror shard.

The mirror.

The ghost!

Bewildered, Andras wandered away, wondering where he's find Charlie, or Nick, or somebody else who might know what had happened with the mirror, and where the ghosts were.

He sat on a chair in the lobby, fiddling with his iPhone, wondering whether to call Charlie, or whether he was blowing things out of proportion...